
Queen's Hospital

Rom Valley Way, Romford, Essex, England, RM7 0AG
340,766 reviews




Page 2659 of 33455
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

Today was a great service.

Suggested improvements

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

Whilst in the SDEC department condition were abysmal I sat in corridor for at least 24 hrs orherwise it was a chair in the department ,staff were under so much pressure the time and care was nil towards patients it's like a cattle market, at one point we were threatened if we didn't vacate chairs and sit in the corridor on hard plastic chairs we were threatened with security removing us from the department ,including a 90 yr old patient,fortunately that didn't happen .when I eventually went onto the ward SUNRISE A it was a different story staff was helpful and Dr kept me informed at all times I must just stress that whilst in SDEC I was lucky enough to have the privacy of a room and almost past out, the dr allowed me to stay on the bed and I must've nodded off because at this point I had sat on chairs for 24 hrs and I was told I had to leave as beds are not for patient to sleep which is understandable but the manner in which it was executed was not,

Suggested improvements
In SDEC department it needs to be seen to be believed. More staff More space abd and definitely more privacy everyone could hear patient and Dr Conversation which was quite an intimate one that I had no choice but to overhear and I for one would've been totally unprepared to discuss in the open as there were no curtains or rooms to screen off..

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Colposcopy Department
1st November 2023

CNS Charlotte and RN Lauren were amazing! Best service I have ever received from the NHS. They both made me feel really comfortable during a procedure and did make me laugh which made me feel so much more at ease. Thank you both for reassuring me, i am glad there is staff like yourself in the NHS!

Suggested improvements
Nothing, everything was really good

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

The staff did there best but the place was a disorganised mess. Information was not passed on and I was left for approximately 20 hours because information had not been passed to the correct people. When finally we were able to get the staff to check and it became clear that the failure of information had occurred they did there best to deal with me promptly. After my treatment a request to the district nurse was supposed to have been made so that if I needed follow up treatment they could provide it. This was not done and after over a hour on the phone to Queens it was with extreme regret that the person at Queens said I am so ashamed that I cannot get anyone to help you .

Suggested improvements
Organise the place

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

My issues was nothing to do with the medical staff, they were all very helpful and pleasant! My problem was with the time I had to wait! I arrived at the hospital at 02:30 am on Thursday 26th October, I was in the A & E waiting room until 12:30 pm Friday 27th October (30 hours), before I was given a temporary bed, then arrived on a ward at 02:00 am Saturday 28th October! I new the treatment I needed as it is a long standing condition!

Suggested improvements
As I said no fault of the staff, quiet simply need more facilities to cope with the demand!

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

Shocking experience, people waiting more than 23 hours, no beds. Gave up and managed to get a very late out of hours HUB appointment. The NHS is falling apart and it is at Dickensian levels. Unless you are dying, you get treated. I hope I do t have to suffer that experience again

Suggested improvements
More staff/dictators to actually treat sick people in A&E. No comfortable and respectful places to wait. Treat people/the public with more respect

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

I waited on a chair for 26 hours in Queens A&E no observations, no medicine, I had sepsis and 2 large kidney stones blocking my tubes, the pain was excruciating, I also am disabled, I have 12 slipped disks and a bad hip and still was not given a bed. There was a 93 year old man who came in with an angina attack, who was left for 40 hours on a chair, he eventually collapsed on the floor and not one person helped him up, you wouldn't treat an animal like that, prisoners have better health care. Its is absolutely disgusting!

Suggested improvements
Everything could have gone better, staff are RUDE! they are not sympathetic, they have no empathy or common decency. No beds I'm A&E or on the wards is a MAJOR issue.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

One nurse was very rude to me and I’ve waited 24hrs for a room

Suggested improvements
Listen to my needs as I couldn’t stay seated for the pain

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

I appreciate that I went to the A and E department at a very busy time, but the care I received was poor, almost negligent. I was admitted with a suspected pulmonary embolism (later confirmed) but received no blood thinning meds for almost 24 hours. I spent 72 hours on a trolley in A and E or in the adjacent corridor, and barely slept in that time. If I had not been able to question my own treatment I could have died on that trolley.

Suggested improvements
More regular checks on me and my condition

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Queen’s - Accident & Emergency
1st November 2023

I was told to attend A&E as a matter of urgency to be seen immediately by drs, I did not wish to go in an ambulance as I had to arrange child care so I got myself to the hospital, they were aware I was arriving and what my symptoms were, I was very unwell and weak but had to stand until called by a dr in the lobby of the hospital where I was then tersely reprimanded for not immediately saying why I was there, the information of my symptoms was already in front of her on her computer, symptoms suggestive of a stroke, which were creating a problem with my ability to speak, eventually I muttered I was struggling to explain at which point she read the screen and instructed a very clearly unwell, confused and weak me to proceed alone down the maze like corridors to A&E where I was met by a scene similar to that witnessed in a third world country, corridors lined with beds, every chair taken, people sat on floors, again I had to struggle through giving my information to a receptionist then vaguely pointed in a direction to wait, if I had been having a stroke the damage by this point would have been done, I doubt being bought in an ambulance would have made any difference other than I would have had somewhere to sit, I was given no clue to time scale of wait but could see it would be long. At one point a nurse came and snatched my notes from my hand to see if I could be moved out of my chair to give to another patient, luckily I was deemed ill enough to remain seated, after two hours of sitting in extreme pain and feeling exceptionally unwell I decided to leave having concluded that I would self diagnose as having had a hemiplegic migraine and get home where I could at least suffer in peace. I approached the desk to inform them to take me from the list, the lady I eventually spoke to was very kind and apologetic but after looking at my notes suggested I speak to a nurse as currently I was 16th in line to merely be triaged, I was ignored for a good ten minutes by the nursing staff (quite understandably) when I eventually I just stopped a dr and told her I just wanted to leave and could she simply remove me from the list, again she was very kind and empathetic and when I told her of the health condition I have she understood my need to get home and get decent pain relief, she suggested she could prescribe me some but it would take some time to reach me, I was grateful but declined, then I had to wait to sign a discharge form which again looked like it would take a great deal of time, the dr very kindly told me to just leave and she would take care of it. The majority of staff I had dealings with were wonderful, kind despite working in horrific conditions, this is my worst experience I’ve ever had in A&E and considering I was once sent home with a huge, bleeding ulcer in my colon it is saying something. It is not the fault of the staff, the fault lays at the feet of the conservative government, I doubt there is anything that can be learnt from my experience because the only thing that could improve the situation is more staff being paid a fair wage and larger facilities as this is not going to happen anytime soon, complaint is a pointless exercise.

Suggested improvements
The only thing that could be improved immediately without a great deal of money being pumped into the hospital is seating closer to the initial A&E reception in lobby and I would also suggest having a porter on hand to wheel very unwell patients from the lobby through the maze like corridors to the A&E department.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
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Short link to review Queen's Hospital: http://iwgc.net/eb4r2