Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre

Emergency Dept, Dri, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster, N/a, DN2 5LT
2,530 reviews




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Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
23rd September 2021

I don’t have any long term condition

Suggested improvements
Under the circumstances, not much! I think i had all the information and help I could get without being given a firm answer as it wasn’t that easy to diagnose without biopsies in the bone. I was given antibiotics to use in case my symptoms worsen but given positive feedback about my issue, however was tested where I could be, to be on the safe side. I felt I was treat with respect and kindness and they saw me as quickly as they could which is all we can ask!

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
23rd September 2021

I was given an appointment time of 7pm. When I arrived I asked the lady at reception if there would be a delay and she said that the wait time was around an hour for patients with an appointment as they had been extremely busy. However, I wasn’t seen until 9pm and no other updates were given.

Suggested improvements
Have a dedicated doctor(s) to see patients with an appointment and another (others) to see those sent from a&e. This would help to keep those with an appointment time a bit more on track and ease the backlog

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
23rd September 2021

I have fibromialga

Suggested improvements
Put on more doctors so you don't have to wait 2 hours after your appointment time

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
23rd September 2021

Service was perfectly fit for purpose and staff were professional etc but the delays in treatment where quite absurd. Given a 6pm appointment and wasn’t seen until nearly 8pm. I understand the pressure and limited resources. So I don’t know how to suggest how this could be improved.

Suggested improvements
Given an appointment closer to expected time of assessment.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
16th September 2021

The demand on service is clearly huge. My inability to see a doctor for initial diagnosis led to emergency referral and requirement for out of hours. The call taker stresses only one condition can be logged although I felt I had two that were linked. I was grateful of the doctor seeing me and being able to diagnose and treat and offer advice. The doctor was courteous but they rarely seem willing to engage in any peripheral information or advice, that may assist. I'm not a regular service user.

Suggested improvements
I apprecaite delays can't be avoided.. My appointment was for 0215hrs and I was seen at 0330. Absolutely no problem. But reception staff could update on arrival how many are waiting to be seen ahead and likely delays. Everyone seems saturated and at breaking point. They do an amazing job and I feel I have to apologise for taking an appointment slot. You're all doing great. I wish you had more resources.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
16th September 2021

Lengthy wait, despite an appointment at 11.15 wasn't seen until 13.35. Only one clinician on despite appointments at Cavendish being cancelled which meant all of us who had appointments there were redirected to urgent care plus referrals from 111 and A&E. Lengthy wait between one patient leaving and another being called in which led to frustration and frayed tempers amongst others in the waiting room making it a tense place to wait. Space was restrictive and simply not large enough to accommodate all and when I left I counted 15 people sat on the floor in the corridor. I do, however, understand the pressure that the NHS is under and why the wait was necessary but not everybody is of the same opinion.

Suggested improvements
Some form of access to refreshments other than water, would have eased things slightly - although could have gone to the cafe was told if not there when called would have to go to the back of the queue. Some idea of where you are in the queue would be ideal too, a bit like the number system that used to be in place at deli counters in the supermarkets. Something to watch or listen to to ease the boredom. Ventilation or air con or sth too as it was extremely hot and stuffy, I visited the toilet numerous times as the window was open and the fresh air nice.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
16th September 2021

The care I received once I was seen by the nurse was second to none. She was empathetic and really worked hard to ensure I was taken care of. I was admitted from the Urgent Treatment Centre to Ward G5 for my extreme dehydration from Hyperemesis. The Manager of the Urgent Treatment Centre personally took me in a wheelchair to the ward. She was excellent. Really put me at ease. Thanks to those 2 women my experience was turned around. I can't remember their names but I would like them to be told that the patient who presented with hyperemesis on Monday evening was very grateful to them.

Suggested improvements
There was a long delay to appointment times, I understand from a staffing issue earlier in the day at another service. I was lucky that a nurse noticed me and how ill I was otherwise I may have passed out in the corridor whilst waiting. I think maybe a regular review of patients, why they are waiting and a sort of quick triage to ensure the most urgent cases are seen first would be good - although I fully understand and appreciate this would be an additional pressure on staff. I also spent a period of time sat on the floor as there weren't enough chairs. Many patients had come in with companions. It would have been nice for a person who was not ill to be asked to give up their seat for someone who was ill.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
16th September 2021

Nothing applicable

Suggested improvements
Reduce waiting times.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
13th September 2021

I collapsed in the waiting area due to my health condition at the time . Which was amplified by lack of fresh air and nowhere to sit down. My subsequent treatment there after by the NHS staff was superb

Suggested improvements
Poor ventilation in waiting area and extreme lack of enough seating

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
13th September 2021

I don't have any if the above

Suggested improvements
Although my treatment was fabulous once seen, the procedure for actually seeing someone who could deal with my problem was a joke. I saw a receptionist, a nurse, a GP, back to the receptionist, then the nurse again, an SHO, another nurse, then another nurse to take bloods, another nurse that wanted to take bloods as she didn't know they had been taken, the SHO again, then a student who wanted to know why I was there! Each time I went into a room with a different person I had to start from the beginning again and tell then why I was there. Eventually I was seen by Mr Abhishaik who then oversaw the procedure performed by the SHO. Instead of getting ill patients to run around like headless chickens, please sort out who needs to see a patient, then get them to see them. Talk to you patients and tell them what's going on, no one told me what was happening. I had to ask a couple of times. I had bloods that I still don't know the results of. No idea what they were for. From the state of A&E there is no wonder the NHS is struggling. The organisation is non existent.

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