Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre

Emergency Dept, Dri, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster, N/a, DN2 5LT
2,530 reviews




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Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
16th May 2022

Was just in well this day

Suggested improvements
Everything explained

14th May 2022

I attended with my child after triage advised I should go in to have him assessed (vomiting and diarrheoa- I was concerned about the risk of dehydration as he started to vomit up fluids this is now 48 hours after when the vomiting started not to mention the loose bowls started 5 days ago) , clearly the doctor treating us at urgent care at 4pm on the 14th of May didn't have this information and had to ask me 3 times as to why I was here with my 16 month old. I stated reduced at Nappies and vomiting everything he rates or drinks. But it didn't stop there. My child was screaming and distressed with obviously a stranger examining him and probing him, as a healthcare professional myself I know some sick children are cooperative and some uncooperative. She went on to say he was fine even though he was screaming there wasn't much in terms of tears and his lips were very dry... I know what is normal for my child and what isn't. I spend 24 hours a day with him hence why I attended urgent care. However the utmost disrespect didn't stop there, she went onto ask if he attended the GP alot to which I replied only for his vaccinations!! I can assume what she was trying to insinuate and frankly was disgusted and appalled at the lack of professional is as she went on to say some people come into urgent care when they can't get into the their GP!! Believe you me I would much rather attend my GP but I was too concerned to wait for the weekend to pass!! GPs have more respect empathy and the professionalism needed in healthcare!! My advice: go on some communication and professionalism training courses!!

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
12th May 2022

I felt I wasn’t treated well, Doctor was a bit rude when I was trying to tell the problem as every month I’m getting ill, he just answered he cares what’s now happening, with swollen throat he only advised me to gargle with salty water when I asked what should I do when I’ll be unable to breath like it happend yeasterday he said to take something for sore throat. I just waisted my time. Last month I had tonsillitis and my gp said if it will happen again that my throat will get swollen to go straight to emergency. I waited 3 hours to be seen by doctor just to hear to gargle with salty water.

Suggested improvements
Listen to patients . We do understand that it is busy most of the time but everyone wants to be checked well and treated with respect. With the advise I got from doctor from the hospital I feel like he didn’t care just wanted to do it fast and get on with other patient.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
12th May 2022

You asked, I waited over 1 hour for my appointment and had to leave before I was seen due to my diabetes. The receptionist was excellent, but I was cutting it fine with my tea and injection. Nobody’s fault you were just running behind.

Suggested improvements
Nothing really NHS staff are all pushed to the limit in these times.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
12th May 2022

The doctor was horrible. His attitude towards me as his patient was horrendous

Suggested improvements
Get better doctors with better manners

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
12th May 2022

Dr was informative, friendly and efficient. Everything you’d want from a dr

Suggested improvements
Waiting room very hot

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
10th May 2022

Because I have cancer

Suggested improvements
I was on w27 room 18 and everything was running very smoothly. I was then moved to bed/room11 and this is when the problem started. The first co fact I had with a nurse I was spoken to very abruptly, I let this go, then I rushed to the wc and due to the condition I have I accidentally wet myself and some urine/went on the floor in the wc. I spoke with the same nurse who very abruptly “told” me to use a urine bottle. I have lost control of my bowls and when I urinate I have to sit on the wc as I have a bowl movement at the same time. I asked for a bed pan and none came. So I continued to use the wc. The nurse practitioners was on her rounds dispensing medications. At 23:20 I ask where my medication was and I was told they did not have my chemotherapy medication and as such I could not have it. I had to ask for the medication as no one told me they did not have it. Earlier in the day I spoke with the dispensary nurse who made sure of the medication I was taking. I was then instructed to have my medication taken home as I did not have this in boxes and as such I was not allowed to have it on the ward. It would be dispensed by the ward nurse. This did not happen. When I asked about this I was patronised again, this was the third time. I was “told” they did not have my medication and as such when it arrived on the ward I would be given it. Bearing in mind this was now 23:30. So the medication would not arrive. I was then told I would be moving beds yet again and my medication would be transferred to the “new” ward. It’s an evening medication so this means I can’t have my chemotherapy or any of the other medications I take this day. What a complete shambles I wish to complain and I also wish to have some one come back to me and explain why this was the case and why I was patronised and not treated with respect. DBTH, was an excellent service but I suppose it depends upon who you have treating you.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
10th May 2022

I’ve had to go to A&E twice now when I’ve felt I have had no other option because I am in a lot of pain and each time I’ve been put in urgent care and waited 2-3 hours and when finally seen I’ve had the same doctor who clearly does not care and just wants you in and out and I’ve left not only still being in pain but also feeling really invalidated and like I’ve just wasted my time.

Suggested improvements
I know that the NHS are very busy but the sexism needs to stop in medical care, I’ve had male friends go in with mild pain and they are treated with respect and empathy but women are not. I just want doctors who will give me time and empathy and understanding, and not dismiss my agony because I am a young woman l- same goes for other young women. (Also supplying local anaesthesia for IUDs) and acknowledging their pain in general.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
10th May 2022

I did wait an hour after my appointment time to be seen but both the gentleman on reception and the doctor I saw were really kind, upbeat and helpful. Good service.

Suggested improvements
Nothing, the time delay couldn’t be helped.

Review of Doncaster Urgent Treatment Centre
9th May 2022

I had a 2pm appointment to see the doctor in the minor injuries clinic about a couple of dog bites I sustained earlier that day. I was seen within 5 minuts of my appointment which was great and I was very happy with the doctor who was very thorough and concluded I needed a tetanus jab and some antibiotics. I was surprised when he told me he couldn't do it and that he would take me over to A&E for it to be sorted there. What I dont understand is why the Dr himself couldn't have given me the tetanus jab and the prescription I needed. This meant what should have been a half hour visit ended up being a 5 hour wait. I was seen at 2pm and left at 6.45pm. The waiting time is not the issue i was more concerned I was taking up time in A&E which should have been used on those with more urgent needs. It looks to me there could be some simple improvements/changes made that would free up time in A&E and give patients a better service and more acceptable turnround time.

Suggested improvements
Give the front line doctors the tools for them to do their jobs efficiently and effectively.

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