Basildon Mental Health Unit

Basildon Hospital, Nethermayne, Basildon, EssexEngland, SS16 5NL
228 reviews




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Written by a patient
5th March 2018

****EXTREMELY LONG POST BUT WORTH THE READ IF YOU OR A FRIEND ARE BEING ADMITTED HERE **** Not sure if this is the right review page for the hospital I was in. I was on a mixed (male/female) ward in Basildon Hospital. I was never told the name of the ward I was on. Only the location. I was a patient on this ward. I was 18 and I was only there for one night. It was the worst experience of my life. I was sent to this ward after being held on a section 136 (police section) for 72hrs. When I got there I was informed that I had been put on a section 5(2) (72 hour hold). I didn’t know what this was at the time and no one explained it to me when I asked so I just went along with it. Within 5 minutes of being there the fire alarm was set off and I watched a man run out of the fire exit. None of the staff even tried to stop him. I was shown to my room (a bed behind a curtain) and the bed was completely soaked in orange juice. I was given clean sheets and told to clean it up. Having been off of my medication for some time before this I was quite unstable and had a short temper. I told the HCA’s that I wouldn’t change it and I began to become agitated. They called the nurse in charge and got medication brought to me. I asked what it was and what the dosage was and was told to ‘just take it’, to which I refused as I won’t take medication if I don’t know the dosage or name of it. From here I was pinned to the ground in front of both the males and females on the ward, I had my trousers lowered and was given an IM (injection of medication, usually a sedative). This only made me more agitated and I started to fight off the staff as they kept trying to grab me. I was given an IM two more times. Eventually I was taken to an empty room and was told to sit in there. I was on a One to one/arms reach (a HCA has to present and at arms reach to me at all times). Still agitated and feeling embarrassed I tried to get the staff member by my side to give me some space. I started by asking if they could back away a bit. As they ignored me and wouldn’t answer or acknowledge the fact I was talking I began to shout. The staff member then pressed the alarm and 3 more staff members came into the room. One of the women grabbed me by the shoulders and I pushed her off of me to which she got in my face and shouted ‘don’t you dare assault a staff member’ and pushed me back. She then grabbed my arm and was holding it unnecessarily tight. I tried to pull her fingers off of my arm to loosen her grip whilst I was saying ‘please get off. You are hurting me.’ She then made her grip tighter. I started pulling at her arm and then I slapped her hand trying to get her off. She then got really angry and punched me in front of the other HCA’s (who were watching the entire thing happen but doing nothing). I squared up to her and repeated the question ‘did you just punch me’. I then said that I had witnesses, referring to the other HCA’s in the room. She then asked ‘did you see me touch her?’ All of the other staff members in the room shook their heads and said ‘no’. The next morning I was transferred to a unit closer to my home. Oh and the guy that managed to escape was brought back in but police officers about 20 minutes after he left. Oh and whilst this was going on, a lady stood in the middle of the hallway and peed all over the place. Also there was a woman in there who I think was pregnant. She spent all night asking various staff members if they could unlock the showers for her and she kept being told ‘I will do it in a minute’ or ‘I’m busy at the moment, can you ask someone else’. I saw her in the morning before I left and she still hadn’t been given access to the showers.

Written by a patient
2nd February 2018

Terrible got no head at all made my breakdown worse staff are rude

Written by a patient
12th January 2018

Second part of my review... Self admitted to Basildon Assessment Unit to seek professional help & guidance for chronic insomnia...for 6days... When I finally got to my bedroom I was quite took back by the sleeping arrangements my first thought was wrong place to come too for chronic insomnia... The curtain was hanging off its rail with the street lamp outside brightly shining in.. The bed was far too small with inadequate bedding...didn't expect a five star room but this was should I say not sleep friendly.. During the night I was up & down all night not because my medication which have taken for years was not working the bedroom was just so non sleep hygiene etc.. After a few days I went to get my night time medication & was given two small tablets I asked what were they & was brushed off with this will help you sleep better...would not say what medication so I assumed it was a antihistamine.... Even with this new medication still up & down all night.. After I left the unit I googled the medication which I had given to my surprise & shock it was quietiapin anti-psychotic used in a small dose 2x 25 mg... Yes they actually use this now in a small dose to help with sleep.. Was not amused that I had not been briefed by a doctor firstly what this medication was & secondly if I would of known I would of declined. This is gross misconduct you are by law required to inform the patient what the medication is etc... I was not consulted therefore did not give my full consent.. Sadly after 10 days on this medication whilst at home I had a serious side effect as my doctor said was due to this medication.... All my plans have been put on hold as for the last 6 months I have suffered immensely with a serious health complaint due to this medication... I am now under a professor in London..... In the future I will be processing legal action against this trust as gross misconduct took place by issueing a powerful medication without a consultantion first & no consent was even considered.... Another sad story to read about the misuse & abuse of medication on mental health wards I wonder if the priory would of acted in this manner the answer is no.. Not amused & extremely angry....went in for professional input know spending most of my time in London for treatment because of a medication they gave me without my full I would of politely declined.... When legal action is taken they will definitely try to alter the facts.. The health service is under alot of strain my legal action is not money orientated it is principle....& in the future hopefully it will be compulsory to inform all patients what the new medication is etc.... Right now they to me are legal drug pushers...prescribing pills so blashey... This time what they thought was fine & turned into a nightmare for me....

Written by a carer
18th December 2017

My daughter was admitted hear just before Christmas last year 4 days after giving birth to her daughter . She didn't receive any emotional support and the whole experience made her illness worse . She was denied access to toilet facilities when needed and obviously after having a baby this was greatly needed . Wasnt aloud bck to her room to change breast pads or a change of underwhere in the day when needed which is appalling. I know it was the safest place for her at the time but her basic human rights were ignored .

Written by a carer
12th November 2017

One of my good friends is currently in this hospital the way she has been treated is absolutely disgusting she files a complaint and nothing gets done and now has the night staff trying to intimidate her and giving her strong tablets shame on you! Your supposed these people not just fob them off with medication

Written by a carer
7th November 2017

My daughter was brought in here because she was self harming then had a complete breakdown due to extreme pressure. The staff do not look after her, when you visit they are sitting chatting and laughing with each other, ignoring patients, whilst pretending they are overworked. Patients are being mistreated, given too many drugs to keep them quiet so they don't have go deal with them and generally treating them like animals. No wonder the patients keep trying to kill themselves, it must seem like their only way out. It's about time the people at the top took a look at their cctv to see what's really going on. The staff just stick together and lie.

2017-12-07 16:33:36
Response from Basildon Mental Health Unit

Thank you for leaving this feedback. I am sorry you have not had a positive experience of our services. If you would like to provide your details we can look into your specific concerns and respond to you. You can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) freephone:0800 085 7935 or complaints 01268 407817. You can also email us at or or write to Complaints Department, The Lodge, Lodge Approach, Wickford, Essex SS11 7XX. I hope you will make contact directly with us so that we can investigate and respond to the issues that are causing you concern.

Written by a carer
4th October 2017

Hadleigh ward. A member of my family is in this ward. My family member has a very large nasty bruise on the inside of his arm, done by one off the staff nurses. The staff are rude,they do not treat the patience very well, staff ignore them , always say they haven't got time because they are short staffed. Yet when I'm visiting most of them are sitting in the office drinking and eating.or they are all hanging around the office talking and laughing. You can see them from the visiting room ( which is where the patience have their food.) The visiting room is ment to have a security person and or a nurse in the room at all times when the visitors are their and door locked for safety reasons I suppose. But that is not the case. No security, No staff come in the room and patience are all in the room.when I asked one of the staff why.they said yet again we haven't got the staff. My family member asked if a doctor could look at his feet and have a bowl to help sooth them as they have sores and badly cracked feet turning into holes.that request was made 3 weeks ago I was there. Still has not had them seen to.They have treated my family member with great neglecte. They shove knockout injections in them just to keep them quiet and put them in a small room with a bed , a memer of staff is surposed to sit outside the room to keep an eye on them at all times. This is powerfull medication they use and it is used offten .it should be band from using. Before it kills some one. I could right a book on this family member has been in and out of this ward for 14 years and I have visit them every week some times twice a week all through these years.2 years ago my family member nearly died through there negligence. All I got was a phone call from one of the head staff saying my family member was seriously ill and they need permission to to be treated with intravenous antibiotics. They told me not to go to the hospital because they will not let me see my family member and that would throw me out. No one would tell me anything at all. Oh I got the truth from a young nurse working there at the time. Gross neglect. As for complaining could not prove a thing and the stuff even higher up all stick together. I'll say no more think you all understand what I'm saying. Crask down hard on the mental health staff and the so called care workers who are ment to care for these patience in the community. They all get paid yet do nothing for them .As for help for family members .All they want to do is pass the buck to you. Today I have been calling the ward all day long it is now 23.14 and have not got to speak with any one because they will not answer the phone . All day. This is ment to be a hospital where you make people well, not take there things away and stop them going to the servery for fresh air and a cigarette if they smoke . Their doctor has granted them servery X amount off hours aweek . All because they haven't enough staff to take them. I am both discusseded & disappointed in The mental health staff at basildon. I am talking about some of the staff not all. Down to you to get it sorted. Please contact me if you would like me to continue.

Written by a carer
25th April 2017

I am writing this as a visitor. I have been spending a week seeing a very dear friend with in the assessment unit. All I can say is rather then help. That place is currently making those who stay feel alot lower then they did when they walked into the unit with the idea of help being given to them. So many people have discharged themselves, no one tells you there is a list in the morning if you wish to see the doctor in the morning so people are left feeling forgotten. There is not one time a member of staff have say with the room maybe doitĺng some mindfulness or colouring or even talking to them. They are all left to walk the unit bedrooms are closed so there is no getting away. Everyone is left in loop of what is going though their minds with the added trying to help those around them as staff have no time with the cherry on top seeing no point in being there as nothing gets done and unless you know about the list you don't even get to see the doctor. Yesterday something scary and should not have happened that could have resulted in a death on the unit and it was those who are in the unit that talked a very ill lady into opening a door. A simple thing like watching dinner there was no staff knives and folks left out unattended. Also leaving someone who is in trying to get better dishing up very hot meals so people could eat. Surely as a assessment unit in which these people going in are at risk at a very low point to the point they can't leave is saying something. I am livid with the service. Oooo it gets even better both me and friend was told there is a list you need to put your name on in the morning my friend has texted me this morning they have been told there is no list it is hit or miss. To say I am fuming is a understatement. Early intervention is so important cbt talking relaxation staff having time for a cuddle or a chat. Little things all help but all these poor people are getting is. No you can't have a e cig doors slammed in their faces. Lack of communication and support they are not animals so don't treat them like one. I hope basildon assessment unit read this and are able to revisit there plans and make changes don't make mental health worse. It's time to change.

2017-12-07 16:34:21
Response from Basildon Mental Health Unit

Thank you for leaving this feedback. I am sorry you have not had a positive experience of our services. If you would like to provide your details we can look into your specific concerns and respond to you. You can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) freephone:0800 085 7935 or complaints 01268 407817. You can also email us at or or write to Complaints Department, The Lodge, Lodge Approach, Wickford, Essex SS11 7XX. I hope you will make contact directly with us so that we can investigate and respond to the issues that are causing you concern.

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