Basildon Mental Health Unit

Basildon Hospital, Nethermayne, Basildon, EssexEngland, SS16 5NL
228 reviews




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Written by a patient
5th January 2020

In 2014 I was feeling suicidal and very anxious. I went down to the Basildon Mental Health Department and they were clueless, unprofessional and very patronising. I went home with Lorazepam which made me feel worse. When I got a home visit, the cpn was very unhelpful, all she did was sat there saying nothing, then later on when the Psychiatrist came round he prescribed me mirtazipine which I already told him that they make me angry but I was ignored and prescribed it anyway. I will never see a Psychiatrist again as they can’t be trusted

Written by a patient
25th November 2019

horrible place a couple of staff a nice but that is the exception, most do not like local people in the town that have lived in the area for generations.argumentative judgemental cover up for staff who assault patients

Written by a carer
7th April 2019

Im a Cpncerned uncle nephew readmitted thursday still hasnt been ssessed 3rd time in three weeks feeling suicidal staff uncooporative and on the phpne promised callback 3 times hpspotal needa to be assrssed with its staff unchecked patients can easoly commit suicide with beddong or clothing needs sprting now

Written by a patient
18th February 2019

Over 5 years Iv been in and out. Only one staff or two are nice . The rest are diabolical. Patients are lovely . A few staff members are violent. Silly rules made up on the spot. Treated like children. It’s a really horrible place to be.

Written by a carer
7th February 2019

I am not a patient but a visitor to the Mental Health Unit and here is a list of my observations of the place and 85% of the staff. Before anyone says anything about these comments please read carefully. The majority of the staff play mind games with the patients they are treated like second class idiot people not people with problems. The patients ask questions and ni e times out of ten they are ignored as are some of the visitors. They tall all nicetoyour face but when you confront them about a problem and you ask for a reply you are ignored or told l have to ask someone you work on the ward you should know the answer. You are not told till you go there whether you friend is in the same ward or they have been moved as they cannot be bothered.Why be so laced I The job these people matter to some of their family and deserve respect. You have to watch take not and see what happens. It is disgusting A patient asked to go out for a cigarette with the escort they are told in a minute an hour later if they are lucky they are allowed out with an escort. The escort sits inside the closed door between the entrance and security will the patient goes outside great security if they are suppose to be escorted. I was lead to believe Basildon was a no smoking hospital why then have they not built sheds away from the main doors at the main hospital and mental health unit. Where people are actually smoking patients and staff. My worry now is how my family will be treated after this has been read.

Written by a patient
26th January 2019

I was admitted here in December 2016 4 days after the birth of my first child, it was the worst place I could have gone to, the staff had no compassion and basically just left you to suffer doing nothing all day, I remember laying on a sofa all day everyday and not once did any staff member ask me how I was, I met some lovely people in there and we all supported each other more than the professionals! I wasn’t aloud to go to my bedroom to get a new sanitary pad as they couldn’t be bothered to open the bedrooms at the other end of the unit. I was leaking milk obviously as I just gave birth,and wasn’t even aloud to go and get my breast pads so I had to sit there and cover up my top as it was soaking wet! Disgusting place with appalling staff, should be shut down completely! It’s meant to be a safe place but it really doesn’t feel like that .

Written by a carer
3rd January 2019

My mum has been in and out of this unit for years. Each time they discharge her after leaving her to watch TV for a few days. No treatment or diagnosis is ever suggested. We are forced to keep calling the ambulance and police numerous times a month for her psychological break downs. She has hallucinations, delusions, horrendous anxiety, mood swings, countless suicide attempts, she is utterly hopeless and desperate but still they refuse to help. They belittle and dismiss everything you say to them and everything she tells them. There is no joined up thinking. It a pointless facility, offering no help, and wasting money.

Written by a patient
27th May 2018

I was taken there " just to make sure / be safe " for a proper assessment that never happened All that patents are allowed to do is watch TV or sit in their rooms. no activity, no problem solving. its a drug people into a compliant stupor framework they operate within. the staff were disinterested or at worse emotionally abusive, making things up to trigger patents to get angry so they have a excuse to abuse. it was torture, I only got out because i had no drugs on my medical record and enough wear withal to call a lawyer, despite threats to drug me if i did not comply. Staff would play games with patents to make them question their senses. they are sick, there is no help there, if your looking to traumatise a loved one or give them ptsd then section them. The staff should be locked up they are clearly personality disordered. Ive met people employed there with actual empathy who just left it was so bad. Im still carrying the incidents that happened to me around with me today, scared and worryed that i could be sectioned a a drop of a hat " just for your safety/health/to check" rights taken away. trapped with people who can write anything they want on your medical record.

Written by a patient
28th March 2018

Hello, I have been in and out of this "assessment unit" for quite a long time. Ive been in the system at basildon hospital mental health unit for over a decade. when you was put on wards instead of going through this assessment phase. I will write about my last experience at the end of last year , as i would have to many things to mention. First of all the staff (depending on who ) are lax in security checks. I came straight from a hospital ward in the main hospital to the unit and was not checked at all , i was just asked to empty my pockets in which i only took out what i wanted to take out. That you could say was a bad thing for me to do, but i was not of sound mind to think of rules regarding smoking etc. The only reasuring thing about that unit is the fact you get your own room. only open obviously at night and at an hour and half after lunch (rest period). To say all the staff there are grossly lacking in any moral standards is not fair but i can honestly say , the staff there are not helpful they are not approchable and absolouely not people to come to with problems or things that are affecting your mind while in that "sweat box". Once i was in i was left standing at the office door (unopened) for about 2 hours while nothing was really going on , watching people pacing up and down , some crying with nurses walking past uninterested in why people were behaving or acting in this way , Frustration panic and paranoia was seeping through my brain as i watched this (even tho like i say i have been many times , that fear of impending doom never leaves as i knew damn well what was to follow). the unit has a routine, your up at 8am, breakfast , then you are left all day in a television room watching mind numbing programmes with people battling over the remote, ending up with a pack leader taking control of the tv. I have never felt safe in that unit , i have gone to staff many times, asking for help , (needing a PRN) or just someone to talk to. Always to busy in the office. its disturbing to think that an assessment unit is somewhere anybody can walk in with any condition and levels of danger to others , yet staff are nowhere to be seen, The smoking situation is degrading , obviously the NHS is a no smoking zone, but they will take your lighter , yet leave you with your tobacco , chewing gum is not allowed yet its everywhere, The yard is only open at certain times, and its so crowded in there it smells of rotting flesh alot of the time, where people have not showered in days because some need to be escorted and watched,,,and it just doesn't happen. I dont know what these staff are busy doing as they wander from the drug room to the office hundreds of times a day ,, saying to me "in a minute" or "im busy right now". . when im in pain and need medication. You basically sit in the tv room with nothing for stimulation waiting to see a psych , which to be quite frank ,,,is another story all together, this wait to see the psych could take up to 72 hours yet i have seen and have been a guest there for a week at a time if not longer. i have witnessed arguments , descrimination and negliect towards myself and others at my stay at this place. Choice ? ,,,, NEVER AGAIN Reality ,,, i will prob be back there , just as scared if not more scared than before Thoughts are with everyone who has even been subjected to the mental torture there , and i think daily of the people who are in there right this very second , more than likely beside themselves with anxiety to which goes unnoticed Shame on you all

Written by a carer
27th March 2018

I am very upset about the care received for my partner. My partner was sectioned but the doctors or nurses were not listening to the family members or friends about his care despite being told that he is not safe to be discharged but have now discharged him with no place to live or no care plan in place. This a despicable service. As they have now discharged a patient with no place to live and no care plan knowing full well all this information.

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