Mr Pubudu Nilantha Jeevendra Pathiraja

22 reviews


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Written by a patient at The Churchill
30th April 2017

I have now been under the care of Mr Pathiraja for the past 5years and the other review on this page is also written by me but I thought I would add an update.The gynae oncology team at the Churchill hospital show such dedication beyond hope and belief.Mr Pathiraja shows such understanding and concern,his dedication to help you is beyond words.He does not hesitate to refer you for second opinions of other Consultants and has the knowledge of any clinical trials on offer at other hospitals too.His friendly professional approach reassures you and makes you comfortably understand,accept and undertake treatment.He shows concerns before ,during and after your surgery,and continues to monitor me regularly.Despite his busy clinics he is always very polite and thorough.I would not hesitate to recommend this surgeon.

Written by a patient at The Churchill
21st September 2015

I have been under the care of Mr Pathiraja for the past 3years.I have received exceptional care and attention from him and his team. From surgery to being seen as an out patient Mr Pathiraja has been very clear and informative,very caring and understanding. With such clear guidance and aftercare,the surgeries that Mr Pathiraja has performed on me has enabled me to continue with my life whilst been frequently monitored in clinic.Every aspect of concern over my condition was always addressed and effectively dealt with.All surgeries were successful and wounds healed well.Mr Pathiraja is very aware of women's personal concerns.He is very approachable and I never had cause to feel embarrassed.I felt I could ask him any questions.I would sincerely thank him for his kindness and patience.My care is based at The Churchill Hospital,Cancer Centre,Oxford.


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Specialises in

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Oncology


Mr Pubudu Pathiraja began his surgical career in Sri Lanka, before moving to the UK where he completed his structured postgraduate training programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Mr Pathiraja is a Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG), and gained the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT - 2010) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He then completed the Royal College of Gynaecologists certified Sub-Specialty Training in Gynaecological Oncology at Oxford University Hospitals. He is a member of the British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS) and the BMA, and is a BSCCP-accredited Colposcopist and trainer.

Mr Pathiraja treats all types of gynaecological cancers and is an accomplished and experienced advanced laparoscopic surgeon, performing laparoscopic surgeries / minimal access surgery (MAS) for uterine, cervical and highly selected early stage ovarian cancer.

He has a special interest in performing ultra-radical surgery for ovarian cancer; palliative surgery for recurrent disease and exenterative procedures.

Mr Pathiraja also has a particular surgical interest in treating pre-cancerous disease of the vulva and cervix and also exploring the value of prophylactic surgery for ovarian disease.

Mr Pathiraja has active involvement in teaching registrars/fellows and medical students from the University of Oxford. He is a firm believer in working together with relevant specialties to achieve safest and best quality care for patients. His vision is to disseminate high quality and safe Gynaecological Oncology care for all women in developing and resource poor countries by volunteering and training their specialists.