Mr Paul Thiruchelvam was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
7th June 2018

After a mammogram/ultrasound and finally a biopsy, I was diagnosed with DCIS. At first it all seem daunting. Then, I met Mr Paul Thiruchelvam, my breast surgeon and the Breast Services Team and I started to feel at ease. I felt confident that I was in good hands. Mr Paul Thiruchelvam was very professional at all times and explained the procedure to detail. I am very grateful for the care I have received from Paul and the team and I am starting to look forward to the future.

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
20th May 2018

I went to see Mr Thiruchelvam at Charing Cross because I had found quite a large lump in my breast. I was , of course, quite anxious before my appointment, but Mr Thiruchelvam came out of his consulting room to meet me and immediately put me at my ease. He was excellent in every way. First of all, he listened carefully (which I really appreaciated as there were a number of complicating factors involved.) He then explained clearly the process he would follow in order to make a correct diagnosis precisely, before examining me, and helping me understand why it was important to explore all possible explanations. He was extremely thorough, which I found very reassuring. He then organised a mammogram and ultrasound for me, straight away, and even though it was soon clear that this was in fact a large (and unusual) cyst (which the excellent consultant radiologist at Charing Cross drained on the spot for me) he saw me again for a follow up consultation the following day. At this consultation he showed all the results to me, including the mammograms, and answered all my follow up questions thoroughly and in easy-to-understand terms. I know that I have been extremely lucky, and that my "reprieve" will of course colour my view, but I also saw another patient leaving his consulting rooms (who had clearly had a far harder time of it than me) with a reassured smile on her face! The bottom line is that I would recommend Mr Thiruchelvam unhesitatingly, and would sum up my experience thus: I felt in extremely safe hands.

Written by a patient at The Lister Hospital
20th May 2018

The doctor was able to explain clearly the process and reassure me along the way. Thankfully nothing bad came out of it. The care was excellent and the clear and reassuring communication critical.

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
18th May 2018

From the moment I met Mr Paul Thiruchelvam I had complete confidence in him as a surgeon. He explained my symptoms in great detail and recommended a mastectomy, even though the calcifications were not developed. His entire team were brilliant and very supportive and I was absolutely delighted when I visited him for the first consultation following the operation six days later and he gave me the news that I had made the right decision to undergo surgery. The calcifications measured approximately 70 mm which was more than he had anticipated and although he is still awaiting the results of a 'stain' he can foresee no further problems and hopes to be able to give me the all clear very soon. I am obviously one of the lucky ones but I could not recommend this lovely man more highly and I will always be so grateful that he was the surgeon who looked after me so well. I would also like to pay tribute to the entire staff at the Breast Services department at Charing Cross Hospital who treat every patient in a very sensitive way and are so supportive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
14th May 2018

Mr Paul Thiruchelvam made me feel very cared for. He did this through his very personable manner, thoroughness, attention to detail, and explaining the treatment clearly and fully. I was in quite a state of shock when I first received my diagnosis. He made me feel more relaxed and confident that I would be looked after well. Throughout my treatment I was at ease and I was extremely pleased with the results.


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Paul is a Consultant Breast and Reconstructive Surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College, London.

He graduated from Imperial College in 2000 and undertook his Surgical Training in North West Thames, during which time he rotated through the breast units at Imperial College and The Royal Marsden. He completed his surgical training as a National Oncoplastic Group (TIG) fellow at the Nottingham Breast Institute, where he undertook research mapping the anatomy of chest wall perforator flaps (LICAP & LTAPs) in partial and total breast reconstruction.

Paul has undertaken travelling fellowships to the MD Anderson, Mayo Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centers, and was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship in 2016, visiting the United States and Japan to observe the use of axillary reverse mapping (ARM) and Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventing Healing Approach (LYMPHA) in primary lymphoedema prevention. Paul is actively involved in lymphedema prevention and surveillance.

As a member of the member of the expert panel on breast cancer related lymphoedema, he was involved in drafting best practice guidelines for the American Society of Breast Surgeons. He is the current Chair of oncoplastic breast surgery for the American College of Surgeons and the and serves on the oncoplastic faculty for the American Society of Breast Surgeons and teaches on Surgical Techniques for the Prevention and Management of Lymphedema for the American Society of Breast Surgeons.

Paul received his PhD in Molecular Oncology from Imperial College in 2010, under supervision from Professors Simak Ali, Laki Buluwela and Charles Coombes. He was awarded the first joint clinical research fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons and Cancer Research:UK to fund his research. He is actively involved in clinical trials, including the multi-centre PRADA trial.