Mr Paul Thiruchelvam was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at King Edward VII Hospital
6th October 2020

Mr Thiruchelvam has a lovely manner, he explains everything that is involved in the investigations and the treatment. He gave us time to absorb the information and ask as many questions as we wanted to. I have found him a pleasure to deal with in a very upsetting and stressful time. Also, I am really pleased with the results of the surgery. There is minimal scaring and Mr Thirchelvam is very good at explaining exactly what the results will be. I would totally recommend Mr Thiruchelvam to anyone. Thank you.

Written by a patient at Parkside Hospital
17th September 2020

I first met Mr Thiruchelvam when he gave me the results of my mammogram and biopsies. He was very straightforward and to the point but was open to my thoughts and requests in relation to conserving the breast. I underwent a number of biopsies and scans to check on whether or not the cancer had spread and fortunately these were all clear. I had thought that I would be given a mastectomy but was pleased that Mr Thiruchelvam had listened to my request for breast conservation and was fully supportive of this approach. Working with an excellent Plastic Surgeon, Ms Hunter, was ideal and the results of the breast surgery are quite simply brilliant ensuring that all the cancer has been removed with clear margins and leaving me with comfortable, well balanced but, of course, much smaller breasts. The scaring is really minimal and so well placed that I am sure will be barely noticeable in time. I am most impressed with Mr Thiruchelvam's professionalism and great kindness particularly in ensuring that I still feel good about myself, even at my age.

Written by a patient at The Harley Street Clinic
13th September 2020

A few months after turning 50, I was diagnosed with HER2 ER positive breast cancer following a routine mammogram at Charing Cross Hospital. As I have health insurance, I decided to see Mr Thiruchelvam privately to speed up my treatment pathway and to ease the burden on the NHS. Whilst I found Mr Thiruchelvam a little brusque at first (in hindsight he was under a lot of pressure as the Covid pandemic escalated), the more I spoke to him (we had between 5-10 consultations, some on the phone but most in person), the more I liked and trusted him. He eased my anxieties, firstly about the level of surgery I'd need - a lumpectomy, although I was warned that depending on the pathology results, a mastectomy might follow - then about the risks to surgical complications, the cosmetic result and the risk of prolonged pain. The Covid treatment plan altered only in that I'd have chemotherapy first and surgery after, once restrictions on cosmetic breast surgery (altering my right breast to match my left) had been lifted. I had an 'entourage' of people helping me on the journey, my pathologist Dr Suzy Cleator, pain specialist Dr Stephen Humble and the wonderful pre and post surgery physiotherapist Megan Oster at Six Physio. And that's aside from the warm and supportive doctors and nurses at the LOC on Harley St where I received my chemotherapy treatment (and held on to my hair)! Cancer diagnosis during normal life must be stressful, but during the Covid pandemic even more so. Whether in a phone call or email from Michelle, Mr Thiruchelvam's incredibly efficient PA, my every concern was promptly addressed, so I can't imagine finding better treatment in the hands of anyone else. The surgical result was outstanding. And other than some pain under my armpit from the sentinel node extraction (and a little post-surgical cording which the physio has treated), I had no discomfort at all to either breast (I had a bilateral mammoplasty following tumour removal from the left breast). The scarring - hidden well under my breasts, and in an anchor shape up to and around my nipples - is so refined that I'm more focused on the clever uplift than aware of much scarring. I have a narrow frame but large breasts that had sagged since breastfeeding a decade ago. Post cancer surgery, they look very natural but are slightly smaller and more pert. The aesthetic result is a silver lining to the cancer diagnosis and treatment which, after radiotherapy, will hopefully end with Herceptin shots in my leg for 6 months and Tamoxifen tablets for 10 years.

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
13th August 2020

Mr. Thiruchelvam saw me in record time and was absolutely incredible! Such an expert in his field and so knowledgable, but also truly kind and caring and made sure I got the best of care. I knew I was in the best of hands. I am truly grateful! Barbara

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
4th August 2020

I was diagnosed with early stage DCIS in January 2020 and was given an appointment with Mr. Thiruchelvam. Prior to meeting him, I had reviewed his work profile online and this was impressive and re-assuring. When I met Mr. Thiruchelvam, he reviewed my case and explained to me in detail my situation, and his recommendation. From my very first meeting with Paul, I felt safe and confident in his approach. I genuinely felt I am in the best possible hands to eradicate my cancer. Throughout the treatment, he clearly explained each step (like I can have a nipple sparing mastectomy) they were going to take which really helped me to mentally prepare myself for what lay ahead. He performed a surgery on me just before the Covid lockdown which went well and I was expected to get my mastectomy together with reconstruction in April, which got postponed. His team member whom I saw later in March after the first surgery, assured me that any risk with the delay in surgery is very low since my cancer was non-invasive. Later in May, I received the call from the hospital with a date in June for mastectomy and reconstruction. Mr. Thiruchelvam managed to get my cancer out with a good, clear margin. From a cosmetic aspect, both Mr. Thiruchelvam & Mr Jallali have done an amazing job. My prognosis is very reassuring. Everyone who was involved in my treatment and care were amazing and this went a long way in keeping me positive and confident throughout my treatment phase. I wish Mr. Thiruchelvam and his lovely team all the very best.


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Paul is a Consultant Breast and Reconstructive Surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College, London.

He graduated from Imperial College in 2000 and undertook his Surgical Training in North West Thames, during which time he rotated through the breast units at Imperial College and The Royal Marsden. He completed his surgical training as a National Oncoplastic Group (TIG) fellow at the Nottingham Breast Institute, where he undertook research mapping the anatomy of chest wall perforator flaps (LICAP & LTAPs) in partial and total breast reconstruction.

Paul has undertaken travelling fellowships to the MD Anderson, Mayo Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centers, and was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship in 2016, visiting the United States and Japan to observe the use of axillary reverse mapping (ARM) and Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventing Healing Approach (LYMPHA) in primary lymphoedema prevention. Paul is actively involved in lymphedema prevention and surveillance.

As a member of the member of the expert panel on breast cancer related lymphoedema, he was involved in drafting best practice guidelines for the American Society of Breast Surgeons. He is the current Chair of oncoplastic breast surgery for the American College of Surgeons and the and serves on the oncoplastic faculty for the American Society of Breast Surgeons and teaches on Surgical Techniques for the Prevention and Management of Lymphedema for the American Society of Breast Surgeons.

Paul received his PhD in Molecular Oncology from Imperial College in 2010, under supervision from Professors Simak Ali, Laki Buluwela and Charles Coombes. He was awarded the first joint clinical research fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons and Cancer Research:UK to fund his research. He is actively involved in clinical trials, including the multi-centre PRADA trial.