Mr Paul Thiruchelvam was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at Charing Cross Hospital
12th February 2022

Feedback for treatment Mr Thiruchelvam I have the highest regard for Mr Thiruchelvam. From the moment I met him at Charing Cross hospital after the follow up from the NHS screening and biopsy and then transferring to the private health system, I feel fortunate I was put under his care. Mr Thiruchelvam is just fantastic. His approach is clear, direct and he has a very inclusive manner. His empathy and kindness made me feel I was in safe hands at all times. Meeting all of the team and talking to everyone involved at an early stage gave me second to non care. Daniel Leff Mr Thiruchelvam’s colleague Showed the same qualities in his approach. He was direct, kind and clear. I am grateful to have had the benefit of his experience and quality of care. I feel fortunate that he was able to be a part of Mr Thiruchelvam’s team caring for me. It was also reassuring to have the opportunity to speak to Dr Cleator the Oncologist before the op which helped give an insight to the treatment and care after the operation. Again this was clear, direct and reassuring. I appreciated the opportunity to speak sooner about the journey beyond the op. I also had a follow up call with Dr Cleator after the op where she talked through everything in more detail. Having had the previous discussion had helped me to be more prepared for the next stage of treatment which otherwise may have not have been as obvious if Mr Thiruchelvam had not pre arranged the consultation pre op. Dr Brown gave insight into pain relief. Having the opportunity to discuss pain management and how the pain can effect you at a later date after the operation. This was insightful and I was able to ask questions and feel better equipped in making decisions for myself that work for me depending on the pain threshold in the expected range. Again Dr Browns manner and approach was direct, clear and warm. Amelia Cook breast unit manager has been a constant presence and support. She has called me regularly to make sure I am okay and if I have any concerns. She is very reassuring and there for any worries and questions. Amelia has a very immediate, caring and patient approach. She is just lovely, professional and warm. I was able to see Amelia after the op which was reassuring to have the continuity seeing the same person. On the day of the op I was pretty afraid when I arrived at the hospital. The reception staff were very welcoming and attentive. The nurses we’re efficient and warm. When seeing Mr Thiruchelvam before the op made me feel calm, safe and confident that I was in the best hands. Daniel Leff visited me too and made me feel secure and cared for. Dr Chris Mullington the anaesthetist was just lovely. He explained what would happen before the op and visited me after to discuss pain control. Again reassuring, clear and kind. All of the nurses, senior nurses, the physiotherapist and non medical staff at King Edward VII hospital were caring and kind. Also to mention the nurse at the COVID screening and pre assessments before the op. She was very efficient and carful when taking the blood samples. It is quite tricky finding the veins in my arm which I mentioned had happened before, she was very attentive and precise and successful the first time. I would also like to mention the PA’s… Michelle for Mr Thiruchelvam was efficient, friendly and helpful. Nina for Mr Leff Mell for Dr Cleator Amanda for Mr Brown All very warm, friendly, efficient and helpful. From the pre op meetings to the day of the operation and follow up meetings after the op, I felt involved and have had everything clearly explained. I think Mr Thiruchelvam has set up a great team of people. With his knowledge, experience, empathy and overview, he has created the best care anyone could wish for. I think he is a very special person with far reaching care beyond his medical acumen. I feel incredibly fortunate to have Mr Thiruchelvam as my consultant and under his care. I am in awe and extremely thankful to have had such amazing care from a brilliant team. Thank you for training and gaining years of experience to help prolong the lives of people affected by cancer.

Written by a private patient at King Edward VII Hospital
11th February 2022

Mr Thiruchelvam provided me with excellent care: he adopts a very methodical and holistic approach, considering all angles of treatment. I am extremely grateful to him for his honesty when delivering bad news. At no point did I feel patronized in any way. He is supported by a phenomenally competent team at the Breast Unit at King Edward VII, including Amelia Cook, as well as Dr Suzi Cleater (oncologist) and Dr Matt Brown (pain consultant). The nursing staff at King Edward VII were also excellent, as was the anesthetist, Dr. Massimo Giuglielmi. The approach that Mr. Thiruchelvam takes is with a view to treating cancer and minimizing pain. I felt that he went considerably beyond the 'bare minimum' - no area of treatment was left unexplored if he felt that it would be appropriate for me. I would highly recommend Mr Thiruchelvam and his team.

Written by a NHS patient at Charing Cross Hospital
29th December 2021

Mr Thiruchelvam and CNS Orla O’Neill have been, and are a fantastic team; compassionate, professional, and the top of their respective fields. Since the beginning of this journey Mr. Thiruchelvam has showed empathy and understanding and provided excellent professional advice in a clear and direct manner which allowed for both clarity and reassurance on my part, and a sense that I was in the best of hands. I couldn’t have wished for a more skilled and meticulous surgeon. I have not experienced any complications post operatively and have always felt in very safe hands. I was also very fortunate to be included in the ‘lympha’ programme which will hopefully reduce my chances of getting lymphedema in the future. This procedure went smoothly without complications and is healing very well now four weeks post surgery. Orla has been the most tremendous support from the beginning, always offering a friendly, caring and compassionate ear and was always down the end of the phone to answer any questions or allay fears. I feel extremely lucky to have been under the care of this exemplary team and thank them unreservedly for all their care and expertise. To this end, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Mr. Thiruchelvam and all his team.

Written by a private patient at Charing Cross Hospital
22nd November 2021

I am a BRCA1 gene carrier and I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in May 2021 - initially via the NHS at Charing Cross (which was where I met Mr.Thiruchelvam) before having the opportunity to switch to my private health care (which slightly expedited my treatment which was initiated at the end of pandemic lockdown). Mr. Thiruchelvam runs a busy practice, but supported by his brilliant Medical Secretary Michelle, he has from the outset of my care found time to schedule appointments which don't feel rushed and which have provided me with the opportunity to ask all of the questions that I need. I was very clear from the point of diagnosis that I wished to pursue a double mastectomy, however Mr. Thiruchelvam has always given me the opportunity to revisit this decision. With regard to the nature of my reconstruction he was clear and helpful in offering professional advice based on years of experience. In the lead up to surgery he was meticulous in his planning, in highlighting potential risks so that I was mentally prepared, but in doing all that he could to avoid them becoming a reality. Alongside Mr. Thiruchelvam, the multi-disciplinary team who managed my care (Dr. Matt Brown - Pain Specialist; Dr. Susie Cleator - Oncologist; Mr. Daniel Leff (surgeon) have been thoroughly professional and as supportive as possible on a challenging journey. I feel confident that I have received the best care possible, and particularly, that I have been able to reach-out at point of need to get the information that I need for reassurance or to enable my decision making.

Written by a NHS patient at Charing Cross Hospital
19th November 2021

From the moment I met Mr Thiruchelvam, I felt I was in the best hands. I felt that Mr Thiruchelvam showed empathy and understanding towards me and answered all of my worries honestly. Mr Thiruchelvam had to give me the bad news of my diagnosis of breast cancer. He was concise and clear about the treatment I would get and I felt very much informed of my journey going forward. I knew that any questions I asked Mr Thiruchelvam would be answered honestly and sympathetically, even though it might not have been what I wanted to hear. Mr Thiruchelvam operated on me and the results and outlook are very positive. I Couldn't be happier with the treatment I received and everything he has done for me. I would also like to mention my Macmillan nurse, Orla O'Neill, who alongside Mr Thiruchelvam, gave me amazing support. She was always on the end of the phone, making me feel at ease and giving me such great advise on many things, whilst being honest at the same time.


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Paul is a Consultant Breast and Reconstructive Surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College, London.

He graduated from Imperial College in 2000 and undertook his Surgical Training in North West Thames, during which time he rotated through the breast units at Imperial College and The Royal Marsden. He completed his surgical training as a National Oncoplastic Group (TIG) fellow at the Nottingham Breast Institute, where he undertook research mapping the anatomy of chest wall perforator flaps (LICAP & LTAPs) in partial and total breast reconstruction.

Paul has undertaken travelling fellowships to the MD Anderson, Mayo Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centers, and was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship in 2016, visiting the United States and Japan to observe the use of axillary reverse mapping (ARM) and Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventing Healing Approach (LYMPHA) in primary lymphoedema prevention. Paul is actively involved in lymphedema prevention and surveillance.

As a member of the member of the expert panel on breast cancer related lymphoedema, he was involved in drafting best practice guidelines for the American Society of Breast Surgeons. He is the current Chair of oncoplastic breast surgery for the American College of Surgeons and the and serves on the oncoplastic faculty for the American Society of Breast Surgeons and teaches on Surgical Techniques for the Prevention and Management of Lymphedema for the American Society of Breast Surgeons.

Paul received his PhD in Molecular Oncology from Imperial College in 2010, under supervision from Professors Simak Ali, Laki Buluwela and Charles Coombes. He was awarded the first joint clinical research fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons and Cancer Research:UK to fund his research. He is actively involved in clinical trials, including the multi-centre PRADA trial.