Mr Hawar Akrawi was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Chapel Allerton Hospital
14th June 2021

Dr was very helpful, explained everything and made sure i understood what was happening. Great care and no complications

Written by a NHS patient at Chapel Allerton Hospital
12th May 2021

Dr Akrawi made me feel at ease before my surgery and gave me a detailed plan on what they wanted to do. I had full confidence in him going into surgery. Very caring and understanding.

4th May 2021

I was introduced to Mr Akrawi in the new year of 2021, following a referral for ongoing problems of my left knee 'locking out,' this was getting more & more frequent & on occasions lasted up to 5 days causing severe pain & discomfort. Following an MRI in February I was scheduled for an operation to repair a meniscus tear & anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Due to Covid 19 restrictions this was delayed very slightly & I was delighted to get the call to have the op early April. During each consultation Mr Akwari clearly talked everything through with me, he was very considerate & on one occasion when he could see how nervous I was pre-op when examining my knee with my fear of it 'locking out,' he went & asked a nurse to come in & hold my hand (despite me being a fairly tough 51 year old mum). I half expected waking up from the operation with a knee brace given the surgery performed & from previous experiences - but true to his word his fabulous repair work allowed me to be on crutches for a limited time and soon walking around after a couple of weeks with a physio programme in place and prompt for me to use an exercise bike. Just seen him 3 weeks after surgery & he is delighted with my progress & happy for me to drive again within a couple of weeks! I would have no hesitation in recommending Mr Akrawi and his wonderful caring team at Chapel Allerton . Thank you all!

Written by a NHS patient at Leeds General Infirmary
28th April 2021

I injured my knee pretty badly the day before Christmas Eve. Despite COVID restrictions I had x-rays and initial assessment the next day but due to the holidays I had to wait a few days before I could get an MRI scan. Shortly after that I met with Mr Akrawi, who confirmed the extent of my injuries. Compression fractures to both condyles, ruptured PCL, torn meniscus and severely damaged lateral collateral ligament. Mr Akrawi discussed the surgical plan in great detail with me and assured me that repair/reconstruction was the necessary option. I was booked in to theatre and underwent surgery as soon as was practically possible. Mr Akrawi very kindly gave up his Saturday to undertake the surgery, which I think lasted several hours. The outcome was a buttress plate to support one of the fractures, total reconstruction of the lateral collateral ligament and arthroscopic clean up & repair of the meniscus. I was fitted with a PCL brace to aid non surgical healing of my PCL and following initial mobilisation was discharged home. The journey since then has been rounds of rehab and follow up appointments, which at times has been hard. Throughout it all Mr Akrawi has been there for me with encouragement, reassurance and answers to all of my questions. I cannot thank him enough for his expertise and kindness, as well as all the staff that have cared for and supported me through this. I am now back to walking & driving and in the next few days will be starting back at work. There’s still some way to go before I’m back to full strength, but so thankful to be mobile once again. Thanks again to all involved.

Written by a NHS patient at Leeds General Infirmary
27th April 2021

I injured my knee pretty badly the day before Christmas Eve. Despite COVID restrictions I had x-rays and initial assessment the next day but due to the holidays I had to wait a few days before I could get an MRI scan. Shortly after that I met with Mr Akrawi, who confirmed the extent of my injuries. Compression fractures to both condyles, ruptured PCL, torn meniscus and severely damaged lateral collateral ligament. Mr Akrawi discussed the surgical plan in great detail with me and assured me that repair/reconstruction was the necessary option. I was booked in to theatre and underwent surgery as soon as was practically possible. Mr Akrawi very kindly gave up his Saturday to complete the surgery, which I think lasted several hours. The outcome was a buttress plate to support one of the fractures, total reconstruction of the lateral collateral ligament and arthroscopic clean up & repair of the meniscus. I was fitted with a PCL brace and following initial mobilisation was discharged home. The journey since then has been rounds of rehab and follow up appointments. Throughout it all Mr Akrawi has been there for me with encouragement, reassurance and answers to all of my questions/concerns. I am so grateful to be back walking, returning back to work and driving once again. I cannot thank Mr Akrawi and the team enough for the fantastic care I’ve received.


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I am a consultant orthopaedic surgeon with subspecialty interest in Knee Reconstruction, Joint Preservation and knee Arthroplasty Surgery. I am British trained Orthopaedic Surgeon who completed advanced fellowship training in Sports Medicine, Diseases of the knee and Joint Arthroplasty at the prestigious North Sydney Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Centre. During this year, I spent time gaining advanced training in performing a variety of reconstructive knee procedures under the tutelage of A/Prof Leo Pinczewski in one of the major orthopaedic and sports medicine practices in Australia.

My special expertise is in adult and paediatric ACL reconstruction, Patella instability, realignment (osteotomy) procedures around the knee, Cartilage Regeneration and sports knee injuries and robotic assisted replacement in young and active patients.

I am also passionate about trauma surgery, I have completed masters degree in trauma sciences and spent 6 years training in major trauma centres managing complex knee injuries.