Dr Warren Hyer was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Northwick Park Hospital
18th April 2017

I have spent my entire life juggling the challenges of growing up with a long-term chronic health condition and leading a normal life. I had been seeing doctors regularly every since I can remember and today I am a professional, healthy working man now. Warren Hyre started looking after me when I was about 10 years old, I use to see him, maybe, every 3 months, unless I became more unwell. Thinking back he must have been just become a consultant at that time, but he left an impression on me at that young age, that made me realise that I had some responsibility towards managing my own health condition and that I should be as involved as possible. He tried to explain it to me slowly over time in a language I could relate to as a 10 year old. He was the first doctor that actually made me feel part of the consultation by talking to me often, and not only to my parents, he found what was important to me. I saw him regularly until I was about 14 or 15 years old before my care was handed over to adult services, which I felt better equipped to deal with because of his encouragement, care, advice and close eye for any early signs that my health was deteriorating. His bedside manner was outstanding, and I will always be grateful for the impact he made on my life. I wish him all the best in having a positive influence on every child he treats.

10th March 2017

Dr Hyer is a truly remarkable doctor and I cannot express how incredibly grateful I am to have found him. He is brilliantly smart and perceptive and he genuinely cares about finding a solution. My son has got his normal life back just as he (and I) were starting to wonder if it would ever happen. I booked an appointment for a second opinion as a result of reading reviews on this site regarding his ability to give a fast and accurate diagnosis. My teenage son had been suffering from a digestive problem following gastroenteritis and it had been affecting his quality of life for 3 months, with little improvement. Everything was on hold. Various doctors had issued medication but they had minimal impact and it was dreadful to watch my usually happy, active, healthy son getting ground down by it all. He was falling behind with school as well as friends and felt that he was watching everyone else living their lives from the sidelines whilst he struggled to pretend all was well, with various symptoms affecting him daily. This is someone who is very confident and enjoys being in the centre of a group. He was facing the prospect of cancelling all of the activities, school trips etc that he was looking forward to, as he felt that he was not physically able to cope with them. Indeed, other another doctor suggested that this was a good approach but I resisted this as I felt that he needed some hope. Most interestingly, Dr Hyer's diagnosis supported that issued by another specialist one week earlier BUT his approach to solving it could not have been more different. He completely relates to and understands teenagers, assessed my son's character and realised exactly what he needed to do to improve from this point. He made several recommendations. My son trusted him totally and he was the only doctor who was certain of the way ahead. He is like an old-fashioned doctor who considers the whole picture. So many doctors had been unsure and apologetic, implying that there was no solution and the problem would be lifelong. The appointment was two weeks ago and I cannot describe the contrast. Although there are one or two minor, lingering issues, they are reducing and it honestly feels like a miracle. Dr Hyer is an amazing doctor and has an impressive ability to truly listen and understand what is needed. He is also skilled at making the consultation a very pleasant experience indeed, with plenty of humour. My son and I are his greatest fans and highly recommend him. Thank you very much indeed, Dr Hyer.

Written by a carer at Northwick Park Hospital
8th February 2017

Dr Hyer is just amazing! I have an eight weeks old baby boy who at three weeks old was diagnosed with Acid reflux by a paediatrician who has a private practice on Harley St. This paed is a brilliant doctor with great reviews but in our case, I guess, he rushed to put a diagnosis. We were giving him a medicine he didn't need. We saw Dr Hyer for a second opinion after I realised my baby didn't improve much from treatment. Dr Hyer kindly saw us ASAP. He is such a great doctor, he was gentle with baby and gentle with my feelings, he has great experience and knowledge, very sympathetic, in one word he is just awesome. He checked up on us via email over the weekend and even after a few days. I would highly recommend Dr Hyer as he is a great paed and gastroenterologist!

Written by a carer at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
15th October 2016

Highly personable, very caring, extremely efficient and no nonsense. Saw us very quickly and diagnosed effectively. Kept in touch over email throughout whole process making us feel very informed and supported. Highly recommended.

Written by a carer at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
19th September 2016

Dr Hyer is an exceptional practitioner. Throughout the process of diagnosing our child's issue, he was calm, reassuring and decisive. We always understood his rationale, and were clearly informed about what would happen next. Dr Hyer eliminated our previous diagnoses, which he immediately deduced to be incorrect just by asking pertinent questions, and even contacted me over the weekend (during his own personal time) when our baby's condition temporarily worsened. When we realised that an operation would be needed, we were referred by Dr Hyer to an excellent surgeon and team, who we found out is one of the world's specialists in the particular area of paediatric surgery. The operation happened soon after, with great success, and Dr Hyer checked in with us afterwards - he quite clearly really cares about his patients. Dr Hyer also has a great sense of humour, which we greatly valued when dealing with (at times) difficult issues.


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Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Gastroenterologist in NW London.
Specialising in paediatric gastroenterology, nutrition, food allergy, and paediatric endoscopy.

Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist to St Mark's Hospital, in NW London. Paediatric Lead for St Mark's Polyposis Registry UK. Formerly Consultant Paediatrician in Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne (2007).

Website: www.dr-hyer.co.uk