Dr Warren Hyer was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a carer at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
9th August 2019

A fantastic doctor who I will be recommending. Thorough and thoughtful.

Written by a carer at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
10th May 2019

Dr Hyer was very reassuring at all times, especially on the day of the colonoscopy. He spoke very nicely to my daughter and made the experience easy. I feel confident that I have someone to advise me on this journey with IBD thanks to Dr Hyer setting us up with great care with his team of IBD nurses.

Written by a carer at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
7th May 2019

Sought review of our child following diagnosis of a first degree relative for late onset coeliac disease. Dr Hyer saw them promptly for a work up and tested to rule out current disease, as well as halotyping, which has removed the need for any unnecessary future worry & monitoring (as it has ruled the autoimmune disease out). Very straightforward advice on their risk at each stage, clearly communicated. Many thanks!

Written by a carer at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
26th April 2019

Dr Hyer is fun! After being told by other, 'equally experienced' doctors that I was wrong about my son's health issues, I was finally referred to Dr Hyer. What a relief! He listened to my concerns without the initial dismissive judgement that I had experienced with other doctors and, due to his greater knowledge of unusual diseases, he agreed that our family may have issues to deal with. My son was duly tested, and is still being monitored for a rare genetic condition for which we are forever grateful. The amazing thing about our story is that Dr Hyer became suspicious of other clinical indications that my son displayed and he found that my son also had another condition, that we had never considered, so we got two diagnoses for the price of one as it were. Throughout this whole protracted process, Dr Hyer always put a smile on our faces; his interaction with our son was fantastic, and whenever we saw him greet other families it was always obvious that the children were happy to see him again. Dr Hyer is straight talking, clear in what he is trying to explain and he is in no way intimidating to the kids - they love him. I am sad that my son is moving over to adult care because my faith in the medical system was a little shaken and we are leaving a doctor in whom we had enormous trust. I wish him well, and hope that he continues to do his great work for all the other worried families out there looking for answers.

Written by a carer at Northwick Park Hospital
5th February 2019

Dr Hyer really took his time with us. He wanted to be very thorough and explained his reasons why. He took the time and trouble to answer follow up questions by email which was not only helpful but comforting. He had a great rapport with my daughter and made her feel totally comfortable and at ease with the idea of having a procedure done. She found him funny but also completely trusted him and he pitched to her at exactly the right level.


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Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Gastroenterologist in NW London.
Specialising in paediatric gastroenterology, nutrition, food allergy, and paediatric endoscopy.

Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist to St Mark's Hospital, in NW London. Paediatric Lead for St Mark's Polyposis Registry UK. Formerly Consultant Paediatrician in Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne (2007).

Website: www.dr-hyer.co.uk