
Dr Subramaniam Ramakrishnan

303 reviews

Dr Subramaniam Ramakrishnan was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
16th January 2018

Dr Subramaniam Ramakrishnan is a real gentleman, he took time and was very unrushed to make sure I was aware of all the facts and that I fully understood them, Dr Ramakrishnan talked through the procedure before hand and made the experience as pleasant as possible in a totally understanding way and the follow up was very thorough.

Written by a patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
8th December 2017

I visited Dr Subramaniam Ramakrishnan, after being told some possibly bad news, this Gentleman straight away put me at ease by just speaking to me and re-assuring me the words used by other Doctors have the potential to be frightening. Dr Subramaniam Ramakrishnan arranged for my MRI scan the following day then my follow up the day after.He explained to me that all was ok, no need to worry and explained all the findings on my Liver. One top class Dr who just re assures you everything is going to be ok, true Gentleman would not hesitate to see again so grateful

Written by a patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
7th December 2017

Dr Ramakrishnan has a very caring manner and he put me straight at ease. He is very knowledgeable, he explained the procedure thoroughly and answered all my questions clearly. My whole experience with Dr Ramakrishnan was very good. I have total trust in him and would not hesitate in recommending him.

Written by a patient at Warrington Hospital
23rd November 2017

Dr Rama took over my care almost 2 years ago. I had seen 4 Gastroenterologists previously - felt like someone different every time - and care was terrible, I was left feeling unheard and distressed by my IBD symptoms. Dr Rama completed a full in-depth review of my difficulties, including blood tests, medication changes and colonoscopy (which he did himself!). He wanted to find out why my medication wasn’t working rather than just telling me I have IBS symptoms as well or I must be mistaken that things were so bad (yes I was told this by another doctor only to become extremely unwell with pancolitis). He supported me with planning my second pregnancy and my current plan to reduce my medication. He is always willing to work collaboratively with me and takes onboard what I have to say, but balances this with giving me advice based on his experience and knowledge. He has positive views about the importance of breastfeeding and healthy lifestyles/eating. This I applaud him for this considering other doctors have denied that food, stress etc can be a factor in flare-ups and are fixed on drug interventions alone. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Rama, as I now feel listened to and empowered to make choices about my care. The best Gastro consultant I’ve had. Thank you!

Written by a patient at Warrington Hospital
12th November 2017

I have been seeing Dr Ram since 2016 and I am always grateful for his help and support when getting me on the correct medication for Ulcerative Colitis which I have had for 13 years, I had a severe flare up in February this year and Dr Ram did the correct investigations and put me on the correct medication. I visit Dr Ram regularly at the Spire in Warrington and would highly recommend him he is very thourgh and gets to the bottom of things I wouldn't see anyone else now and would always seek advice from Dr Ram.


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After my basic qualification I have completed more than 15 years of practice in the field of Gastroenterology and General medicine covering all aspects of this specialty.

I have been practising as a Consultant Gastroenterologist since 2007 and have a specialist interest in all aspects of endoscopy, gastroenterology, liver and pancreatic disease.

I have a keen interest in service development, teaching and training.

As endoscopy lead I established a brand new three room endoscopy unit at Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and led the team to achieve national accreditation (JAG) in 2009. I am now the lead for the Endoscopy Unit at Spire Cheshire Hospital and In this role led the team in this hospital to achieve national accreditation (JAG) in 2016.

I have been the lead for Advancing Quality programme (AQuA) for the Trust and have participated actively in achieving a high quality of care across both medical and surgical divisions of the hospital.

As the joint lead for management of alcohol related liver disease for the AQuA programme I have streamlined guidelines for evidence based high quality management of this condition.

I teach all levels of trainees nurses and colleagues to update them of recent advances and techniques.

I am currently the lead for research in Gastroenterology for the Trust and we are actively recruiting to several NIHR clinical trials and have started recruiting in commercial trials.

As a keen family man, I enjoy my spare time interacting with children and travelling as much as possible. I also enjoy many sports, particularly cricket.

I pride myself in being very open with patients and am keen to promote a patient centred approach to managing their illnesses.


Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP, Capsule Endoscopy


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
Ulcerative Colitis/ Crohn's disease
Celiac Disease
Liver problems
Alcohol related problems
Cancer of gullet, stomach, bowel, pancreas and liver

Investigations for:

Heartburn, Indigestion, Bloating
Constipation, Diarrhoea
Bleeding from back passage/stomach/bowel