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Written by a carer at Cardinal Clinic
20th December 2017

Dr Cubbin appeared knowledgeable in her subject area and discussed my son's issues sensitively and constructively in two face-to-face meetings we had. Given the time restrictions we had, she also responded swiftly and flexibly to our needs. I think we were all hoping that the medication would prove something of a miracle sure here and if not a cure, then offer significant help. I don't feel that is the case now but I would have confidence taking matters further with Dr Cubbin in the future.

Written by a patient at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
8th December 2017

I was worried about not being taken seriously as an outwardly successful adult requesting an assessment for ADHD for the first time at age 37! I needn't have worried. Dr Cubbin was warm and welcoming and obviously an expert in her field. The assessment was very thorough, with interviews with my fiancé and mother. Diagnosis was confirmed at the actual assessment and medication recommended and explained in full. 5 weeks on and I can't believe the difference this has made to my life. For the first time in years, I feel I am actually coping with life, my moods are more stable and I am 'on top' of things both at home and at work! I have had regular follow up calls with Dr Cubbin in the weeks following my appointment and the report provided to my GP was very detailed. As such, my GP had no issues with continuing with the medication recommendations she outlined. Thank you!

Written by a patient at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
4th December 2017

I was diagnosed with ADHD by Dr Sally Cubbin when in my late 40s. All my life I knew I was a bit different from my friends and colleagues, but I never really understood why until I met someone who has ADHD and realised I’d met a kindred spirit. My mother took me to see our family GP when I was a kid, but he just told her I’d grow out of my odd behaviour. As an adult, my GP is neither interested in, nor understands, ADHD and couldn’t see beyond ‘stress’ as a diagnosis, but fortunately I found Dr Cubbin after doing a random web search and I am SO grateful that I did. I psyched myself up for my first consultation because I didn’t know what to expect and was a bit nervous, but Dr Cubbin couldn’t have been nicer. She is very professional, but has the perfect persona for dealing with people with ADHD. She listens, is non-judgemental, is very natural and is easy to talk to. At the end of my first consultation (which consisted of me doing some questionnaires followed by an in-depth and long discussion with her), she confirmed my suspicion and diagnosed me with ADHD and it was such a relief to know what my problem is. Dr Cubbin talked me through my options going forwards and I decided to try medication. At no point did Dr Cubbin push the medication option, but since I chose that option, she was happy to patiently work with me until I found the medication type and dose that suited me. I now take medication intermittently when my alternative coping mechanisms aren’t sufficient and I need to get back on track again and Dr Cubbin is always happy to advise and support. Her approach seems to be to work in collaboration with her patients – or at least that’s how it feels to me; I’ve never felt awkward when talking to her. I can honestly say that she has made a big difference to my life and my only regret is that I didn’t see her years sooner. I absolutely recommend Dr Cubbin to anyone who has, or thinks they may have ADHD. I’ve been a patient of Dr Cubbin’s for six years now and I am so grateful that I found her. I was lucky when I selected her from the internet by chance, so it is good to be able to comment here in the hope that this is helpful to someone who is going through what I went through six years ago and may be unsure of who to see.

Written by a patient at The Priory Hospital Southampton
27th July 2017

Dr sally Cubbin changed the trajectory of my life for the better. I visited her at the priory and i was diagnosed with ADHD. She listened to me, so that i was able to share sensitive information and not feel i had things to hide (frank conversations about past substance use ect...) It's hard to describe how much she's helped me through starting treatment and receiving a diagnosis. I used to flit from one job to another being fired. I was extremely disorganized and always wondering what i'd forgot or who i might have let down, I was in awe of how most people did these "easy" tasks that i seemed to be failing at. my self esteem was low. But after treatment, i can now hold down jobs, i look forward to work, i feel competent and useful, like my opinions matter and that i can contribute something positive to the future. Before starting treatment my career goals were "don't get fired". Now i look forward to the future, and all the things i could be and do in my work life. I hope this review helps anyone experiencing diagnosed ADHD find treatment.

Written by a carer at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
18th May 2017

As a mother of a son of 32 yrs who I have always suspected had ADHD, or if not ADHD a problem of some sort. To finally find someone not only to listen to you but also believe in what your saying, was beyond words for our family. We were all very apprehensive about our appointment no more so than our son, who was very nervous. We had no need. Dr Cubbin came out and asked Matthew if he wanted to be seen on his own or with us first. He had decided he needed to go in on his own and get it all off his chest, he looked petrified. He came out to get us looking much better. When my husband and I went in we were allowed to talk about all the problems we had been having, which as these sufferers get older get a lot worse. We felt this was our only hope. Dr Cubbin was wonderful she listened to us all, and asked questions where needed. We were then told Matthew did indeed have Severe ADHD. No need to say this was a very emotional moment for our family. we felt we could look forward to Matthew leading a more normal life. Please if you think your child is suffering do not give up. Dr Cubbin can help you. We will be forever grateful.


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Dr Sally Cubbin is a highly qualified, experienced and caring Consultant Psychiatrist with special expertise in the diagnosis and management of Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). She is happy to assess and treat patients from age 18 (sometimes age 16 and 17).

She holds a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy from Oxford University and uses these skills for the treatment of mental illness using a psychological approach to compliment her medical skills.

She is a member of the executive committee of the UK Adult ADHD Network (UKAAN) as well as a member of the training sub committee. In this role she has worked on the development of UKAANs national training programme which provides one and two day workshops for psychiatrists to learn how to assess for and treat adult ADHD, which she helps deliver.

She was first registered by the General Medical Council (GMC number 4009027) in 1993 holds the degrees Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) from the University of Bristol, UK (1993) as well as a Masters Degree (MSc) in Psychological Medicine (University of Wales, Cardiff 2000). She completed her higher training in psychiatry in the Oxford Deanery and also The Maudsley Hospital, London.

She worked as a Consultant Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) National Referral Service in London for four years from 2008 to 2012 where she assessed and managed patients with this disorder. She now works in private practice and also provides an Adult ADHD service for the NHS in Southampton. She holds clinics at the Manor Hospital, Oxford, the Cardinal Clinic, Windsor as well as the Priory Wellbeing Centre in Southampton.