The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow

1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, Scotland, G51 4TF
73 reviews




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Written by a patient
24th June 2020

I recently had an operation the surgeon Mr Wright Lorraine nurse theatre staff nurse Margaret who reassured me Also staff ward 9D Scott Cameron Claire and Laura I would like to thank you all RC

Written by a patient
24th February 2020

I was very poorly when I was admitted to the acute receiving unit. I have been here three times in the last few weeks and each time I was treated swiftly and kept informed by Dr David Bell and his team. They reassured me, kept me informed of my treatment and what was happening next. When you are ill and pretty much helpless, this confidence from staff gives reassurance and has a calming effect, I can’t thank everyone enough. I was then sent to Ward 5a and Ward 5c and I can only describe the staff there as absolute angels. Everyone from the people who served the meals, brought cups of tea, the nurses, the student nurses, the student doctors and the doctors. They treated me with dignity, respect and fairly cheered me up at a particularly miserable and frightening time in my life. So I am sending my sincere heartfelt thanks to everyone working on the ward. Keep doing what you are doing... making people well again.

Written by a carer
16th February 2020

The nursing staff are amazing only good thing I can say

Written by a patient
7th February 2020

I was treated for 4 weeks on ward 9B Queen Elizabeth university hospital , the care I received in that time was wonderful Gillian the wards sister has a staff that go over and above what is expected of them , my 3 main nurses Emma , and the 2 Laura’s got me through the roughest of days and nights , I have spent many weeks in different hospital wards some good some not so good but this ward and it’s staff are by far top of my care within the NHS

Written by a carer
29th January 2020

The care my 82 year old mother received from members of staff on ward 8D was appalling to say the least, she had been in hospital for a week as she had been passing blood and was very weak. On arrival she had a 6 hour wait in a corridor, lying on a stretcher bed in the acute receiving unit along with many other frail patients, one lady beside us was crying as she needed the toilet and had been there for hours. I had heard about this in the news but the reality is far worse, it's not care....My mum was finally taken to Ward 8D where she had to receive two blood transfusions and a virtual colonoscopy scan. On the day of our departure my mum informed me that the young mam who was serving breakfast, left her tray beside her bed, not even bothering to take the side rail down, when my mum asked him for help to sit up, he told her," you can get yourself up " and then walked out of the room. This same man was equally unhelpful when she pressed the buzzer, asking for help to turn on her side. How dare he treat my mother like this, does he think that this is acceptable behaviour.Another young Irish member of staff, when asked by my mother for assistance in getting up off the bed to go to the toilet replied" do you want to break my back" and was equally unhelpful. Is this the care our elderly are receiving. Is this what they have to endure after all their years of hard work and contribution to society...they are disrespected by young moody upstarts who think this behaviour is acceptable. The worst is still to come, on returning home, mum told me that during one of the nights she was in the hospital, she could not find the buzzer and as she was bursting for the toilet, she started shouting for someone to come and help her, a blonde haired member of staff with a ponytail came into my mothers room and asked her" was that you shouting for help there" my mother replied " yes I couldn't find my buzzer and didn't want to wet the bed" the staff member then pointed her finger at my mother and said to her in a threatening manner" don't you dare do that again, do you hear me" my mother replied yes and she continued to point her finger at my mother and repeated to her not to be shouting for help or to dare do that again. I was horrified to hear this and cant believe that a bully like this, would be able to work with vulnerable adults and abuse them in this manner. How many other vulnerable people will pass through those same doors and endure the same treatment. I feel I have to speak out for them and ensure this does not happen again. There are always the chosen few who should not be employed as carers and you can spot them a mile away, as for the other members of staff they were pleasant enough

Written by a patient
20th December 2019

I was cared for so well by the neurological team and ward nurses, both physically and mentally when a patient summer 2019. I cannot give higher praise.

Written by a patient
17th December 2019

I was in last year with crippling migraines. A young male nurse when asked to be gentle as I'd had so many needles I was sore and bruised from the trainee doctor the day before who had tried several times to get blood from my arm, anyway this male nurse said he couldn't be gentle as he was 6ft 5in tall. My son had to walk out as he was going to give this idiot his character. On another occasion, I was in the 1 of the receiving units waiting to be seen, been there for three hours, there was an old lady crying for someone to help her for at least 2 hours, place was full of sick people. The staff done the conga all past the bays singing happy birthday as it was 1 of the nurses birthdays, not appropriate. I have been hearing the reports on the news about the water contaminated water, THE HOSPITAL IS BUILT RIGHT NEXT TO THE SEWERS AND 2 MINUTES UP THE ROAD IS A DUMP. Seriously uneducated person that had that idea.

Written by a patient
24th November 2019

From the receptionist who took my details to the last member of staff i saw as I left the building i could not find a more professional, caring, wonderful bunch of people. As a recently retired firefighter i know what being under pressure and stretched really means and the staff of QEUH were that and more but they never cracked or let it show. An elderly gent said to me "this is crap I've been here 3 hours" I told him try being without this brilliant NHS A thousand thankyou's to every one of you for being there when we need you .

Written by a carer
23rd November 2019

I was disgusted at the way my wee dad was treated today, he was referred from out of hours at the Victoria, who were really nice, on arrival at Queen Elizabeth the male nurse was extremely helpful and kind, it went down hill from there. His O2 levels were low causing concern he had routine checks and bloods as expected plus told he was waiting to have a chest xray, the GP asked if he could was round but he was too frail therefore we asked for a chair and we could take him as porters were to busy sitting or there arses. Go was annoyed when we said dad could manage to walk so he went away to do whatever, some time later nurse comes in asking for a Flu sample which is solution in jar where patients garggle and spit , the results were back for this pretty sharp then it's all systems go , wee dad had a bad case of the flu, bless there's nothing to him, before we know it there's wearing masks, gloves, aprons sighn outside the bay saying No entry speak to staff member first, hardly a word spoken to us by staff , it's now meal time a young male nurse standing outside dad's bay and we hear him being told to come and take dad's order for dinner but what do we hear him saying to other staff well personally I would rather not go in am just back from 2 days sick leave , he enters and stands at corner with mask on asking dad what he wants then stares at him as if he's stupid how on earth is he meant to understand a word he's saying under a mask, when bringing food he couldn't get out fast enough you would think my dad had a dirty disease the way the staff behaved. As time passed my mum asked at reception when he would be having xray bearing in mind we have been waiting since just after 1.20pm she said she would get some one to take him, the doctor turns up with a chair asks us to take him my mum who is 70 and myself with a broken foot, doctor stands back watching me help dad from bed , doc scared to touch him. We struggle with chair to find X ray section so I ask at desk nurse says to dad's go show them the way , waste of time I try pushing trolly and going through corroder anoth lad possibly Go says it's better to pull the trolly then she noticed my big black boot and said to the GP can you not help those ladies his answer is I don't know where to go she said you can still help bearing in mind he's going in direction of x-ray dept, I ended up saying I have a broken foot at this point this lovely lad hot cross took dad's chair and she took us through she asked GP for notes he replied I don't have them but have his name this lady was so embarrassed and annoyed she told him to leave. After a 3 hour wait on porter we took dad for X ray and were back in 10 mins, this was all due to no one wanting to deal with him because of flu. Wee while waiting on results we hear the tea trolly I said oh hear you a wee cuppa you've not had one to my shock the guy outside asked dad's GP do think they may want a cup tea bearing in mind we had been in quarantine for hours with blue curtain closed it was boiling no one could see in or out but they knew we were there the doctors reply was No he's going home soon I wouldn't bother, how dare he answer on a patient's behalf like that. Once told cleared to go home they actually couldn't get him out fast enough, he's medication came antibiotics and Tamiflu no pain relief, doctor explained meds how to take etc then asks anything else you want to know, yes I said my da wanted a cup of tea and you told the tea server no not bother , do you know what he didn't know where to put his face. I am disgusted the way staff treat patients and relatives if it was their family how would they feel,. You hear them talking about other patients business, no privacy whatsoever. This was the immediate assessment unit, . It's amazing how a staff member can look so busy walking by doing nothing peering in just because we opened the curtain a bit so wee could breathe. I hope none of my family or myself ever have to be a patient in here. Not all staff are like this but so many of them are. No one is too good for anything or anyone . If they don't care about patient's health wellbeing they should go work elsewhere .

Written by a patient
19th November 2019

Awful, nurses gossiping about other patients and could be overheard. Waited over 6 hours and failed to see any doctor. Lost the will to liver. Rude nurses and doctors on their phones. Absolutely awful and avoid this place if you can, go to an alternative hospital. I was told to come to the acute receiving medical unit, waited and waited, I’m leaving now without seeing a doctor. I can’t sit for so long, I have advised them I am in pain.

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