Share review of Community Services - Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


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15th January 2023

As a family member we had to insist on a meeting to understand what the plan was for my granddad. We have never been informed about his "progress" or care package, and was not asked how he manages at home, until a family member told the occupational health therapist. How can a care package be put in place if his needs and history have not been asked about? Although some staff are very friendly (mainly the caring staff) some staff members have been very patronising and rude, especially the nursing staff who only seem to want to talk to you if they have something to moan to you about, for example, taking in biscuits and sweets for my granddad, who is diabetic but NEEDS them close for when his blood sugars go low. However, he is given some sort of pudding every day! On the subject about his diabetes, if he wants to have his blood sugar testing kit, to test as and when he wants, he should be able to have this, instead a nurse tried to take it off him, insisting that she should be the one testing it! This is unacceptable, as once he is home, he will have to test it himself anyway. He has also been told that he needs to be trained on taking his insulin, which is has been taking for a long time, so why does he need retraining now? Also his blood sugars should not be tested after he has had his breakfast (which was late for him at 10am), as this will show inaccurate readings. At home he is able to get around with a walker but he is hardly doing this now as the staff seem to be using the barrow equipment to move him around. This means he has made no progress and in fact has gone backwards since being in your care. He has low at least a stone by now, as before Christmas he had already lost 10lbs. He has lost the strength to get himself out the chair, which hasn't help with the fact that the recliner chair has been taken away from him! Also, we were asked if we could take him down the hospital when a catheter was apparently needed. This in itself is unprofessional as he is in your care! And we were not prepared to take him down the hospital, in the freezing cold, to potentially wait in the "outside" waiting area, that they currently have. In the end, it was all pointless as a catheter was not put in. As family members, we understand there is most likely staff issues and everything is stretched but the right care is not being provided.

Suggested improvements
1. Keep family members up to date with the care package and any progress/plans. 2. Quicker response time to the button calls, especially when he needs the toilet. 3. He needs his breakfast earlier as he is diabetic and it is no good bringing his tablets round at 10am. 4. More physio. 5. Being supervised on getting up himself rather than moved on the barrow equipment. 6. Room setup - he has his back to the window so is not able to see outside. Also, with the room setup how it is, it is harder for him to move around himself, even if he was able to.

Spiritual understanding
Cultural needs