Community Services - Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

The Lodge, Lodge Approach, Runwell, Wickford, Essex, SS11 7XX
7,269 reviews




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Review of Home First Team - Mid
3rd March 2022

I'd rather not answer

Suggested improvements
Nothing, I am sovery very grateful for all the prompt help I received

Review of Access & Assessment Team - Linden centre
3rd March 2022

I gave 3 stars for timely information about the care and treatment as my daughter was diagnosed with a peanut allergy in Dec 2020, and we did not get an appointment/referral to the allergy nurse until Feb 2022.

Suggested improvements
I had to seek an appointment/referral to the allergy nurse myself and Chas ethos up, I assumed this would have been done by the consultant who diagnosed my daughter with the allergy as part of her after care plan. It was my daughters nursery who informed me I should have seen an allergy nurse and received a care/action plan for the nursery/school

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Review of Therapy for You (NHS Talking Therapies) NE Essex
2nd March 2022

I have suffered with varying severity of Anxiety for over 3 years and fleeting periods of depression.

Suggested improvements
I honestly can’t think of any improvements.

Review of South East Essex Primary Care Mental Health Team
2nd March 2022

I'm awaiting to be tested for ADHD so I cannot accurate answer this question

Suggested improvements
I wish the route to receiving treatment was faster and clearer (in terms of the fact I have to apply for funding which means I could not be seen for an undisclosed amount of time). If funding isn't approved or available then alternative treatments should be offered.

Review of CRHT - South West Essex
2nd March 2022

I have received excellent care.

Suggested improvements

Review of Home First Team - Mid
1st March 2022

I was respected as an individual, I never felt that my autonomy as an individual was ever disrespected because of my 'mental health issues'. I was able to express my feelings, thoughts, concerns and needs, without ever feeling that I was in anyway misunderstood. Never once did I feel that I was the patient and the crisis team were the authority figure. I felt safe and secure like I was talking to a good friend. I actually looked forward to our meetings and was left feeling very positive about my whole interaction with the crisis team. I really could not speak more highly of my experience while I was under their care.

Suggested improvements
I wish that their had been some kind of interim of care. I felt that I needed at least the opportunity to have some step down support. I felt that their was a complete drop off of support after the crisis team discharged me, and referral to outside help and support, which takes time before you are re engaged with mental health support and it is here that I have struggled and had episodes where I have felt the signs of a relapse. After being in a mental health crisis it is a time when you are very vulnerable to breaking under streesors and it can create frightening episodes of mental instability. It would help prevent sudden relapses if their was a mediator of support between the crisis team support discharge and the time awaiting outside proffessional support. I hope that this maybe something that could be implemented for the future.

Review of CRHT - South East Essex
1st March 2022

The care and compassion shown to me by your team at the lowest point of my life was wonderful. Every one of your team that dealt with me worked to help me see that there was a way out of my the position I saw myself in. They did so with humour and understanding but did not mollycoddle me. I believe that I am still alive because of the little things your team members helped me to focus on and distract myself with when I was at my lowest. I did not know that a service like yours existed, I am very grateful that it does. Thank you.

Suggested improvements
Your team gave me all the support I could have hoped for. I can’t think of anything else I needed.

Review of Specialist MH Team
1st March 2022

Not listened to. Negligence by several team members in terms of inappropriate treatment. No respect shown, complete disregard to patients thoughts, wishes. Extremely poor communication- as in complete refusal to return calls to deal with issues raised. Untrue statements in letters to other Professionals Instead of helping my mental health, this service have worsened it, created even more anxiety, and given me zero confidence in any of their staff, and I have no hope for the future. Statements such as 'zero suicide' policy are clearly not taken seriously by this mental health team at EPUT.

Suggested improvements
Listen to your patients. Respect their views, and discuss treatment properly. Don't take shortcuts. Treat a patient how you would treat a family member, kindly, respectfully, be sensitive to difficult subjects, and return calls. Be open minded, not everyone will be able to follow the same treatment plan. Just like children that can't learn the same way as their classmates don't get thrown out of school, nor should a patient be discharged just because they haven't been able to follow a 'one fits all' careplan. In thus day and age there should not be discrimination or such a close minded attitude towards patients seeking help for their mental health. Pushing out a patient because of so called lack of engagement is wrong. It's no surprise that so many turn to drugs, alcohol to solve their problems. This particular team seem to be a heartless group of professionals who do not act in their patients best interests.

Review of Mental Health Liaison Team - South East
28th February 2022

They whole team was amazing very caring and thoughtful with regards to my treatment and stay 1 nurse in particular Kerry turner made me feel safe and cared for made sure I understand everything that was happing so thank you to this team

Suggested improvements
No nothing

Review of Home First Team - Mid
25th February 2022

I would like to thank the following people in providing me with the best care and support I needed during my crisis: Kat Manhood and Hadji from the Broomfield A&E mental heath team The following from the Linden Centre: Susan (MH nurse) Rebecca (MH nurse) Georgia (student nurse) Naznine (OT) Ben (Gatekeeper) Helen Dr Lita Dr Damian I am so grateful for all the help they have given me and for their understanding, being supportive and encouraging both myself and my family during an extremely difficult time in my life and treating us always with respect. I would very much appreciate if their contribution was noted and recognised in some form as they saved my life.

Suggested improvements
Nothing. The care was impeccable.

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