The Royal Marsden Hospital (Sutton)

Downs Road, Sutton, Surrey, England, SM2 5PT
24,596 reviews




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Written by a NHS patient
4th August 2022

The doctors and nurses on the Clinical Assessment Unit at the Royal Marsden Sutton were wonderful. So kind and caring, particularly nurse Jo and student nurse Charlotte who were so professional and yet warm and friendly. Thank you doesn't seem enough but it's all I have

Review of Childrens Day Unit
28th June 2022

Excellent care as ever by the staff at Royal Marsden Hospital.

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Review of Childrens Day Unit
24th June 2022

The Royal Marsden, Sutton, continues to provide outstanding care and support to my child and our family.

Suggested improvements

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Call bell
Review of Medical Day Unit (Sutton)
21st May 2022

The nurses are lovely and gave me all the information about my treatment.

Call bell
Pain Control
Review of West Wing Day Unit
17th May 2022

Very helpful staff, clear and consise information provide at all times during treatment and time in the hospital.

Call bell
Pain Control
Review of West Wing Day Unit
12th May 2022

Some questions were not applicable, day visit for treatment. I gave the answers to relevant questions and the service and kindness of staff was excellent. Face to Face with doctor was very reassuring with time and understanding to all my questions and symptoms.

Suggested improvements
I’m not sure anything on this treatment day could be improved.

Call bell
Rating not given.
Rating not given.
Pain Control
Rating not given.
Review of Childrens Day Unit
4th May 2022

Staffs are very friendly and caring. Treatment equipments are more advanced and better condition than others places. Some time not getting the info and admin support when required.

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Review of Childrens Day Unit
3rd May 2022

Teresa explained things very well and patiently answers all our questions. Reassured us too and she’s very knowledgable. Laura at DCU is very nice. They are busy but she is very nice in taking bloods. The pharmacist Daniel is good too. He explained everything very well. He is very helpful.

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Review of Rapid Diagnostic and Assessment Centre Sutton
5th April 2022

Excellent service all round. Victoria Sinnett was particularly outstanding and spent time explaining everything and answering all my questions.

Suggested improvements

Call bell
Rating not given.
Pain Control
Written by a private patient
1st April 2022

My son was transferred from PICU St George’s to PINCKNEY WARD which is under the operation of Royal Marsden Hospital. During the 12 days my son was in PICU, he was seizure free and well treated. But the Royal Marsden team would interfered several times that my son diagnosis was getting worst , that he would not be able to move again, thereby telling the PICU teams not to administer any medication to help my son’s condition which was caused by the paramedics that conveyed him from home to the local hospital where my son was later transferred to PICU after the damage the paramedics caused could not be handled by the local hospital teams. Very unfortunate, this damage done by the paramedics was the instructions given by the Royal Marsden, to keep giving my son Midazolam on every seizure occurrence. By the time we got the local Hospital, my son’s tummy was now full with gas and my son became very sick, off course this was Royal Marsden PATCH TEAM plan in other to bring my son under their control, so that they can proof themselves right that my son’s diagnosis was getting worst. Which I TOTALLY DISAGREE because my son does not have any symptoms from the diagnosis, not even blur vision nor headache! The Oncologist, the doctors, the patch TEAM have plan to sedate my son to death to proof themselves right. My son who was transferred from PICU without any seizure for 12 days spent at PICU, is now having several seizure like 8 within a day because they administered a medication (GLYCOPYRRONIUM BROMIDE) to my son without my consent nor do they discuss the side effects with us as parent, the nurse just came in on 24/03/2022 (evening) and I asked her what medication is that? She answered GLYCOPYRRONIUM and I told her no doctor discussed that with me during their ward round, then she said it was after the ward round the doctor prescribed it to stop excessive saliva. Eventually after few minutes, my son started having fast heart beat, I quickly buzzed the night duty nurse. Few hours later my son screamed out from the sleep like he was about to have seizure and then he stopped within 5 seconds, I was so scared because I have thought about the GLYCOPYRRONIUM would lead to seizure. On the second dose of this medication following evening, 25/03/2022, later in the night around past 12am, he started seizing and I buzzed for emergency. Same thing occurred in the morning of 26/03/2022. In the morning on 26/03/2022 while my son was having seizure not up to 3 minutes these staffs immediately brought out BUCCAL MIDAZOLAM 7.5ml to administer to my son, then I said this cannot be possible, he has not even seize for 3 minutes, but they went ahead and administered it to my son, but because my son has excessive saliva in his mouth which he spat out less than 1 minute after they administered the BUCCAL MIDAZOLAM, they brought another 7.5ml to give him again, then I refused this totally and I said to them, you have not even waited for 2 minutes nor 20 minutes, you wanted to administer another dose, this is not done anywhere, so I refused this totally and they couldn’t administer it again. I stood my ground that night because this was exactly what The Royal Marsden team did to my son within JULY-AUGUST 2022 on MCELWAIN WARD Sutton to rendered my son useless, in active, drooling, with several muscle stiffness and agitations, just to make us believe their diagnosis is getting worst, despite that my son did not have any symptoms of the diagnosis, not even headache nor vomit. They would give my son Midazolam 4 doses within 30 minutes! What a wicked world entirely. The symptoms nurses, doctors, consultants and oncologist would show less concern on the first day my son started convulsing in Royal Marsden and would leave him to struggle on his own, without even laying him on his side, no oxygen was given, except for the kind hearted nurses and the HCA were would feel sad in their hearts seeing the result of the careless acts of the senior staffs mentioned above on my son. How they weakened a strong and active 6 years old boy and will make him sleepless despite the multiple doses of multiple Midazolam on him.Now here in St George’s they have started the same thing, they would give him midazolam on every seizure to sedate my son to the extent that my son couldn’t raise his hand nor speak normally again.The Doctors, Oncologists and the consultant would lie on everything, they would deceive myself and my husband that they are talking to the local hospital for them to transfer my son closer home in Kent, but eventually we realised it was all lies to make my son stay longer in the hospital so that they can fulfil their plans of making his health look like he is having the symptoms of their diagnosis. Why would this people be killing people gradually because they want to proof themselves right, even when my son has started talking, walking and active again after their failed plan with the paramedics to administer my son several Midazolam in the Ambulance. The fear has now fill my heart that this ROYAL MARSDEN TEAM are planning to hurt my son under their care. No brushing of teeth by the nurses for almost 3 weeks that my son has been transferred to PINCKNEY WARD which is operating under ROYAL MARSDEN HOSPITAL SUTTON. No nurse has cleans my son, no change of suctioning tube for the almost 3 weeks, yet they will use that suctioning tube for my son, no change of nappy, except from few staffs. The cubicle has been very freezing, except when I became unwell on the 29/03/22 and I told the duty nurse to document all my complaints and she could fee how freezing the room was with me and my son coughing already due to our exposure to cold for more than almost two weeks in this CUBICLE 4 PINCKNEY WARD. The Royal Marsden team are full of lie and deceit. They told myself and my husband when my son was in PICU that they would not want us to waste our time in the hospital because they believe that my son does need his family more around him than keeping him in the hospital, but we told them immediately that we have our FAITH that GOD, THE GREAT PHYSICIAN will heal our son and they said oh that is good, we too we love to see your faith heal your son. Within them, they thought my son will not survive the damage they caused him from the Ambulance to the PICU when they administered him Clobazam and Morphine to my son who is asthmatic and that caused him not able to breathe without the air tube, but THE GREAT PHYSICIAN INTERVENED, my son could breathe by himself now, walk and talk. This Royal Marsden team are up to something just to make us think their diagnosis is getting worse. WHERE IS MY SON’S HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THIS REGARD?

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