Rochford Hospital

Union Lane, Rochford, Essex, England, SS4 1RB
119 reviews




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Review of Older People Assessment Inpatients - Beech
10th November 2022

Nothing much to improve

Suggested improvements
All pretty good but staff do not always tell us when they are undressing us so I can’t remember if I removed my clothes or they did

Safety of care
Review of Older People Assessment Inpatients - Beech
10th November 2022

I like everything here

Suggested improvements

Safety of care
Written by a NHS patient
14th August 2022

Staff rude, would not listen to concerns, withheld vital medication Warmed up food given for lunch Doctor not Interested In what the patient wanted to say and refused to give name, and was not wearing a name badge. Fobbed off by nursing staff, and closed office door in my face I know that know of this will be taken in to consideration

2022-08-16 15:04:37
Response from Rochford Hospital

Thank you for completing the I Want Great Care survey form online. We very much appreciate you taking the time to review EPUT services. I am sorry you found our services on this occasion below the standard of which we would expect. Please accept our apologies for any upset this may have caused you. If you would like to discuss your concerns with our Patient Advise & Liaison Service (PALS) please contact them direct by emailing them at or by Telephone on 0800 0857935.

Written by a NHS patient
28th July 2022

My daughter has spent 7 months in this hospital. There are some fantastic people working there but there are also some terrible ones! The hospital is clean, spacious, modern. The grounds and gardens outside the building are kept in a good condition. The car park has adequate and easy parking (except at 3 PM when parents of children in a nearby primary take over this car park! But that's not Rochford Hospital's fault.) Communication is absolutely dire. Communication within the hospital is bad but communication with parents/carers is dismal. Most staff knew absolutely nothing about anorexia when my daughter was admitted. I spent a lot of time bringing them up to scratch, putting documents together for them etc., but they still routinely did and said things that were outright stupid including making comments about body size, weight etc (which are the worst topics to bring up with anorexic patients). The staffing issue is a major problem. The hospital relies extensively on agency staff and we've often had staff fall asleep when they were meant to be watching, on 1:1, a seriously suicidal patient! On other occasions they didn't quite know what they were doing or screwed up even simple tasks. In the case of the doctor treating my daughter, respect for parents / carers was close to zero. There was no consultation with me even though I have a long history of taking care of my daughter very well and knowing her far better than they do. The doctor went out of his way to exclude me from important meetings - like CPAs - discussing my daughter's care and he was so insufferably arrogant that it was impossible to talk to him about anything! This had a seriously detrimental effect on my daughter's care. Nurses and the ward manager were approachable and took the time to log any issues. They do not necessarily get back when they say they'll do though. The telephone is very hit and miss. In about 50% of cases I tried calling I got through. The other 50% involved me dialling again and again, sometimes for several times at different times of the day, before I could get to speak with anyone. There were occasions when my daughter was manhandled and verbally abused by staff and it always seemed the case, quite strangely, that there was no video footage of the incident. There was no footage from the security cameras that are on constant recording and no footage from the body cams that the staff wear!

Review of Adolescent Inpatient Service - Poplar
7th July 2022

I have fought for 17 years to get the support that Poplar ward was able to give my daughter in the education department. David built such a fantastic rapport with my daughter that no other professional has done or sustained. There are several ward staff, Marlon, Pam, and others that also built rapport with my daughter supported her emotional needs built her trust and confidence to empower her to discover her true self and begin to flourish. I cannot thank these members of staff enough for the care and support they have given. The only issues that I have experienced are communication, mainly with cover staff, and understandable confidential policies due to my daughter's age. This has been challenging and stressful for a parent.

Suggested improvements
Issues with cover staff, speaking to my daughter and not appearing to understand her needs and issues - taking what is said to her literal and not understanding - then messaging me anxious, worried and confused, as a parent in this situation was extremely stressful.

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Written by a NHS patient
27th June 2022

The staff were hit or miss, some took their bad moods onto the job and made it everyone else’s problem. I felt so trapped and alone, nobody really seemed to actually care about how I felt. I feel as patients we were not listened to, we were just a penny in their pocket. The education team were great as were the therapists but the actual nurses and hca’s not so much, I could count on 1 hand how many of each nurse and hca’s I actually liked. I had comments made to me which nobody should hear, it put me in a worse mindset. I was restrained multiple times without people actually trying to help, I felt like they just wanted me “sedated” so their jobs were easier. I was either left alone for hours self harming or restrained and IM’d within 15 minutes. The communication was shocking, I never had a clear idea on what was going on at any time. I was accused of faking things, which had been happening for me for a while but nobody cared to ask and headed straight to assuming I was faking. After a HCA lost their keycard we were accused of stealing it and were all searched, turns out it was in the office on rapid the whole time. Obviously things weren’t handed over right majority of the time, friends of mine were being told they were only having incidents because the other was etc. In the end I ended up getting discharged with little to no help in the community, feeling no better than when I went in, and feeling completely ignored. I wouldn’t recommend poplar to anyone, you’ll come out in a worse mindset than when you went in. I can’t sleep at night because of flashbacks to this place and things staff said.

Review of Adolescent Inpatient Service - Poplar
26th May 2022

Feel the whole experience of my daughter being on Poplar ward has not been great. The lack of communication between staff for my daughters care has been poor. My daughters needs were not really met. Coming off medication without staff knowing or passing on, was over a week before it was even noted she had stopped taking the medication! Items removed from her room by staff and subsequently going missing. Staff trying to administer medication belonging to other patients to my daughter who pointed out they were not for her! My list goes on and on. Her being on the ward caused more distress for us as a family.

Suggested improvements
Parents need to be given more information on the care of their children whilst on the ward. Weekly forms sent out should not be cut and past from previous forms sent out with generally the date changed and everything left the same. Staff need to take on board the concerns of the child not brush it off as if their needs don't matter. They are there for a reason not because they want to be there. All items removed from room at any time should be kept in a sealed container corresponding to there room number nit just chucked in a basket and left bin the laundry room for free access to other patients/staff. Any valuable item removed by staff should be logged and location also added onto log so can be found.

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Review of Adolescent Inpatient Service - Poplar
11th May 2022

The hospital and staff were horrendous! They allowed my child to be released to an Coercing/gaslighting/manipulated grandparent who has no parental responsibility (this is where my child to commit suicide twice and wanted to cut his penis off) I had complained about the lack of communication and I wasn’t involved in anything! The team are awful and they are only there to be paid! If my child commits suicide again in his Nans care the hospital will have a law suit on their hands. However marlon and Lara I felt gave me information and I felt like they understood my frustration and tried to help. The matron Rachel should be sacked! And I was lied to by the social worker who emailed saying an assessment will be done at his Nans house before he is released and IT WASN’T. I had called social services about his Nan. I was not respected as a parent and they took sides. I wouldn’t wish any poor soul to be cared for by the poplar unit.

Suggested improvements
Get a new matron and all to be put on Communication communication course, retake there qualifications, do their jobs, listen to the parent!

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
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