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Written by a patient
23rd December 2019

To cut a long story short, I was referred by my GP for ultrasound scan in September 2019, was given wrong information ie a different patient's appointment details. Eventually was told they had no ultrasound scan appointments and I ended up paying for a private scan which showed a mass in my colon. My GP was brilliant and sent me for an urgent CT scan referral which never happened, was told I had an appointment for sigmoidoscopy which was totally inappropriate for looking at the caecal. Was then sent appointment for consultant appointment who asked why I hadn't had a CT scan and referred under the 2ww. I had a call over a week later to see surgeon the next day 10th December who confirmed colon cancer, stage 4. I was referred again for CT scan of chest (which wasn't done when I had the abdo/pelvic CT) an MRI and colonoscopy, he told the specialist nurse he wanted them done before Christmas as they had to decide wether to operate first then chemo or chemo followed by op. The MRI and CT were done 4 days later but I am still waiting for the colonoscopy despite several phone calls, apparently they're very busy. The 2 week wait, supposedly urgent limit is up tomorrow. I have no faith in this hospital! Get your outpatient services sorted out. When phoning a department at least have an answering service to leave a message. (Being told "they're not very good at answering their phone" is not good enough. Update your outpatient letters to give the proper information e.g. you will be given a preparation to drink - no, we inject a dye into your vein. "You have a telephone appointment for assessment for your surgery" - no, we send that out to everyone, this is for your colonoscopy and no we don't know when it will be, the department is very busy.
