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6th February 2024

I have called in this morning to book an appointment to get treated for my HPV. The receptionist answered and I asked if they offer smear test and HPV treatment for my warts. The receptionist assured me that these services would be provided so I agreed to book a cancelled slot which was at 1:45. Upon arrival, I have explained to the nurse that I have a wart outbreak and that I have been diagnosed with HPV in the past. Before I would even request for treatment of the warts he was quick with his responses, not allowing me to take time to talk, and was talking over me which was extremely unprofessional. He quickly responded very bluntly with “we don’t do smear tests” which is not what I have requested for, and approached the conversation in a very hostile manner and was adamant to treat my warts. I responded and told him I wish to get treatment and not a smear test and he was quick to say that he would only treat my warts if he thinks they are in fact warts from his assessment. When I felt weird about how he is communicating with me I went to reception to double check this information, which the lady did clarify that smear tests don’t get taken at this hospital any longer. I then went back to continue with my treatment. I thought that once he consults me, the communication would be easier with him as he seemed like he didn’t believe me and I was made to feel like I was pretending to have warts when it is not the case. This man assessed me along with a nurse who was barely assisted and wasn’t even observing correctly as she was standing near my head and not positioned to even see the assessment properly. When the man nurse was consulting me I showed him where one of my warts was and he rapidly said Nope I won’t treat you as I don’t think this is a wart. I asked him if I have a history of Genital Warts breakout why would this not be a wart? He was very short tempered and was responding very fast which gave me the impression he was in a rush and wanted me out of there. I started getting frustrated as he kept mentioning over and over again that he will not treat it. I asked him if it’s not warts in your opinion, what could this be ? His response to this has absolutely shocked me in disgrace and I couldn’t believe his level of ignorance and insensitivity, to a patient. He mentioned this is ingrown hair and that it seems that I “shave” a lot due to the colour of my vagina. This was absolutely horrendous to hear from a so called sexual health professional who should have the knowledge of the right information. I started questioning him about his professionalism and he quickly got up and left the consultation and went on to be even more hostile by threatening to take me off the services and that he will call the security on me. This was all happening while I was naked and he did not even give me the chance to dress up he started storming off and didn’t listen to my questions or cared to answer them. This made me feel neglected and my dignity has been completely violated. His communication was something out of a horrow movie. I would never feel safe to use your services again. This wart I have had for many months and it hasn’t gone away yet. It is located in the same exact spot where my outbreaks usually come out. I have visited this clinic many many times before to get treatment for my outbreaks and never had to experience such a difficult and upsetting situation. He has not even referred back to my previous notes or looked at my history or HPV. He did not ask me any questions whatsoever about my symptoms and As soon as I started getting frustrated he started to threaten to call security when I was barely being verbal. This behaviour is unacceptable and will be reported to the Care Quality Commission.

Suggested improvements
Never allow a man nurse to treat female patients as they clearly don’t have an understanding of the female anamtomy.

Communication nurse