Mr Bjorn Telgenkamp was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Conquest Hospital
9th January 2019

Further to my appointment with Dr Telgenkamp I felt compelled to write and say what a caring and compassionate nature he had. He could see that I have religiously been wearing support stockings and that I genuinely am trying everything to improve my leg. I came away feeling very positive with regard to ongoing treatment. I cannot speak highly enough about my experience.

Written by a patient at Eastbourne District General Hospital
1st November 2018

I have been under the care of Mr. Telgenkamp since January 2018. The last appointment with Mr. Telgenkamp was on 24th October 2018, where i was instructed by him to attend St. Thomas hospital for further options and opinions. I agreed to do this, but made Mr. Telgenkamp aware this would be challenging due to very severe pain and it's health problems. The last time i attended St. Thomas' hospital, was two years ago when i had a spinal implant attached to my spinal cord for a trial period, in an attempt to block out pain from my left knee joint. Sadly the trial failed and it was removed two weeks later. At that time, I asked various consultants and the nursing team at St. Thomas' if there was any way they could assist me further in dealing with this pain. I was told the same thing by all of them, "No Mr. Blackman this is the end of the line for you". This is the reason i am seeing Mr. Telgenkamp, and asked my GP for a referral. I cannot, and refuse to believe this is the end of the line for me. I did see an acupuncturist weekly for 6 months, (sometimes twice a week), after i left St. Thomas' hospital, but the treatment actually made the pain at lease twice as bad as it was before i started treatment, and has remained that way ever since. I look at Mr. Telgenkamp's treatment as a last resort, but personally believe it is the way forward for me, which would allow me to live i full, active life, get me back in the gymnasium, and get me back to full time employment, with the London Fire Brigade, (i was forced into retirement after 24 years service), move home, and achieve all the goals i wish to achieve. The Fire Brigade Benevolent Society have excellent, convalescent centres which have teams of physiotherapists, dieticians, psychologists, hydro-therapy pools etc, which i could access, to assist in successful after-care. The last time i attended St. Thomas' hospital, i was able to get there by train. This is now impossible because of the increased severe pain, and now have to attend by taxi cab. I require to sit in the back of the cab, with my left leg raised and supported on the back bench seat. Every time i bend my left leg at the knee it causes very extreme 9 out-of- 10 pain. When i left Mr. Telgenkamp's clinic on the 24th October, one of the nursing team said i could use any of the chair's in the outpatient's department for a rest, on my way back to the reception. They don't even know it causes me more pain to sit down that it does to stand, (on one leg). They are also unaware that i do not sleep for any more than an hour at a time, due to very severe pain, meaning i never get into a deep sleep. The medication i take help slightly, but i found to strong sedatives, added to the sleep deprivation, actually assist to the amount of falls i have. The only negative experience i have from Mr. Telgenkamp and the team at Eastbourne DGH, is possibly a lack of communication. I am glad i was given this chance to add important information to assist in their important decision making. I was told by Dr. Smith at St. Thomas' hospital that the spinal implant would greatly assist in masking any phantom limb pain, cause by an amputation, and that the success rate when used for that is extremely high. This would alleviate any concerns by Mr. Telgenkamp, that this proposed/possible surgery would leave me in considerable pain. Even without the implant i believe phantom limb pain, is a far more attractive alternative to what i have now. Finally i wish to point out i accept whatever decision is made by Mr. Telgenkamp, and that i trust he will do what is best for me in the long term. Forwarded for your consideration, and appropriate actions. Kindest regards, Mr. Peter Blackman.

Written by a patient at Eastbourne District General Hospital
28th September 2018

This visit was an annual ultrasound scan organised by Mr Telgenkamp who took the trouble of forwarding the results to me and advised a follow up scan would be in 12 months excellent service A W Mckenzie x752010

Written by a patient at Conquest Hospital
28th April 2018

Mr Telgenkamp is a credit to the NHS. I am sure that his patient list is extensive but nevertheless he has assessed me, been decisive about my needs and referrals. As a result he has treated me for varicose veins. I am a person who has previously suffered severe trauma to a lower leg in the past. As a result of the trauma, I fear any further interference with it. Without being overbearing this man identified my requirements, listened to my concerns and left me in no doubt that his actions would be in my best interests. Under local aneasthetic he carried out the required treatment whilst he and his staff chatted to me in a relaxed manner. The only pain I felt was the initial needle to numb the area. Thank you very much. I appreciate your professionalism and your ability to talk to people at different levels.

Written by a patient at Conquest Hospital
12th April 2018

On my first appointment with Mr Telgenkamp I was made to feel at ease and was able to explain my symptoms without feeling rushed. He listened and explained some possible reasons for my symptoms and answered questions on any concerns that I had. After the scan I had a follow up appointment with Mr Telgenkamp for the results which confirmed what he had expected. This gave me confidence to believe that I was in good hands and he knew what he was talking about Mr Telgenkamp advised me on what treatment was best for my condition and once again took the time to explain what would happen and be done during this procedure. I felt confident and trusted his advise. On the day of my procedure Mr Telgenkamp took the time to come and see me before I went to theatre. Once in theatre my procedure was performed under local anaesthetic and although Mr Telgenkamp had previously explained what would happen he continued to reassure me during the procedure. My excellent care also continued during recovery time. I could not fault Mr Telgenkamps manner, honesty professionalism and excellent care that I received and would recommend Mr Telgenkamp I would be more than happy to be referred to Mr Telgenkamp for any further vascular problems if they arose in the future.


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I have been trained as a general surgeon and vascular surgeon in Maastricht and Heerlen in the Netherlands. Following this I decided to do a subspecialty in Endovascular techniques and did a fellowship with Prof. Verhoeven in Nurnberg, Germany. This was followed by a specialised Vascular Fellowship in 2 centres of excellence in London (Imperial College - St. Mary's and Guy's & St. Thomas' Hospital).
Following my qualification, I started working as a consultant vascular surgeon in 2015 for the Sussex Vascular Network working in Brighton & Sussex University Hospital, Conquest Hospital, Hastings & Eastbourne District General Hospital.
My main areas of interest are care for the diabetic foot and endovascular treatments. In 2018 I became the chair for the Sussex Diabetic Foot steering group.