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Written by a patient at Psychiatry-UK
4th November 2016

Very clear and concise advice put into real world language, extremely easy to talk to and professional. All in all a fantastic service showing superb professionalism and care. Well done to all the staff involved with my experience especially Dr Montgomery. I cannot find fault, I wish all health care services were like this.

Written by a patient at Mount Gould Hospital
5th August 2016

At the request of my counsellor I was recommended to seek an assessment for ADHD, which I was less than enthusiastic about, in order to deal with the fact that I suffer from highly elevated levels of anxiety. My main concern was that should I be diagnosed, I would have to declare this condition on future job applications and this condition would be, at best looked upon as something less than desirable. This in turn could result in me experiencing difficulties in future employment. This concern combined with the fact that I have worked very hard to hide my hyperactivity through a long and complicated set of compensating strategies that I have developed over the past 40 years, resulted in the understandable feeling that a positive diagnosis would be a problem for me. It is therefore a very strange situation for me, in which I have ADHD, but now can work in a more positive and constructive way to tackle the issues that result from this condition. I would wholly recommend this assessment as a positive step in dealing with ADHD, and although not cheap the cost of the consultation should, I think be considered as more of an investment in your individual future. I found Dr Montgomery to be both knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with clients who present with this condition, and displaying the necessary credibility to pass judgement on individuals with this condition. My only regret is not dealing with this situation, and getting a diagnosis sooner.

Written by a patient at Mount Gould Hospital
23rd July 2016

Sympathetic and asks just the right questions. Amazing.

Written by a patient at Royal Cornwall Hospital
22nd July 2016

Dr Montgomery was very understanding, caring and a great listener. He showed that he thoroughly understood his area of expertise and showed great knowledge of his field. I would definitely recommend Dr Montgomery to someone who may be shy or hesitant as he was very reasonable and put you at ease.

Written by a patient at Psychiatry-UK
2nd May 2016

I have struggled with the behavioural effects of ADHD since childhood. If I sit down and look back at my life, the trail of destruction it has left is clear to see. Having tried non-drug options for many years including psychotherapy and self-help reading, I came to a point where I realised that there was a 'higher power' pulling the strings in my life - my brain. The more I tried in life, the more opportunities for failure I had and the more my self esteem, self-competency and sense of hope was ground down to dust. I have always been sceptical of the notion of 'free will' in humans. To contemplate the notion that I, or anyone else for that matter 'chooses' to harbour pathological emotions and engage in self-destructive behaviours is quite simply preposterous. Once I understood and accepted the deterministic powers of the human brain, I realised that I needed help in my life. My G.P referred me to the ADHD clinic at the Maudsley hospital in london. However, I soon realised that the waiting list was 6 months. I'm a 34 years old single male, still living at home, in financial debt and without a clear purpose in my life. I had waited for my inner and outer life to 'begin' for long enough and I simply could not wait for another 6 months. I found Psychiatry-UK online and decided to pay for a consultation with Dr Andy Montgomery. Firstly, Jo Tierney (Medical Secretary) was extremely helpful in first arranging my appointment with Dr Montgomery and helping me to set up and test the video conferencing software. Dr Montgomery was very easy to talk to - sensitive, compassionate and a great listener. Having wrote an extensive description of my difficulties when booking my appointment, he quickly put my mind at ease by acknowledging that I had already done the hard work in the consultation and so It was easier for him to reach a conclusion. Nevertheless, we discussed other aspects of my life which I had not mentioned just to get a clearer picture. I also greatly appreciated his efforts to save me money on the cost of my prescription and the drug. I am always anxious when it comes to talking to doctors but I found the whole experience with Dr Montgomery to be very reassuring. The total cost of my initial consultation was £250 which quite frankly is a fraction of the financial debt I am in and pales in to insignificance when compared to the emotional pain I have experienced as a result of my condition. If the drug that Dr Montgomery has prescribed me has the desired effect I think I would be happy to pay ten times as much! I highly recommend Dr Andy Montgomery and Psychiatry-UK.


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Dr Andy Montgomery (MbBChir, PhD, MRCP, MRCPsych) qualified as a doctor in 1992 from Cambridge University and The Royal London medical school. He initially worked in general medicine obtaining his membership of the Royal College of Physicians in 1995.

He has worked as a psychiatrist since 1996, and obtained a doctorate in neuroscience at Imperial College London for work using brain imaging to measure changes in neurotransmitter levels in psychiatric disorders.

He worked in Plymouth as a consultant in General Adult Psychiatry from 2005-2012. His special interests are the pharmacological management of mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD and schizophrenia.

Dr Montgomery works online via