
3b Fore Street, Camelford, Cornwall, PL32 9PG 1,402 reviews




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Written by a NHS patient
11th November 2023

Atrocious 'care'- Psychiatry UK have completely abandoned their duty of care towards me. I have previously written positive reviews for my Autism assessment on here and positive reviews about my ADHD treatment. I was very happy with my ADHD titration journey and had the utmost trust in my nurse prescriber and consultant psychiatrist- I was approaching finalising a medication combination that worked well for me and was feeling positive about my future. In the last month and a half, that has all changed. I have lost all trust in my prescriber and psychiatrist. I have been broken down by constant stress, all unnecessary stress caused by lack of communication, treatment delays, and unexplained bureaucratic barriers on Psychiatry UK's behalf. There has been the odd positive moment, but each step forward has been swiftly forced backwards. My ADHD titration journey is in tatters, and I am being denied the opportunity to finish the titration plan issued to me, a titration plan I have been dedicated to and has been delayed and stopped through no fault of my own. I have fought so hard to access the medications that keep me living and functioning, and have fought so hard to give titration all my effort and energy- always filling out forms on time, asking questions to ensure I do things properly, giving extra detail and notes about my experiences on each medication dose. Now the treatment I need is being denied and I am absolutely devastated and completely furious. It seems that Psychiatry UK have re-opened their right to choose pathway (in the middle of a global ADHD medication shortage, no less) and are now trying to get rid of existing patients whose titrations were disrupted by the shortages and/or incompetence from professionals at Psychiatry UK to make room for new patients- despite their duty of care towards existing patients. It seems there is no duty of care towards them anymore. My psychiatrist has not responded to any communication for a month now- despite multiple issues needing to be dealt with by him, including a consultation letter (issued a month after our consultation) full of errors. My prescriber at times has directly contradicted what the psychiatrist has said, leaving me confused and distressed. The psychiatrist's delays in communication and sudden change in treatment plans following what was agreed at our consultation, without my consent, has distressed me majorly, given that I am autistic, and have repeatedly expressed to both my prescriber and psychiatrist that unexpected changes in plan without consulting my opinion and uncertainty caused by lack of communication are massive triggers for me- which shouldn't be a surprise to an ADHD/Autism specialist service, but apparently is, because whenever I express my autistic stress about the above triggers, it's blamed as a separate mental health problem! I've had to inform professionals of vital information pertaining to their work, because they are not informed themselves- I had to inform my nurse prescriber about the NHS patient safety alert because she was not aware of it, despite this safety alert being aimed at ADHD medication prescribers! I've had to research options and potential solutions myself. Why have I, the patient, had to do this? Even then, I have been powerless as each and every solution was shot down either due to contradictions and miscommunications between the psychiatrist and prescriber, action not being taken quickly enough to utilise the solution, or unexplained bureaucratic protocols who no one even seems to be able to tell me the reason behind or who is in control of those decisions. Psychiatry UK have completely failed me. I have a contact in Patient Experience, but have little faith anything else can or will be done for me and I will continue to be let down with this gross dereliction of duty of care. I have no idea how to make a complaint despite having phone calls with Patient Experience, and time is running out to resolve my situation, so I feel like I have no choice but to write this review.

2023-12-06 11:56:55
Response from Psychiatry-UK

Hello Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We are really sorry to hear that you have had issues with our service. We understand from your feedback that you are already in contact with our Patient Experience Team, who are best placed to support you through making a complaint. We hope that your issues can be quickly resolved. Many thanks The Psychiatry-UK Team

Rating not given.
Written by a NHS patient
10th November 2023

I found Psychiatry-UK to be very good during the diagnosis and titration process. They were consistently helpful, and were always available for assistance when I needed it. The only part I found difficult was filling in forms about my ADHD at the beginning, which I realise was a necessary part of the process. Other than that, the help I received has been very good.

Rating not given.
Written by a NHS patient
9th November 2023

I am very pleased with my experience and treatment I have received from PsychiatryUK. I have been with them on two separate occasions: - The previous occasion was a more difficult time for me (due to my own personal circumstances), which impacted my treatment and motivation for getting better. That being said, I still received good communication & transparency with my medication/treatment options. - The later/most recent time I have been with PsychiatryUK has been more than a great help for me. I have felt very listened to and understood. I have been properly informed about how the medication works, and how it may affect me, as well as having options on trying different medications, whilst also keeping certain factors in mind towards me as an individual; communicating from both sides any side effects or problems I have/or may experience. - I really like the weekly online forms I have had to fill out in regards to any changes/effects I am having, and being able to talk more about it, or if there is any concerns (either from me, or from my doctor/prescriber). To say I am very pleased with my treatment and care I have received would be an understatement. - Finding a suitable medication for myself that has actually worked, has made a great difference in my daily life. I feel like I am an actual person again, and has given me a lot to look forward to in life, now that my ADHD symptoms are a lot more manageable, I am able to go about my life like a 'normal', functionable human being. I'd say the only down-side has been the previous waiting periods, but that can't exactly be helped, as staff/resources are limited; but the time that I have had with PsychiatryUK, I haven't felt 'rushed' or 'brushed off' with me being a patient. The people I have spoken with have taken their time and energy with getting me the correct/efficient help. For that, I am truly appreciative.

Rating not given.
Written by a NHS patient
7th November 2023

Mostly great care. Felt the psychiatrist was very dismissive at times though.

Written by a NHS patient
7th November 2023

I was first diagnosed in 1992, I was on medication then but being a young child child and then hitting my teens, I for some reason I came off the meds, skip forward 30 years, three children and a divorce, I felt life was going great again and I was more me, but my ADHD was getting in the way, I used the NHS right to choose, got rediagnosed and went back on medication, it's been an absolute pleasure to have had Puk working with me, everyone I've dealt with have been so helpful and understanding, having an online portal message system has worked great for me, as I don't feel panicked that I have a set time and place to be some where, it made life so much easier, before I was offered medication they made sure I passed all the health checks and weekly checks to make sure am.not having any worrying side affects, I can not prise the team and recommend the service highly enough.

Written by a NHS patient
6th November 2023

I am grateful for the experience in my assessment. They were especially attentive to how I felt and responded to my feelings of distress. I am extremely grateful that as a team they were able to not only say it wasn't autism, but give me an answer and diagnose the personality disorder it actually was. I feel this wouldn't have happened if I saw an Autism only assessor/company. All PUK staff I've been in contact with throughout have been lovely and helpful. However I thoroughly dissatisfied and concerned by the lack of follow-up information, communication and / or support. I had a personality disorder diagnosed dropped on me for a disorder i didnt even know existed and i had no knowledge of. They commented how confused and unexpecting i looked when they told me during the assessment. Yet i have recieved no follow-up communications regarding what was discussed, I don't know if I was officially diagnosed or need to seek another opinion, what the follow-up support process looks like to manage the condition, and what the disorder even is!! I didn't even recieve any links to websites with information on this personality disorder. Would you just diagnose someone with cancer or heart failure and then not send them any follow-up, confirmation, or information packs on their condition? I've been left in significant distress and confusion following this assessment, and unequipped to help myself, or get help from around me as I don't know the confirmed outcome of the assessment or anything about what I was diagnosed with and help I can get. I've had to learn about my disorder from Google, as I recieved nothing from Psychistry UK which is really atrocious service and aftercare. The email outlining the follow-up process is unclear - saying the Dr will upload their notes and I'll get a letter within 5 days. 5 days of what - the assessment or the notes being uploaded? What is the time window for notes being uploaded? While I am relieved on a personal level to have a diagnosis that could be correct and I can work to improve my mental health now, the follow up has been non-existent and unprofessional, leading to further distress in the face of an unexpected and unknown diagnosis. I sincerely hope this changes and improves for future service users as I dread to think of this happening to other people, especially those who might be even more at risk.

2023-11-08 09:54:44
Response from Psychiatry-UK

Hello Thank you for leaving this review. Firstly, we would like to apologise for the confusion and distress you are feeling after the gap in receiving the care and support needed following your recent diagnosis. Could I please encourage you to contact our Patient Experience Team at: They will be able to schedule a call with you to look into your case in more detail and find you the support and advice you need as soon as possible. Many thanks The Psychiatry-UK Team

Written by a NHS patient
5th November 2023

I went into this experience not sure if I had ADHD or not but wanted to know more about myself, I was taken through the process with dignity and understanding. At no point were my answers guided but I was given the space I needed to reflect on my experience. I was ultimately diagnosed and I’ve underwent titration for the medication. I personally experienced very mild side effects that passed quickly and the improvement to my focus, attentiveness, and ability to not loose things the second I put them down is mesmerising. I was honestly quite worried about the medication but was given all of the guidance, explanation and patience I needed.

Written by a NHS patient
5th November 2023

I was treated with respect and care and felt as though they were really here to help me.

Rating not given.
Written by a NHS patient
5th November 2023

While it takes a long time to get onto the titration program, once at that stage, responses are very quick, and guidance is constructive and clear

Rating not given.
Written by a NHS patient
4th November 2023

Very beneficial

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Psychiatry-UK was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.

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