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Written by a NHS patient
17th June 2023

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about a communication I received from the titration team at the unsuitable hour of 2am, which interrupted my sleep. When I entrusted my personal contact details to your healthcare service, I anticipated essential communication at reasonable hours, not disturbances in the middle of the night. The message stated that I have been "added back to the titration waiting list" because of a "pending investigation of floaters." However, the message did not clarify what this reinstatement involves, leaving me with several questions. Moreover, the team neglected to propose any interim measures to ensure that my treatment is not halted and that my symptoms are managed effectively during this waiting period. This oversight is troubling, as it suggests that my treatment may be paused without any consideration for alternatives. The message vaguely suggested that floaters "may" indicate underlying conditions that warrant evaluation, but did not offer any clarification on the potential severity or prevalence of these conditions. Understanding these aspects is essential for me to assess the necessity of an ophthalmological review. The message did not provide any insight into the consultant's decision-making process or the potential risks associated with proceeding without an ophthalmological evaluation. Understanding the specific concerns and rationale behind this decision is critical for me. Furthermore, I am aware of no evidence or studies indicating a correlation between the exacerbation of floaters and the use of methylphenidate, which calls into question the basis of the titration team's decision. It's concerning that the communication did not provide a point of contact for you to ask questions or seek clarification on your situation. A healthcare service should provide clear lines of communication for patient queries.

19th June 2023
Response from Psychiatry-UK

Firstly, thank you for posting your feedback. Our reviews are managed by PUK's Communications Team, so we are unable to offer any medical advice. However, we are able to feed your comments back to the appropriate teams. I am really sorry to read that you received a message at 2am; this, of course, is not standard practice. It is also concerning to hear that you feel you have some unanswered questions and are worried that your medication might be paused. We do have a dedicated team who you can speak to about your concerns. If you feel this would be beneficial, please contact
