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Written by a patient at The Christie
4th March 2019

When we first met Mr Aziz he had a great I think we can do that attitude rather than the negative response we had received elsewhere, he explained the risks and likely outcome of surgery very well and everything he predicted was spot on. I am making a good recovery and thanks to Mr Aziz I am still here.

Written by a patient at The Christie
3rd February 2019

Mr Aziz is a wonderful caring clever doctor He inspires you and his focus is to eradicate cancer and be cancer free He is an optimistic happy person which is contagious snd makes you too feel optimistic A brilliant brilliant brilliant surgeon I couldnt ask for more Thank you x

Written by a patient at The Christie
26th January 2019

I would reiterate all that has been said by the many reviewers who have so eloquently gone before me. I would describe Mr Aziz’s care as “wrap around” I felt secure with him from our first meeting to the final time he popped into see me post surgery before I went home. He explained the laparoscopic procedure to us clearly and was very easy to chat to and ask questions of. A very skilled surgeon with the “likeability” factor who is also caring. In fact, he called into the hospital to see me and my husband on a Saturday morning on the way home from taking his kids to a swimming lesson, just to check my progress!

Written by a patient at The Christie
13th January 2019

Understood my needs and requirements prior to and following surgery and how the surgery wasn't just going to affect me but my family too. Mr Aziz and his team were very good at explaining things in simple terms where necessary so that all scenarios and consequences were understood.

Written by a patient at The Christie
3rd January 2019

I found Mr Aziz understanding of my own situation, clear about what treatment was available for my condition and straight to the point where I knew both the positives and negatives of my condition. I was therefore able to make a clear decision as to whether to proceed with the surgery recommended. I opted for the surgery and now some 3 months later feel much better.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery


Professor Omer Aziz is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, HCA The Christie Private Care and HCA Wilmslow Hospital. He is also a Manchester Academic Health Science Centre Honorary Clinical Chair at the University of Manchester. This is awarded to individuals who have made a major contribution to their clinical speciality including excellence in research and education.

Professor Aziz joined The Christie in 2014, one of Europe's largest comprehensive cancer hospitals. He is based at the Colorectal & Peritoneal Oncology Centre (CPOC) and is the Clinical Lead for Colorectal Surgery, and Endoscopy Lead. He specialises in complex minimally invasive (keyhole) and open surgical techniques to treat early, advanced, and recurrent tumours of the appendix, colon, rectum, and anus. He also treats tumours that have spread to the lining of the abdomen (peritoneum), for which he performs cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).

He has published over 100 peer-reviewed research papers, some of which have been used for clinical guidelines by the UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE). To date he has obtained grants from Innovate UK, Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, Innovate UK and the National Institute for Healthcare Research. He has a lab at the Manchester Cancer Research Centre where he leads cutting edge research.

Professor Aziz was a member of the ‘Healthcare for London-A Framework for Action’ (2007) team reviewing the capital’s healthcare needs for the next decade. He has an interest in translating research into treatments for patients and is a national laparoscopic colorectal surgery trainer.