
Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)

46 reviews

Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at The Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital
23rd October 2023

I’m an all-weather motorcyclist and was keen to get my labral tear repaired as soon as possible so that I could resume my activities. Professor Griffin was brilliant. He explained everything thoroughly and was very reassuring. I had my surgery in London and I took the Tube and train home to Warwickshire the day after - on my own. I had no pain and actually didn’t need the crutches. The pain from my hip has been sorted, physio has been great and I was back on the motorbike within six weeks. I have no hesitation in recommending Professor Griffin as he is superb.

Written by a private patient at The Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital
15th October 2023

Prof Griffin is an an amazing person and very skilled surgeon. Prior to my first consultation with him I was scared and hesitant as I am an active 61 year woman with a career that requires me to be on the go all the time, I also love the outdoors , I swim and cycle. Having pain in my hip for years slowed me down and affected my sleep ,I was in denial in terms of facing up to the fact that it needed looking at. Professor Griffin was very reassuring and detailed what could be going on with my hip, and finally I had a hip Arthroscopy in London, all the staff alongside Professor Griffin were amazing . Professor Griffin also recommended a local physiotherapist ( Paul Rastrick) who was equally amazing and played a massive part in my rehabilitation I will always recommend Professor Griffin and I only wish I saw him earlier and had my operation earlier, that would have saved me years of pain and sleepless nights Thank you Professor Griffin for giving me back my smile :)

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
4th August 2023

After a life time of intensive martial arts & boxing training and all the associated cardio & strength training, back in 2018 I started to develop stiffness in my right hip. Initial X-ray by the NHS revealed the onset of osteoarthritis but the symptoms were deemed mild and not recommended at that point for hip surgery but would likely be needed in future. I was in no rush as the symptoms were manageable and I'd also known a couple of people who had issues after a hip replacement so I did have concerns about having the operation. Sure enough by 2022 my hip had got significantly worst and I probably should have acted sooner. By chance the previous year I'd read an article about Irish International rugby player Sean O'Brien having a hip resurface carried out by Professor Damian Griffin and he'd been the first rugby player to return to the professional game after which is quite phenomenal really. After more research I realised Damian was one of the world's leading surgeons with everything concerning hips. Luckily I managed to get a consultation with Damian and he was extremely thorough in getting new X-Rays and MRI scans to understand the problem fully. We went thru the scenarios of hip resurface v full hip replacement and pros' and cons of each which was very well explained and totally understandable. The severe extent of the damage to my hip and also I'm in my 50s now, the full hip replacement was the best choice for me. Also as I'd not had major surgery before he recommended I had a full check of my vascular system which was very reassuring. He completely set my mind at rest for the whole experience. The surgery itself was carried out by Damian and his very experienced team at St John's & St Elizabeth in North London, which is a very nice hospital with excellent staff. Damian put my mind at rest on the day and I was n't nervous at all. After the operation I was on my feet within an hour of waking and able to walk with crutches the next day before leaving the hospital the following day. The pain had gone completely from my hip joint, just the surgical entry point being sore as expected. To be honest the rehab has gone like clockwork and I've been careful to follow Damian's advice of not being in too much of a rush. I used crutches up to about 2 weeks and Nordic ski poles for a further 2 weeks, but after that able to walk without assistance. 10 weeks on no one would know I'd had surgery. I had a lot of soft tissue damage as well and the physio on Damian's advice has done a sterling job in loosening my hip and I've been following a routine of walking, static bike and a range of strengthening exercises on my legs. Damian also recommended getting an ice machine to help with recovery, which I have used since day 1 and still using now after exercise. I thoroughly recommend investing or hiring one. I feel like I have my life back and feel 10 years younger now. I intend to get back to most activities although will just stick to my boxing from now on! I would say you will not find a better hip surgeon in the world than Damian. His mastery and expertise of the operation itself and the follow up care from him with numerous consultations already is amazing. Aside from that he's also an extremely nice man and probably the calmest person I've ever met, which is a fantastic attribute for a surgeon!!

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
3rd August 2023

I live in Kenya and after being diagonosed with osteoarthritis in my hip in 2019 received a recommendation for Prof. Griffin from a previous patient. I am middle-aged and athletic and was told Prof Griffin's quality of treatment would enable me to get back to a fully athletic lifestyle. Covid travel restrictions delayed my surgeory but during this time I had several consultations and scans and eventually opted for hip resurfacing as my condition had progressed to the point where arthroscopic treatment would likely not be fully effective. I had the surgery in London is May 2023 and spent 2 months in the UK before traveling back to Kenya, to minimize the post-op clotting risk. Throughout the process I had great faith in Prof. Griffin. During pre-op consultations he provided clear explanations as to the details of the diagnosis, his recommendations and the reasons for the recommendations, so that I was completely confident that the selected intervention was the right one. He projects a calm and confident manner and is focused on every little detail of providing quality care from the type of stitching and dressing used to any advantage he can obtain from new equipment or facilities available at the hospital he uses (and he is clearly selective of the hospitals he uses). He put my wife (who was accompanying me and has no other connections with the UK) completely at ease, explaining the surgey and telling her not to worry if the operation seemed to be going longer than expected as it would just mean he was taking his time. He also has a team that he has worked with for a couple of decades and meeting them immediate pre-op it was clear they had a finely tuned operation. I was therefore relatively relaxed even in the anaesthesia room. The post-op recovery was smooth and painless and went exactly as it had been explained to me by Prof. Griffin: 2 weeks of tiredness and wooziness which ended with the last dose of oxycontin, followed by another 4 of daily icing and physio exercises whilst using crutches. During the latter 4 weeks I was able to continue full time studies. My travel back to Kenya was easy and uneventful. At the 3 month point I am able to walk normally and the muscles around the hip are getting back to normal strength and range of motion and are able to tolerate aggressive physiotherapy strengthening exercises. I worked with a physiotherapist, James Neal, that also has a long working relationship with Prof Griffin and knew how to match the physio to his surgical approach. Overall, the disruption to my life of a major operation overseas (I am British but emigrated decades ago) was minimized by my confidence in Prof Griffin, clear and accurate expectations of the operation and post-op recovery and the quality of his work. There was no significant post-op pain, recovery went smoothly and I was able to plan to utilize the recovery period with appropriate levels of work activity.

Written by a private patient at Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
20th June 2023

Damian Griffin has given me my life back - after he provided me with a new hip, 10 weeks on and I was back on my bike. I am now back to all my previous sporting activity. At every stage his communication was clear, he is calm and measured and I felt listened to throughout. Brilliant!


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Specialist hip surgeon for young or active people. International expert in hip preservation surgery and hip arthroscopy.