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Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
5th February 2013

In 2012 my left hip joint deteriorated badly and I was referred to Mr. Zameer Shah. I saw Mr. Shah in September and was extremely impressed by his explanation of the operation and his patience in clearly answering my questions. It was agreed that a hip replacement was necessary. At that time my elderly mother was dying and I explained that while she was alive I could not have the surgery as I would not be able to visit her for some weeks. Mr. Shah agreed to see me again six months later. My mother died at the end of October and when I rang the hospital Mr. Shah kindly agreed to put me back on his waiting list, and I had the operation just before Christmas. I can not thank Mr. Shah and his team enough for the wonderful care I received. My hip has recovered so well, with a beautifully neat scar, and it is wonderful to be pain-free and growing stronger every day. I recommend Mr. Zameer Shah 100%.

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
29th January 2013

Mr Shah was completely professional in assessing my deteriorating right hip osteoarthritis and considerate in accommodating my apprehension about total hip replacement. He performed the surgery on 11 December 2012 with such skill that I walked to the loo immediately after awakening after the operation and was discharged 2 days later. He was supported by a great team of nurses and physio's at Queen ward in Guy's - all of whom were immensely kind, considerate and caring. I simply cannot thank Mr Shah and his team enough.

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
3rd January 2013

After years of deteriorating osteoarthritis of the knees and progressively reduced mobility and quality of life, on 19 September 2012 my GP felt that I had exhausted all other options and that only surgery could now help. Never having been in hospital before – and only knowing the NHS from what I had read in the papers – I was apprehensive. I needn’t have worried. Within a fortnight, I saw Mr Zameer Shah at Guy’s, having first had a series of preliminary x-rays and tests. He showed exactly what was wrong; and, after discussing the possibilities we agreed that a partial replacement of both knees was the best option. Within days I received a phone call to book a date; and on 26 October had the operation on my right knee. It was completely successful and after only six weeks I was pretty well back to normal – although not yet fully confident about kneeling. That will presumably come with time. The whole experience could not have been better. The staff who conducted both the preliminary pre-operative tests and the post-operative physiotherapy were efficient, friendly and effective. The operation went without a hitch and the progress of the recuperation process – the disappearance of the swelling, the healing of a very neat wound, the restoration of mobility etc– was just as predicted. I found Mr Shah impressive both in terms of surgical skill and what is called ’a bedside manner’. In other words I found him friendly, informative, reassuringly competent and ready to listen. I am returning in a few weeks to have the same operation performed on my left knee. I can’t say I am actually looking forward to it (after all, an operation is an operation) but I have no doubts that in the hands of Mr Shah and his team there will be an equally good result.

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
13th December 2012

I was very impressed that I only had to wait 3 weeks from my initial consultation with Mr Shah until I had my hip operation and felt very confident under his care. He always listened clearly explained all the procedures. I would also like to add that my operation and recovery has been very successful

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
20th July 2012

I had a hip replacement 6 weeks ago. I am pain free, more mobile and improving everyday back at work full time for 2 weeks. My scar is neat and everything is better. I believe that the quality of the surgeon was hugely contributory to my progress and would highly recommend Mr Shah and a spinal rather than full anaesthetic. This was a great combination for me.


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