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Written by a patient at St Thomas' Hospital
22nd April 2018

I came into Mr Shah’s care via A&E following a bicycle accident that resulted in me needing a full hip replacement at age 44, unlike many others who I’m sure will have had time to take advice and plan such an operation. In the brief review we had prior to my operation I believe Mr Shah to have been very clear and concise with the options and his opinions in regards to what he thought was right for me and 2 years on I feel his recommendation to replace rather than try to repair was the right choice. I was back in the gym cycling 3 weeks after the operation and out in the real world shortly after. I feel the care/support I received from Mr Shah, his team and the rest of the NHS was very good. My only criticism would be that you can easily be lost within the NHS system and therefore you do need to take some responsibility for ensuring you are not. In short, I feel very fortunate to have been in Mr Shah’s care and feel I have benefitted from his experience and know-how.

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
17th April 2018

Dr Shah has been very thorough and very patient friendly, explain my condition and all options.I had a full knee replacement,which was very painful I must say, however I am very confident in Mr Shah work, very good carpenter!

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
13th April 2018

Two new hips and a new knee, great work feel great , walking no pain

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
8th April 2018

Mr. Shah was happy to discuss my condition in depth at the pre-operation appointment. In particular he discussed the x-ray results (which some doctors are not always prepared to do).

Written by a patient at Guy's Hospital
26th March 2018

I have had two surgeries carried out with or by the team under Mr Zameer Shah and could not be more pleased and satisfied. My initial meeting with him was frank and open with Mr Shah listening to all my woes as is our way. He then gave his professional advice that turned out to be very good for my benefit and health. Since that time I have had several consultant mettings with either Mr Shah or one of his team members and have in all truth been very pleased by my treatment both personal and medical.(And they all have a good sense of humour I never felt bad when I left). To add last but buy no means least the whole of the Guys and St Thomas are to be cherished and nurtured,the various teams and departments from X-ray to Nursing and all in between A plus. Ps the tea lady in the day was one to behold.


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