
Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Tr&Orth)

795 reviews

Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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19th May 2024

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to Mr Gupta. In January 2023 I broke my collarbone in France in a skiing accident - it was a break very close to the shoulderblade and therefore needed surgery. I had completely inappropriate surgery in France, because they inserted a pin (like a knitting needle). Within days I was in huge amounts of pain as the pin was moving itself outwards, scissoring through the bone and the end of the pin making a prominent lump on my upper arm. I went to the NHS and they seemed to think it was fine and planned to remove the pin in a few weeks time. From an x-ray it was clear the collarbone fragments were already beginning to move apart, but they were not unduly worried about this. After that appointment I became extremely anxious, and after some research contacted Mr Gupta who saw me just a few days later. He explained very calmly and kindly that I needed to have the pin removed as soon as possible and replaced with a proper plate and screws. Shortly thereafter he performed the operation. I was very pleased indeed with the result - he had had to use the same scar as the first operation, yet it healed beautifully. I have regained full mobility and have no pain. A year later (February 2024) I opted to have the metalwork removed, as I was nervous having it in forever, and couldn't really sleep on the side containing the metalwork. Mr Gupta gave me very clear information about the pros and cons of doing so, and I felt confident to go ahead. Once again the incision had to take place on the same scar site, and once again it has healed incredibly well (I have had compliments for the neatness of my scar!). I now feel as though I had never broken it in the first place. I genuinely dread to think what would have happened if I had not found Mr Gupta, and had only had the pin removed. I presume eventually the NHS may have decided to plate it but I think I would have endured a huge wait and a lot of pain.

Written by a NHS patient at St Peter's Hospital
16th May 2024

Was referred to Mr Gupta after breaking my thumb on my dominant hand and then being referred by a physiotherapist who wanted to find out what was actually going on with all the tendons/ligaments etc (and not just the bones from the X-ray). Mr Gupta arranged for an MRI scan within a couple of days and then on reviewing the findings suggested that I could have ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injections into the joint (and possibly tendon) to aid with the recovery. He gave me the option of either doing this within a few days or waiting a few weeks to see how physiotherapy went - I chose to have it done ASAP so that it would hopefully speed things along with my physio. The ultrasound-guided injections were carried out by a superb team who were so reassuring and kind that I felt in safe hands at all times and who left me with 'after care' instructions too. When I noticed some bumps appear on my thumb joint, I emailed Mr Gupta questioning this and he replied within the hour letting me know it was residual crystals that would dissipate over time. (Great service and incredibly reassuring). After a further 8 weeks of physio and a vast improvement to mobility and general use of my hand/thumb, Mr Gupta was so pleased with the process that he discharged me but also said I could contact him again if ever I had any issues/questions etc. A total care package provided by Mr Gupta and his team (even his PA was lovely when booking my appointments!). I am more than happy to now have a working hand/thumb and will continue with the physio exercises until I'm (hopefully) back to near 100% again. A big thank you to Mr Gupta and his entire team for what they have done for me, which even though it was "just a thumb" plays a vital part in everyday life and I now feel that I am nearly back to new again! THANK YOU!

Written by a NHS patient at St Peter's Hospital
15th May 2024

​Left shoulder complex multifragmentary fracture hemiarthroplasty plus multifragment cerclage/tuberosity reconstruction plus biceps tenodesis arising from high speed ski crash Having been helicoptered and off the mountain in chamonix and air ambulanced back to the UK multiple surgeons did not even wish to countenance the operation needed . Only the fingers in my left hand moved a little and the 8 cm snapped upper half of my humerus bone had rotated 90 degrees pressing against nerves and main artery. After loads of scans of bones arteries nerve tests over a two week period mr Gupta warned me the outcome was uncertain till he went in and saw exactly what was going on. Amazingly replaced the shattered ball and put in the rod to my elbow and then attached loads of bone fragments together so all the tendons rotator cuff were reattached and saved my natural socket. My fingers had started to work a bit and my forearm was moving a fraction just before the operation (after nearby 3 weeks in hospital so all the tests could be done ) . After the operation he told me to start working hard under physio supervision within 3 days of the surgery . I could barely move a thing and my upper arm was dead due to crushed nerves. For the next two years under his supervision with physio no training slowly but surely things started to work. Within a year I was driving mountain biking ( did an off road 100km night time charity ride !) and even went skiing at the two year mark . I’m getting stronger and there really nothing I can’t do apart from pull ups and monkey bars though I have done a go ape ! It’s been amazing and frankly in my opinion Mt Gupta walks on water. Thankyou !!!

Written by a private patient at Prime Health Clinic
11th May 2024

Dr Gupta was very thorough and clear in his diagnosis and explanations of treatment.

11th May 2024

I chose Mr Gupta to diagnose, treat or recommend treatment for a shoulder injury. He recommended further investigation which proved to be extremely valuable. His recommendation as to what treatment to have was well explained and extremely balanced. Taking account of my age and an apparent previous condition our decision was to go for a less invasive form of treatment. This review is written before that treatment so the outcome is unknown but I am confident that we have gone down the right road.


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Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons), MBBS(Lond), FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Tr&Orth), is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in Upper Limb surgery at Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Surrey since 2005. He provides NHS and private treatment for shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand complaints, both surgical and non-surgical. He considers it to be an immense privilege that he is regarded as the premier Upper Limb Specialist to consult in his part of the UK by his patients and peers alike.
He is internationally renowned for his advanced arthroscopic (keyhole surgery), upper limb trauma, and arthroplasty (joint replacement - primary and revision) skills.
His research interests are also exclusively in the upper limb. He regularly lectures and instructs on advanced surgical courses nationally and internationally, and runs a busy tertiary referral practice helping numerous colleagues with their most complex, difficult-to-treat upper limb problems, incl. revision joint replacements and complex tendon transfers around the shoulder.
He is regarded as a key opinion leader in the field of Orthopaedic upper limb surgery, at the cutting edge using the most advanced technologies and techniques both diagnostically and surgically. Hence he is also regularly invited to participate in national / international teaching masterclasses in advanced upper limb surgery.
He is very proud to be awarded the IWantGreatCare Certificate of Excellence in recognition of consistently receiving outstanding patient feedback six years in succession during 2019-2024.

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