Mr Philip Heaton was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Grantham and District Hospital
18th July 2023

My overall experience has been very good, no problems with the operation. As a Patient I was advised to have the Epidural as it leaves the body quicker and you are more alert and are awake. I would very much recommend it my experience of it was extremely good. The Dr is quiet but extremely good at his Job and I would certainly recommend him to anyone.

Written by a NHS patient at Grantham and District Hospital
29th March 2023

I first met Mr Heaton in January after having first been seen earlier by a member of his team in September. I was very impressed by his manner, confidence and humour. Having previously had a hip Replacement done that left my left leg a bit shorter than the right, I asked Mr Heaton if he would be able to balance my leg lengths up. He promised that he would try his best.. The operation was done in February at Grantham Hospital and on the evening of the operation I was walking in the ward with a frame under a nurses supervision. The following day I was discharged and went home. In the intervening six weeks, I have progressed from the frame to walking sticks then a single stick. I now only need a stick for the first 2 or 3 paces and am able to walk normally albeit a bit slower but that is improving all the time. I went for a check up with Mr Heaton and told him how pleased I was with the results of the operation especially now that my legs are virtually evened up. If I am ever in the unfortunate position of needing orthopaedic surgery again, I would really want Mr Heaton to perform it. You are sir, a Star. Also the nursing staff on the ward and elsewhere that I came across were all excellent

Written by a NHS patient at Grantham and District Hospital
14th March 2023

I saw a Mr Heaton At Pilgrim Hospital in early October after he did my steroid injection in my right hip in July and he offered me the option for a total hip replacement due to having been diagnosed with severe advanced degenerative osteoarthritis. The operation was 30th Jan and I was nervous beforehand but he reassured me when he met me on the ward beforehand. The operation was successful and I was discharged home the following evening. The first week was difficult, I can’t lie, and I’m still using 1 stick now 6 weeks later and do find sleeping comfortably a little difficult at the moment but it’s getting better and you have to remember you’ve been through major surgery so you can’t expect it to be pain free straight away but the benefits of getting the new hip definitely outweigh the pain endured beforehand. The staff at the hospital were brilliant, so caring and they took time to listen to me and help me. At some stage I will need to have the other hip done and I certainly hope it will be Mr Heaton who performs my surgery again

Written by a NHS patient at Pilgrim Hospital
8th March 2023

I cannot praise this guy and his team enough From seeing Mr Heaton on my first consolation he put my mind at ease explaining the procedure and the benefits . I had my operation at Grantham hospital on the 26th of January and came out the next day free of pain . I walk with the aide of 2 walking sticks for the first 2 weeks then down to 1 for another 2 weeks then from week 4 totally unaided and pain free I took a stick out with me just in case but never needed it I put this down to the fantastic work of Mr Heaton and his team would I recommend him MOST DEFINITELY !

Written by a NHS patient at Grantham and District Hospital
15th October 2022

I asked specifically for Mr Heaton as he had successfully operated on my husband for both a hip and total knee replacement and I had personal recommendation from my husband. Mr Heaton listened to my concerns and only recommended total knee replacement when it became absolutely necessary. I felt totally confident in progressing with the surgery as it was thoroughly explained to me. The surgery was carried out successfully at Grantham by Mr Heaton and his team. After seeing the physio team the next morning I was allowed home later that day. It is now 3 months since my operation and I’ve completed a knee rehab physio class. My knee is pain free and I’m able to walk unaided quite easily again with my dog. I don’t need any painkillers and I am still continuing with the exercises as my muscles still need building up particularly as I want to return to playing tennis. I would thoroughly recommend Mr Heaton and his team they listened and were completely professional and caring. For anyone who is hesitant about having knee replacement surgery all I can say is it has given me back my independence in that I can now do so much more without pain and looking forward to doing even more in the future. I would just say listen to the physios and make sure you do the exercises they suggest.


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
  • Sports and exercise medicine


I am a hip and knee consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon with a very passionate desire for excellent patient care.
My areas of specialist interest include hip, knee and sports biomechanics.
Private Consultation only at Heaton Health and sports, Main road, East Keal, Lincolnshire Pe23 4bb UK.

Mobile contact 0788356 6645
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