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Written by a private patient at Ashtead Hospital
10th January 2023

Mr Ursell recently performed cataract surgery on my 90 year old mother. She was terrified about the surgery but Mr Ursell made the whole experience easy. He is friendly and professional and never patronising. Despite complications in her condition both surgeries went smoothly and she is thrilled to be able to see properly again.

8th November 2022

20/20 vision after cataract surgery with multi-focal lenses. Great care and little down time. Surgery at Ashtead Hospital. Highly recommended.

Written by a private patient at Ashtead Hospital
23rd October 2022

Cataract surgery and recovery without problems and am now enjoying the benefits of wonderful vision after a lifetime of being very short sighted.

Written by a private patient at Parkside Hospital
16th September 2022

Paul Ursell was extremely reassuring and gave me detailed notes as to what to expect in advance, the whole experience was stress free, fast and painless and everyone made me feel very comfortable. Both eyes have been a big success.

Written by a private patient at Parkside Hospital
13th September 2022

I am very pleased with the outcome. I am glasses free! My sight has always been very weak since 18. Obviously, with the cataract it deteriorated further. I consulted with Paul Ursell and chose a multi focal lens, for both eyes. I was a very nervous patient, but Mr Ursell is clearly at the top of his profession and gives one confidence in dealing with eye surgery. The surgery was at Parkside Hospital. The hospital is very modern and the staff very friendly and professional. No two eyes are the same, but I can confidently recommend both Mr Ursell and Parkside. Thank you.


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Specialises in

  • Ophthalmology


Paul Ursell is President of the UK Cataract Society UKISCRS and is one of the UK’s leading cataract surgeons.
Paul specialises in spectacle independance following cataract surgery with advanced premium implants to treat astigmatism, distance glasses and reading glasses as well as improving vision.

He has devoted his professional career to improving cataract surgery to make it safer and easier for patients. He has personally performed over 10,000 cataract operations in a career spanning 25 years.

Paul has developed a patient friendly ‘no needle, no patch’ technique for cataract surgery that is now widely taught across the NHS.