Mr Gnananandan Janakan was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
14th February 2024

I had an appointment with Mr Janakan to review my treatment and emergency operation he performed. He was very helpful in explaining what had been done and why. Future treatment was discussed and an outline plan suggested. I found the consultation most helpful and am quite willing to follow his plan.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
6th February 2024

I've been under Mr Janakan's care for 3 years, I find him friendly, approachable and calm. He gives me enough time at my appointments and pre & post operations and makes the effort to explain complexities (often using his own drawing - it really helps!) and to give me timelines when possible, which I really appreciate. During treatment for my chronic, often painful (previously) and intimately situated condition I have always felt respected and helped by Mr Janakan and the clinic staff and I'm so grateful.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
26th September 2023

Mr.Janakan is an amazing Doctor,he explained everything to us as a family that we could understand. He contacted my husband immediately after my operation,came to see me the next day,& we recently had a follow up appointment, again he explained everything he had done during my operation,& answered my questions fully.The RSCH are extremely fortunate to have him as one of their surgeons.Thank you Mr.Janakan for looking after me.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
3rd September 2023

I found Mr Janakan to be kind, approachable, considerate and thorough in his explanation of what my surgery entailed. He was happy to answer any questions and his manner was extremely reassuring, dispelling many of my anxieties. I have recently seen him again following my surgery for my post-operative check and to give me the results. He was patient and answered all my questions leaving me with confidence that I had received the highest level of care. My family and I thank him sincerely for his professionalism, care and restoring me to good health. I feel that he has given me my life back. He is an outstanding surgeon and a great asset to the Sussex County Hospital.

4th September 2023
Response from Mr Gnananandan Janakan

Thank you very much. Thats very kind of you to say.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
1st August 2023

As an emergency case, it transpires that Mr Janakan saved my life. When what appeared to be a routine keyhole proceedure quickly became a much more invasive op. He has good, clear communication, and was as thorough in his surgery as his clinic. Mr Janakan has a calm and measured, yet friendly manner and appears both humble, and human, which is impressive and refreshing in medical staff in my experience. I feel very fortunate to have been his patient, and do not underestimate his skill and knowledge in being able to deal with my situation so carefully and efficiently- given that he'd never dealt with a case like mine before. I hope that if I am able to have a reversal, he'll be the surgeon in charge, which is the biggest compliment I can pay. Thank you Jan!


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