Mr Christopher Bailey was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Nuffield Hospital Hampshire
14th August 2018

I found Mr Bailey to be a kind and caring man who seemed interested in his patients,not just their symptoms. He visited me daily and was happy to answer all my questions without giving the impression he had said it a hundred times before. He was unable to see me after my op as I hadn't come round but he came to see me the following morning, at 5:30, I don't know who was more surprised, me at seeing him at that time or him to see me awake and sat up crocheting in bed. My recovery has been good and I have seen him twice since leaving the hospital. I would certainly recommend him to anyone thinking of having a knee op.

1st August 2018

Having had 2 total knee replacements in the last 5 months, I am now pain free and well on the way to walking unaided again. I cannot praise Mr Bailey and his team highly enough. Utterly professional, but warm and friendly and approachable, they could not have been kinder or more helpful. One hundred percent recommendation in every respect following my stay in Sarum Road hospital and my heartfelt thanks to all concerned. Anne Troth.

Written by a patient at The Nuffield Hospital Hampshire
20th July 2018

I visited dr Bailey with large haematoma on my thigh which was thoroughly examined (for the first time since my injury four weeks earlier despite I had been seen by four phisicians within that period) and possible treatment options and related risks were discussed with me. Seems like the choice of treatment was right.

11th July 2018

I saw Mr Bailey in May 2018 for a shoulder issue which I had been suffering from for a few months. Mr Bailey made his diagnosis during the consultation and then booked MRI scans to confirm this. To help ease my pain Mr Bailey also gave me a hydrocortisone injection. Within one week Mr Bailey had the results and confirmed that I needed Subacromial Decompression surgery. The procedure was explained in detail to me and Mr Bailey was happy to answer any questions or worries that I had. The surgery went well and Mr Bailey took the time to visit me before the procedure, after his surgery list was completed at 8pm that night and again at 7.30am the next morning. I am now free from the original pain and back to work so a good result for me. I would totally recommend Mr Bailey as he is an excellent surgeon and a very nice approachable man.

Written by a patient at Royal Hampshire County Hospital
10th July 2018

I had severe arthritis in my right knee and needed a complete knee replacement. An added problem was a fifteen inch approximately nail down the centre of the tibia which had been in place for 52 years and had to be removed to allow the knee replacement. A friend who had been a previous knee replacement patient with Mr Bailey at RHCH Winchester recommended that I go to Mr Bailey. Several things immediately impressed me about Mr Bailey, his obvious knowledge and grasp of the problem together with a relaxed informal manner backed up by his experience. The problem was put to me that the pin may come out successfully, be ingrown and fail to come out, alternatively come out but cause fractures of the bone, Due to general anaesthetic there was a limited time to get the pin out and then carry out the knee replacement. Mr Bailey warned me that if he managed to get the pin out but ran out of time it would mean no knee replacement at that time but a second operation about three months later. In the event Mr Bailey allowed a morning to carry out whatever procedure was necessary. He told me after he had brought in every piece of equipment he could think of to use in the removal of the pin. To cut a long story short, Mr Bailey removed the pin, then carried out the knee replacement. It is now four months since my operation and I am absolutely delighted with the result. I am playing golf every day, walking really well and apart from the healing process have absolutely no pain from my knee. Because of the previous fracture of the tibia my leg was out of line which caused me further discomfort by causing me to walk badly. Mr Bailey saw this during the operation and realigned my leg during the knee replacement. I can now walk properly with my foot operating normally flat on the floor. There is no way that I can express my gratitude and admiration for Chris Bailey adequately. I thank him from the bottom of my heart for giving me a new lease of life. I would unreservedly recommend Mr Bailey to anybody that requires his services. Thank you Chris.


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Mr Bailey is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in Winchester, Hampshire. He works at the Royal Hampshire County, Sarum Road and the Nuffield Health Wessex Hospitals and treats patients with disorders affecting the knee, shoulder and hip.