Mr Chellappah Gnanachandran was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Northampton General Hospital
17th August 2020

GP referral to the Gynae. Dept at Northampton General Hospital- re:- a relatively short history of vaginal discharge and bleeding. The G.P said that further investigation would be required, initially as an out patient by a nurse specialist followed by an appointment with a consultant should it be necessary. The Gynae consultations were dealt with in a logical manner and I was kept informed either by phone or letter. The appointment with the Consultant, Mr Chellappa Gnanachandran was unhurried, whilst he explained that abnormalities had been detected and explained the options open to me. I was given plenty of time to say what I felt would be the best option given my age. I am now post- op and will be seen again either in the Gynae. Clinic or by phone depending on the need for further action. I am most grateful for the consideration and kindness I experienced under the care of Mr Gnanachandran and the staff in the Gynae Dept.

17th June 2020

I needed an urgent hysterectomy which during the COVID-19 pandamic was particularly worrying. Mr Gnanachandran treated me well, talked me through the procedure and explained the risks all with good humour. I had the operation on a Tuesday afternoon and went home the following day. I have healed quickly with minimal pain and when I did have a slight infect Mr Gnanachandran and his team treated that promptly. I would totally recommend this surgeon and his team, thank you so very much.

Written by a patient at Northampton General Hospital
18th May 2020

I cannot thank Dr Gnanachandran enough! I was very lucky to be referred to him following years of pain with end and PCOS. For the first time, someone listened to me and didn't fob me off with more pain killers. He took a lot of time discussing the options with me and my husband. I had 2 more appointments to make sure surgery was the best option. I went ahead and had a total hysterectomy in March 2020 at Northampton hospital, it could not have gone better. I felt calm as the staff were reassuring and thorough. Now, 2 months later I can't believe I suffered for so long before meeting this dr. I have my life back. Thank you.

Written by a patient at Northampton General Hospital
29th April 2020

I cannot thank enough Mr Gnanachandran [ Gnana] for excellent care he provided. I suffered with endometriosis symptoms for long time and luckily I have been referred to Mr Gnanachndran who understood my symptoms and condition very well and helped me and supported through [ Not many doctors understand the depth of trouble women face with symptoms related to endometriosis]. I recently underwent Laparoscopic hysterectomy ,resection of all endometriosis including separating sigmoid colon adhered to uterus , uterosacral ligament , removal of uterosacral ligament endometriosis, ureterolysis , bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy and cystoscopy. It was a complicated surgery but Mr Gnanchandranan and his team's amazing skills and patience made it possible and uneventful. His pre op guidance and post op care advice helped me very much to recover well. I would like to say again a very big thank you to Dr Gnanachandran and his wonderful team for carrying out my complicated op and that too laparoscopically. I would also like to thank his secretary Leah.

28th April 2020

From my very first visit Dr Gnanachandran listened to what I was saying and was very thorough in my investigations prior to my surgery in March 2020. Background I have suffered from endometriosis for many years resulting in me having to have IVF in order for me to get pregnant and 2 years after having my son by c-section I had to have a hysterectomy. I was left with both ovaries but following complications had to have my right ovary taken out. Symptoms I had been gradually getting pains on my left hand side which over time progressively got worse to the point of it being constant pain which was dragging me down and had to control this on a daily basis with painkillers. It got to the point where I couldn’t cope with the pain anymore and was impacting my quality of life. Outcome From the results of my investigations Dr Gnanachandran gave me options of either carrying on as I was trying to manage the pain and do nothing or to have surgery to remove my remaining left ovary but I needed to be aware that it was risky having surgery due to my previous gynae history their would be lots of scar tissue and it may not even eliminate the pain. I couldn’t carry on so I agreed to the surgery understanding the risks and the outcome. Well all I can say is thank goodness I went ahead, thanks to Dr Gnanachandran I am now almost 6 weeks post-op and pain free. I am healing well and due back at work next week. After my op when Dr Gnanachandran came up to see me he told me he had managed to remove my remaining ovary but my endometriosis had come back and stuck everything together including my urethra and colon which he sorted out and he removed all my adhesions and generally gave me a good “clean out “ It was quite a mess but being the amazing surgeon he is he managed to get everything done which he set out to do and that was to restore my quality of life pain free. So if anyone is wondering who to be referred to who suffers or who has suffered with endometriosis I could not recommend anyone other than the excellent care of Dr Gnanachandran.


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Consultant Gynaecologist MBBS, MRCOG, MSc (ultrasound scan)

Consultation and treatment for fibroids, endometriosis, and early gynaecology cancer.

Mr Gnanachandran is a specialist in gynaecology scanning, laparoscopic (keyhole surgery) treatment for endometriosis, laparoscopic hysterectomy, myomectomy (open and laparoscopic) and Colposcopy for cervical precancers.

Special interest:
Gynaecology scan
Hysteroscopy and laparoscopic surgeries including myomectomy (removal of fibroids) Laparoscopic hysterectomy(key hole removal of womb)

Mr Gnanachandran has special skills and teach gynaecology scanning for fibroids and endometriosis and uterine abnormality( including TVS 3 d scan and HyCoSy)).

Colposcopy- accredited for diagnosis and treatment.

Gynaecology scan (2dTVS, TAS, TVS 3D, HyCoSy)

Laparoscopic surgeries and hysteroscopic procedures.
Gynaecology surgery for pelvic pain, fibroids, heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriomas, endometriosis, hysterectomy(laparoscopic/open)endometrial ablation and all hysteroscopic surgeries including ablations)

Fertility surgery(eg: Myomectomy, resection of the congenital uterine septum),
Suspected gynaecology cancer patients such as early endometrial cancer

Early pregnancy scan and management of ectopic pregnancy and management of miscarriage.

I do not provide obstetric care (late pregnancy care, ANC and delivery) termination of pregnancy, Urogynaecology (urinary incontinence and prolapses)

Special interest:
Scanning for an ovarian cyst, fibroids,
uterine abnormality including TVS 3 d scan
Endometrial assessment and treatment
Laparoscopic surgery.

Surgery: Hysteroscopic, Laparoscopic and open for fibroids.

Personal profile

Mr Gnanachandran, Consultant Gynaecologist,

Graduated from the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka (2002)

NHS training programme in 2004.

In 2005, he started obstetrics and gynaecology training, working in several hospitals throughout the West Midlands and Wales, completing training in multiple different aspects of gynaecology including ultrasound scan and laparoscopic surgery for patients with subfertility, endometriosis, fibroids and early gynaecology malignancies.

In 2016 he was appointed as a consultant at Northampton General Hospital to develop fertility services and gynaecology rapid access care service provision.

In his current post, he leads fertility, emergency gynaecology services and gynaecology rapid access care (suspected cancer 2ww pathway) dealing with patients suspected of having cancer.

His main interest is to help patients avoid unnecessary interventions and to allow them to access appropriate early surgery when needed.