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Written by a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
12th February 2020

Dr. Jadon clearly enjoys a mastery of his specialism; further he expresses himself lucidly and readily accepts questions and queries to which he responds authoritatively. He's clearly an asset to the Addenbrooke's team.

Written by a patient at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
7th February 2020

I've been in chronic lumbar/pelvic/sciatic pain for 2 years+, and at my wits end due to all the possible/probable/improbable causes, unceasing pain, no effective NHS treatment that lasts and no end in sight (doom and gloom, I know). Dr Jadon helped me rule in/out the possibles more effectively than GP's have over the past two years in 40 minutes. He was patient with my constant questions and challenges, and handled it with aplomb and candour. I felt I had finally gotten to speak to someone who understood my situation, and was in no way offended by 'Google Doctor Syndrome'. We now have some clarity on 'what it isn't' - which is more than we knew before. As a consult, it was invaluable, worth every penny, and I on behalf of my wife and myself, I offer our heartfelt thanks Dr. Jadon.

Written by a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
21st January 2020

I have met DrJodan on three visits to Addenbrookes hospital and during each occasion he traded me outmost professionalism, courtesy and kindness. He did not rush the appointments, gave me plenty of information and reassurance. A complete gentleman and a caring doctor. I wish there were more doctors in NHS like him.

Written by a patient at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
17th January 2020

Dr Jadon has a very pleasant manner which puts one at ease. He discusses and explains things clearly and straightforwardly without being patronising. The medication he prescribed has relieved the symptoms and made life much more comfortable.

Written by a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
16th January 2020

All positive


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Dr Deepak Jadon is a Consultant in Rheumatology, Director of the Rheumatology Research Unit, and lead for psoriatic arthritis at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFT.

Having grown up in Cardiff, he completed his medical degree at Cardiff University in 2003, rheumatology specialist training at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (Bath, 2007 to 2015) and a PhD in rheumatology (2015).

Dr Jadon has particular expertise in the investigation and management of back pain (acute and chronic), rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout; osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia. He uses musculoskeletal ultrasound to help diagnose/ monitor arthritis, and to guide cortisone injections into joints and soft-tissues.

Dr Jadon is Director of the Rheumatology Research Unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, where he leads on numerous clinical trials of novel cutting-edge medications for the treatment of arthritis and other rheumatological conditions.

Areas of interest:
Back pain; rheumatoid arthritis; psoriatic arthritis; ankylosing spondylitis; gout; osteoarthritis; fibromyalgia; musculoskeletal ultrasound; cortisone injections into joints and soft-tissues.