
Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)

46 reviews

Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
5th May 2023

I am so incredibly grateful that I found Professor Griffin. He was the second consultant that I spoke to when I began struggling with my left hip. I had severe FAI symptoms on the left and was struggling to tie my left shoe and walk for more than about 20 mins. It was painful and I was slightly in denial as I am an exercise junkie and love all sport! I am in my early 50s and did not want to slow down my sporty lifestyle. The first consultant, in one sweeping statement, informed me that I would need a double hip replacement. He would not say when, only that it was definitely on the cards. He suggested steroid injections first which I did with him and which provided limited relief. He then booked me in for a hip arthroscopy procedure. At this point, I looked for a second opinion and thankfully found Professor Griffin. I initially met him over Zoom and then in person. His calm, measured and informative approach was so refreshing. He talked me through my scans in great detail, was happy to answer any questions and was very clear about my prognosis. My left hip has a slightly shallow socket and a labral tear. He carefully examined my range of movement and balance control. I had been working very hard with a physio and trainer between my two meetings with Professor Griffin and my pain had reduced considerably at this point. He explained exactly why the hip strengthening was working to alleviate my pain and that, given how my body was now supporting itself successfully, I would not be looking at any surgery for now. I asked if I would eventually need a hip replacement. Professor Griffin said that my shallow socket did make a hip replacement more likely than for the average person but not necessarily so if I continued training my body well. Professor Griffin is everything you wish for in a consultant. He is thoughtful, non alarmist, informative and kind. Surgery is a huge step and he makes you feel like he has your best interest at heart. I am grateful to be his patient and will not hesitate to consult him again if my symptoms change.

Written by a private patient at Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
27th March 2023

I am a 63 year old very active lady. My sports include cable wakeboarding, indoor climbing, wing foiling and road cycling. Last summer I noticed an increasing amount of pain in my left hip. My physiotherapist, Luke Anthony, at GoPerform ( A training and sports rehabilitation centre in Reading, Berkshire)) gave me a number of exercises to try and alleviate the hip, but the pain became more acute. Luke recommended and referred me to Professor Griffin for further investigation. The initial consultation with Professor Griffin was exceptionally thorough and Professor Griffin spent a great deal of time making sure that he understood the problem that I had and how this was affecting my sports. Following x-rays a diagnosis of osteoarthritis was made and Professor Griffin recommended a total hip replacement. We decided that this was the best option as I wanted to return to all my sports. We also decided that the surgery would take place in early 2023 as I had a couple of holidays planned! In the intervening period it also gave the opportunity to undertake as much "pre -hab" as possible to retain strength and mobility in the hip. The surgery itself went extremely well. Professor Griffin and the anaesthetist explained exactly what to expect and there was 100% pain control. A few hours after surgery the physiotherapist helped me get out of bed and take a few steps. Furthermore, by the following morning I was waking with crutches along the corridor of the hospital! I was at the Three Shires Hospital, which was 1.5 hours away from my home so I chose to stay in for a second night, the care in the hospital was excellent. Once home, I needed the crutches for a couple of days, but by day 5 I had progressed onto hiking poles. I also hired a "Game Ready" recovery ice machine that cooled the surgery area and helped keep any swelling under control. By day 8 I was able to walk over 1km with the hiking poles and I began physiotherapy with Luke at GoPerform. The preparation prior to surgery certainly helped, along with the Superb surgery from Professor Griffin. On day 12 I had a video call with Professor Griffin and I was able to remove the dressing, his call was very helpful and I was very impressed with the neatness of the scar! It is now day 18 and I am attending rehabilitation daily at GoPerform along with a 2 km walk. I must say that I am delighted with the overall experience so far and I look forward to progressing over the coming weeks. Professor Griffin and his Team are outstanding !

Written by a private patient at Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
25th March 2023

From the first consultation I knew I’d chosen the right man for the job. He filled me with confidence, explained everything clearing, so I felt totally safe in his hands. His level of after care was second to none. I followed his physio instructions to the letter and two weeks after my total hip replacement he suggested I move on to using walking poles instead of crutches. I bought a pair from Amazon and they made walking so easy as I was able to stand upright and the action of moving your arms like marching propels you along. Three months after the operation I don’t even notice or think about my hip - I am totally pain free and back to enjoying long walks of around 6 miles a day. I cannot recommend him highly enough and am truly grateful for everything he has done for me.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
8th February 2023

I've always been active and especially love yoga and long distance hill walking, so found it extremely frustrating when I developed hip discomfort in the mid 2000's when I was in my thirties. Over the following 15 years I saw specialist after specialist, but nothing made a difference. I blamed myself, because I found it difficult to describe precisely what my symptoms were. It was easy to see that the range of movement in my left hip was restricted, so it was this that tended to be the focus of any physio I was offered. However, there were other symptoms too, which would come and go without any specific trigger. For example, my hip joint would sometimes feel very stiff or as if it was swollen; at other times it would feel as though I had a pinched nerve; it was too uncomfortable to sleep on my left side. In 2022, I had the good fortune of being referred to Prof Griffin. After so many experiences of unsuccessful treatment, I admit that I was sceptical when he told me within my first 30-minute consultation that he was pretty sure he knew what was causing my pain. Three months later, with confirmation of Prof Griffin's diagnosis of synovial chondromatosis, I was admitted to the Harley St Specialist Hospital for a hip arthroscopy. The whole process from start to finish was outstanding. Within an hour of coming out of the anaesthetic I left the hospital on crutches. Within three weeks I was driving and back at work. Six months on, I am still doing physio (no surprise after 15 years of restricted movement) but am as close to my 'old self' as I could be. I am absolutely delighted with the outcome and have no reservation about recommending Prof Griffin to anyone with hip pain. I am so grateful to have 'found' him and it is no exaggeration to say that his care has changed my life for the better.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
26th January 2023

From my first consultation, Professor Griffin put me at complete ease and made the decision of having surgery very easy. Having a full hip replacement as a very active 40year old came with many questions and worries, all of which were answered sensitively and thoroughly. The experience I had at The New Foscote Hospital was truly fantastic. The level of care throughout my stay was second to none. I was beyond impressed at how smoothly everything went and my recovery post surgery was incredible. I have made a very quick and full return to coaching in a gym, competing as an athlete and have found my love of running again. This was a life changing and highly positive experience.


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Specialist hip surgeon for young or active people. International expert in hip preservation surgery and hip arthroscopy.