
Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)

46 reviews

Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
23rd January 2023

I am a 22-year-old student from Solihull. I have always been active throughout my life through sports and clubs when I was younger. In 2016 I noticed a clicking in my right hip when I walked or when I straightened my leg after it being crossed for a period. We thought this may have been brought on by a fall I had in 2015. I went to the Doctors, and they proposed 6 weeks of physiotherapy and said that should resolve the issue. This did resolve the clicking, but only for a short period of time, the clicking then returned. After it returned, I went to the doctor again. This time I was referred to have an x-ray. The x-ray diagnosis was: 1) Bilateral hip dysplasia 2) Labral tear left hip After the x-ray, I was given further physiotherapy at Solihull Hospital. Whilst only walking short distances this physiotherapy resolved the issue. I moved to Derby to attend university and the increased walking that came with this caused the clicking. I could not walk for further than 20 minutes without being in a lot of pain in my right hip. It also affected my sleep and my ability to get on with daily activities. I went to the Doctors in Derby, and they referred me to another physiotherapist. This physio then referred me to Professor Griffin as she saw that despite becoming physically stronger in my glutes and legs as a result of the activities she was giving me the pain was not going away. Due to my previous experiences of having no solutions to the clicking, I was nervous and skeptical of Professor Griffin resolving my issue. He started with a consultation where he got to know me personally and how active I am. He explained to me carefully a step-by-step plan of tests that would be undertaken to investigate what was wrong with my hip. It started with an x-ray and MRI scan. I then had another appointment with Professor Griffin where he discussed the results of my MRI scan and x-ray. He carefully explained the results making sure that both my mother and I understood it and knew what would need to be done next. Even when I was at university, he allowed my Mum to join the video consultations to also make notes as he knew that at times, I found the process quite overwhelming. This was followed by further tests to ensure that the proposed surgery was the best option for me. I saw Professor Griffin in Banbury. As well as this I had a CT scan to confirm the results from the previous procedure. By doing this he confirmed that surgery was the best solution to my issue as these tests had shown that other procedures would not resolve my hip problem. Professor Griffin again thoroughly discussed the results with my mother and I and of what would be involved in the operation and the recovery after. On the day of my operation, he came and calmly explained the procedure to me before carrying it out. The scarring I have post-procedure is very minimal and I am pleased to say that I am almost fully recovered 5 months on. I can walk all day without pain and intend to start many of my old sports again. Throughout the whole process from the initial consultation to my final post-operation consultation Professor Griffin was very calming and thorough. I would highly recommend him to any young person who is having issues with their hip, especially if surgery is involved.

Written by a private patient at The Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital
6th January 2023

I was referred to Prof Damian Griffin by another specialist, after doctors tried to find the cause for my 'groin pain' over the period of 9 months and were trying to address it. I am not a professional sportsman, but a physically very active person with dedication when it comes to strength and endurance, and Martial Arts. First observation, Prof Griffin was listening carefully, asked questions that even sound beyond usual, trying to understand one's background, lifestyle, habits, and physical activities and limitations in particular. On our first appointment he then did some mobility 'tests' and had immediately an idea. - Unlike some other doctors, he did not jump to a conclusion, but explained his hypothesis and what diagnostic approach he is suggesting to either confirm or to refute it. Several scans, X-ray, MRI, CT, were conducted, which gave him an idea. But a final, very specific examination undertaken by injecting local anaesthetic into the area of suspicion – right before and right after a physiotherapist conducted mobility and triggering exercises and manipulations to reproduce the sharp ‘groin pain’. Since after the local anaesthetic the very same exercises did not cause any pain, it was for both Prof Griffin and me, the patient, clear the location has been confirmed. It turned out to be the hip joint and not the groin. Prof Griffin outlined the surgery, we discussed the trade-offs in terms of risk assessment of doing or not doing the surgery, what it would mean for both, my lifestyle, my sports activities, and at some point, my ageing some decades down the line. At almost every conversation I had the impression that Prof Griffin had the answer just before I even asked the question. This gave me more confidence that I have not only an expert, but also an experienced expert in front of me. Given my level of higher education I also found very helpful that Prof Griffin was adjusting his way of explanation. It was always intellectually demanding and yet understandable for me, not being a medical doctor. Furthermore, reassuring was the fact to understand that the surgery is one element, another one the physiotherapy to come after. Though it was another thing to experience the aftermath, the first days, weeks and then months in real, he gave me a good outlook what to expect in terms limitations, but also progress, and that I can contribute to my healing and rehabilitation. After the successful hip arthroscopy, I was matched by Prof Griffin with a great physiotherapist, Remi Mobed, based in Royal Leamington Spa. The latter conducted a pre-op assessment, and we were working so far greatly together. While the first 2-4 weeks – 10-12 days on crutches – are very much focused on healing and slowly mobilising my hip, my musculoskeletal system, and thus me, I had to be patient. And both, Prof Griffin and Remi were working hand in hand, and I was following their advises. Next months were around the rehabilitation, activating certain muscles in my legs and around the hip, gradually stepping up the range of movement, difficulty of exercises, and stretching. Having had the outlook before the surgery and then seeing the continuous progress – as promised and as said, “me contributing and thus influencing the progress” – was a continuous motivator. Day by day, week by week, getting the advises, following them religiously and seeing the progress. Again, a proof that one is in professional hands, when things happen as forecasted. I have both a mindset that is always up for a challenge and I had and still have the strong desire to do better than myself yesterday. About three months post-surgery, I am sure that I will not only return to athletic skills before surgery but even before the issue came up in the first place. The combined team of Prof Damian Griffin and Remi Mobed gave and are giving me the confidence that this is possible.

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
5th January 2023

I have always played sports and enjoyed keeping active and I am still just on the right side of 50. Unfortunately, I probably wasn’t made as well as most people and consequently, I have had many knee operations, I had hip surgery on my right hip 6 years ago, and just now hip resurfacing on my left hip. I have experienced quite a few surgeons. So good ones, some great, and some excellent ones. Professor Damien Griffin is one of the excellent ones. He operated on my right hip 6 years ago and there was no one else that I wanted to treat my left hip this time. Surprisingly, after all my operations I am squeamish whenever surgery is discussed or on television. However, I have never felt squeamish when Damien has been discussing surgery and the procedures. As Damien explains the surgery you realise how well-planned the procedures are and I actually start to become fascinated by the engineering that goes into them. The attention to detail is brilliant and gives comfort and reassurance you are in excellent hands. I am now 6 weeks post-surgery, and everything feels great. The physio is boring but must be done and my biggest challenge now is being sensible and not overdoing the rehabilitation and exercise. For anyone requiring advice or surgery relating to their hips, I can highly recommend Damien as I know you would be under the best possible care.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
1st December 2022

I am an active person living in North Wales and enjoy a mixture of trad climbing, bouldering and fell running. I started having noticeable hip pain in 2020 and believed it was due to over-use. After 6 months rest over the winter, and I started my 2021 training cautiously with judicious amounts of physio, mobility drills and strength exercises and was able to enjoy most of summer. Come August I was having severe pain and after talking to an osteopath was advised to ask the GP for an x-ray referral. The initial diagnosis was a cam impingement, which I then had confirmed via an MRI scan. I was able to continue climbing through most of winter but come spring '22 I was in pain on a daily basis. I was reluctant to book the surgery at first as I wasn't sure if it would be effective and I didn't want to miss the climbing season. Retrospectively I am glad I did. With help from Damian and his team I am now climbing better than I have ever been. Damian has a thorough approach that involves a pre-operative arthrogram under sedation in able to get as accurate imaging as possible. If you are thinking about getting surgery but are on the fence I would encourage you to go for it - to be at the point where you are thinking about it then it must already be having a significant impact on your quality of life. Prof Griffin is one of the words experts and it's unlikely you will find someone better for the job.

Written by a private patient at Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
17th October 2022

I have osteoarthritis and was in need of a hip replacement. As I had never had major surgery before, I was incredibly nervous about the procedure and about the surgeon who would perform it. I was lucky enough to be referred to Prof Griffin, who was highly recommended by the sports specialist who gave me my pre-surgery diagnosis. Prof Griffin put me at ease by always answering my questions, sometime more than once as I didn’t always remember some information. He was able to secure a surgical theatre, even during the post-pandemic lack of available theatres. And on the day of surgery he put my mind at ease as I waited. The best part was my immediate loss of pre-surgery pain after coming out of surgery. On our follow up appointment to remove my bandage, Prof Griffin explained why my surgery was so different from other posterior hip replacements, with his care in fitting my new hip to my body so precisely. It enables me to have no restrictions after surgery and enabled me to have a more speedy return to my normal, active life. Now at one month post-surgery, I am able to take longer walks and have returned to the gym, with very modified workouts. I am grateful for having been lucky enough to have such a skilled surgeon and would highly recommend him for anyone needing hip surgery, especially those people who wish yo return to previously active lives.


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Specialist hip surgeon for young or active people. International expert in hip preservation surgery and hip arthroscopy.