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Written by a patient at Meads Medical Centre
2nd August 2017

she listened to me &answered my questions in a kindly way

Written by a patient at The Harbours Medical Practice
7th March 2017

As someone who is more than a little averse to seeking any sort of medical help, it wasn't until an issue I was experiencing became serious that I accepted my wife's pleas to see a doctor. Two close associates had contracted viral meningitis and I was showing symptoms that closely mirrored theirs. I'd ignored it in the hope I could 'get through it' but it got so bad I started to panic. Dr Grimston called me and listened to my situation, not only in terms of the symptoms and problems, but also in terms of my fears about the lumber puncture procedure I had heard I would have to have, and did not want. Dr Grimston calmed me and persuaded me that I needed to see a doctor quickly. I asked if it could be her and I am fairly sure that she waited (it was late) at the surgery so I could see her as I had asked, rather than a different Doctor. This meant a lot to me. I didn't feel like a number, but instead I felt like the system cared and was going the extra step to look after me. This really helped my confidence and it humanised things. That matters. Dr Grimston performed some tests and while doing them she displayed not only an obviously calm capability, but also an intellect that I found reassuring. This would have stood out on its own but Dr Grimston meshed these qualities with a reassuring, caring manner that made me feel safe and also that I could trust her. That's a big thing for me. We all want to feel cared for and there was a humanising touch to her manner that stands out in a big way. Perhaps most significantly, Dr Grimston was able to diagnose my issue, which was not Viral meningitis but an extreme over intake of water that I had exacerbated to an even worse degree by upping my fluid intake when I thought I had meningitis. Had I not seen Dr Grimston I would have continued apace with the fluid intake and my situation would have been very dire. Instead, three days later and I am recovering well, and I am much relieved. I am extremely grateful to Dr Grimston. At a moment in my life when I was vulnerable and in need of someone who could help, care and see me safe, Dr Grimston fulfilled that and went somewhat beyond it. This is what life, and being human beings together should be about. It is fairly rare, and always special, to encounter someone who gets that and is living their life by those standards. Thank you Dr Grimston. I think it is relevant to state that I do not ordinarily write reviews and choose to do so only when the situation absolutely warrants it. Dr Grimston is the sort of person our society needs at its forefront, in this case, within the field of medicine and I am grateful to have encountered her in my hour of need. Thank you. Your help is not forgotten.

Written by a patient at Hailsham Medical Group
9th November 2016

Dr Grimston took the time to listen to my concerns fully and in detail and made me feel as though she was taking what I had to say seriously. She discussed my concerns with me and was able to explain things to me clearly and in a reassuring manor. I feel very lucky to see Dr Grimston and will be making sure that In future I always ask to see her where possible. She is probably the best GP I have seen and is a great example of a knowledgeable and caring and pragmatic practitioner. I feel that others could learn from the best practice that Dr Grimston shows and how she places her patients at the centre of what she does.

Written by a patient at Hailsham Medical Group
5th October 2016

Dr Alison Grimston is a brilliant doctor, she one of the best GP's i have ever met. After years trying to find help from other GP's Dr Grimston was able to find the cause of my symptoms in a matter of minutes, she also provided me with accurate and reliable information regarding my diagnoses. Dr Grimston is one of the most help people i have met she is caring, understanding and compassionate and goes the extra mile to help you.

Written by a patient at Hailsham Medical Group
30th September 2016

could not fault her approached medical skill


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Specialises in

  • General Practice
  • Endocrinology
  • Family Planning and Reproductive health care


With 20 years' experience of general practice and a lifelong interest in women's health, endocrinology and complementary therapies, I focus on inspiring and empowering patients to take back control of their health and make informed decisions, using lifestyle and mindset to tranform their health experience and minimise the use of prescribed medications.
In my private practice and professional speaking I am particularly focused on helping individuals and organisations to deal with stress and hormone imbalances in a more pro-active way.

Nearest Family planning and reproductive health care specialists