
Mr Richard Turner

70 reviews


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Written by a patient at Westmorland General Hospital
13th May 2016

Since first being diagnosed with cancer of the bladder several months ago, Richard has proved to be invaluable as my CNS. His caring approach, either by telephone or face to face is second to none. He has been a stabling influence to both my husband and myself on more than one occasion and has never failed to make contact during a crisis when we have needed him. Richard has always answered any questions truthfully and has made and confirmed various appointments for me efficiently. To have Mr Richard Turner 'on our side' has been a great comfort when we have felt so confused and terrified at what the future holds. He is a credit to his profession.

13th May 2016
Response from Mr Richard Turner

Thank you so much for your kind feedback. I genuinely appreciate this. My door is always open if I can ever help at any stage now or in the future.

Written by a carer at Ulverston Hospital
12th May 2016

As my husband's Macmillan Cancer Nurse Specialist, following his brush with cancer two years ago, Richard Turner has proved to be an excellent representative of the Macmillan Cancer Support. He was an absolute rock during a very emotional time in our lives when we felt that our whole world had fallen apart and he provided just the right amount of support which we appreciated so much; even now it's so good to know he can always be relied upon to provide help or advice should we ever need it. Through my husband's experience I have come to realise what tremendous work is done by the Macmillan charity in helping those whose lives are touched by this cruel disease. The service it provides (in our case in the form of Richard - thanks you're a five star guy in our eyes!) is absolutely invaluable to those in need of their support.

13th May 2016
Response from Mr Richard Turner

Thank you for your kind feedback. I genuinely appreciate your comments.

Written by a patient at Furness General Hospital
12th May 2016

Richard Turner brought a positive and comforting presence to my life when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago. In the beginning I found it very difficult to cope with the fact that I had cancer but due in no small part to the unfailing support of Richard on both a practical and a psychological level I was slowly able to see "light at the end of the tunnel". Now thankfully with a good prognosis for me following the treatment I feel as though I have my old life back again. I am grateful for all the assistance Richard has given me in his role as my appointed Macmillan Cancer Nurse Specialist and find it reassuring to know that I can rely on him to provide helpful advice at any time should I require it.

12th May 2016
Response from Mr Richard Turner

Thank you for your feedback. I genuinely appreciate it. Please remember my service is always available to you if you ever have any further questions or concerns.

Written by a carer at Ulverston Hospital
10th May 2016

We first met Richard when my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He was the calm in the eye of the storm for my family and I as we embarked on a journey that none of us wanted to take. He was there for us around the clock (morning, noon and night) to provide a voice of reason when nothing made sense, to provide humour when all we wanted to do was cry, to understand when our minds became irrational and to slow the pace when we raced ahead to the ‘what ifs’. There was no 'one size fits all' approach with Richard. He took the time to understand my dad, notice how he was reacting to the diagnosis and work out the best way to help him. He supported my dad in exactly the way my dad needed – firm but reassuring and with the patience of a saint. Richard was the inspiration for me to complete the Keswick to Barrow walk recently, raising over £1,000 for the amazing organisation that is Macmillan. Without Richard I don’t know how we would have got through that frightening time. Sore legs were a very small price to pay in return not only for Richard’s depth of experience and professionalism but also the genuine compassion and care that he showed throughout….and which continues to this day. Absolutely nothing could have been done to improve the care we received from Richard…it was exceptional and we’ll remember it forever.

10th May 2016
Response from Mr Richard Turner

Thank you so much for this simply wonderful feedback. I feel deeply privileged that I was able to help during what must have been a very difficult time for all of you. Well done on raising all that money too. Phenomenal effort.

Written by a patient at Furness General Hospital
8th May 2016

I'd just like to say that the care I got from Richard Turner was the best thing anyone could ask for. He's not just bean my nurse in my time of need he's like a friend and someone who listens and understands and helps through the hard times. So you have asked me what could be done to improve the help I got, well there is nothing,the help I got was second to none and I will be thankful to everyone the rest of my life, specially Richard, I can say this the only way you could improve are help with cancer is to have a million richard turners.

10th May 2016
Response from Mr Richard Turner

Thank you so much for this feedback. It is genuinely appreciated and makes my job all the more worthwhile.


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  • Adult Nurse, Level 1


Urology Nurse Practitioner working for University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust. Proud to provide the highest quality of patient care.