
Victoria Hospital

Whinney Heys Road, Blackpool, England, FY3 8NR
69,658 reviews




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Written by a carer
22nd August 2016

My mum was on holiday and was taken bad with a chest infection, she was taken to Blackpool hosp, shes been there since Friday, mum as had many hosp admissions in Sheffield where she lives,but this hosp is a disgrace. Mum as had her dignity taken away from her,she was made to have a catheter put in place against her wishes, had very limited fluids,not been allowed her own nightwear, made to stay in bed and not been washed. When all her family are in Sheffield this makes things very difficult for her,so you would think they would look after her, NO, they did not. She only has one member of the family with her,who as got to now stay on in the hotel until mum gets better. We have tried to get information from the hosp but they dont want to know us, all mum wants is to be taken to Sheffield hosp but they wont discuss this at all. I phoned the staff yesterday and demanded to speak about mums problems , i was told to discuss it with the family member who is with her. Iwas told someone would ring me back asap, but its now been 24 hours and no they i have had no call back. This hosp is very uncaring, passes no information on, and it does NOT put mums needs first. We now know that it looks like mums going to be there all week because they wont allow her to be taken by us or ambulance to Sheffield. Lets hope all of you out there dont need to stay in this hosp, we would say go somewhere else, or stay at home. from a caring daughter

Review of Endoscopy Daycase written by a patient
22nd August 2016

The question "How likely are you to recommend....." is stupid. I have never been asked what ward I want to go to. And recommendation to friends of a ward is not a normal subject of discussion. Question should be raised to hospital level for recommendation. With a question on how the patient viewed the ward they were in. Care was very professional with excellent staff at all stages.

Written by a patient
17th August 2016

I received first class care on ward 39, the staff were very kind, nothing was too much trouble, they helped in every way they could to get me back on my feet and back to normality, I can't thank them enough.

Written by a patient
24th July 2016

I was taken into Blackpool Victoria as an emergency in a very unstable condition with a serious heart problem. Originally sent via Fleetwood walk in centre, by ambulance with paramedics, they were wonderful, supportive, caring and highly skilled in their care of a very scared patient.Into Victoria A/E again very supportive, immediate attention to my condition, although beds were full in CC Ward 37B eventually I was given a bed, during that couple of hours in Emergency I felt as safe as I could be and the staff and doctors very attentive, reassured all the way. My care on that ward for several days was exemplary, caring and supportive at all times, highly skilled in all their areas of care, I am here now because of that, forever grateful. Really only 1 observation within the ward regarding cleanliness of the toilet/shower. It could be better and this is not the cleaners fault I know , firstly they are required to complete too many areas in too short a time and without some really good cleaning materials, which it seems they are not allowed to use- this area really needs looking at. The drains smelled all the time and needed some other attention from maintenance staff, it was reported. The meals where fine and plenty of choices, after all we are in a hospital, not the Rizt. Plenty of tea or other choices throughout the day, if you missed the trolley the staff were always happy to bring an extra cup. Beds changed everyday day. Happy and helpful staff in all areas, even when pushed because of staff shortages. I am so very grateful to all concerned from the highly skilled medical staff to all others that give of their time to make it all work and it does. The only thing that is making it difficult for them all is not due to their commitment , but shortages in the financing of all areas, staff shortages included. Staff from many areas the world working alongside our own British professionals-where would we be without them all! THANK YOU!!

Review of Day Surgery written by a patient
13th July 2016

Everybody has been so kind and attentive, score out of 10 - 11 a big thank you to everyone who helped me

Review of Psychological Therapies Team – PIMH
8th July 2016

Listen to me/don't Jorde. Friendly/supporting.

Review of Fylde Coast Birth Centre written by a patient
2nd July 2016

The experience on the birth centre was excellent I could not fault it at all. A very calm experience. Unfortunately my blood pressure was not stable enough to continue with the birth on the centre so I had to be moved which I completely understand. To go from the birth centre to Ward D is a complete contrast and something that needs looking into in my opinion as you go from an amazing relaxed and calm environment to total bedlam. I realise the ward is busy and there is always something going on but the noise levels are too much and you cannot get any rest at all. If you have an uncomplicated birth I know you normally get discharged after 6 hours which is great but when you have a complicated birth and have to then stay in, in the noisy environment is just not very fair to put people through it. There needs to be more space and something to try and drown out the noise.When the new women and children's part of the hospital was built this should have been taken into consideration in my opinion to be able to give people more privacy after giving birth

Review of Ward D written by a patient
2nd July 2016

I have to say the treatment I received was of a high standard and I know the ward is a very busy place but it is impossible to get any kind of rest at all. I had a fairly traumatic birth as it ended up in theatre, which again I totally understand can happen and am grateful for the care I got but after the experience of that and then no sleep at all due to the busy nature of the ward it makes the start of motherhood not great at all. All throughout pregnancy you are advised to keep baby and yourself as calm as possible but this is virtually impossible when there is something going on 24 hours a day. I understand the ward has to be like this but I would have though when the new women and children's part of the hospital was built some thought into what mothers have to go through and there immediate aftercare would have been taken into consideration. 4 people on a ward with only curtains to separate them is not good enough in my opinion as the noise level is too high. Surely some other kind of partitions could have been thought about to ease the noise level. I understand its a busy place but more thought should be taken into account depending on how the birth has gone. The experience of being on ward D would be put me off having another baby.

Written by a patient
30th June 2016

The staff on the surgical admissions ward were so friendly & helpful, they couldn't do enough for you, after I had my operation my wife was waiting in the recovery suite with me & one of the health care assistants (small lady with dark brown hair) brought her a cup of tea & biscuits while she was waiting for me to wake up (my wife told me as I was asleep

Review of Day Surgery written by a patient
27th June 2016

I would like to say thank you to Donna health care assistant, Alistair anaesthetist and Mr Mutema surgeon for the excellent treatment I received in the day surgery unit yesturday. The way they spoke to me, the information I was given and their general manner was excellent. PLEASE PASS ON MY THANKS AND APPRECIATION TO THEM. I was extremely nervous and they were all fantastic. My care was excellent. A new comfortable waiting room with thoughtful extras eg fish tank and television screens. Everything was immaculately clean. The treatment area and rooms were all of an excellent standard. I could not fault any staff or the unit. My only criticism was having to be there at 11am and not been operated on until 4:30pm especially as I was so nervous. Deborah Zeal 446494

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