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Written by a patient
24th July 2016

I was taken into Blackpool Victoria as an emergency in a very unstable condition with a serious heart problem. Originally sent via Fleetwood walk in centre, by ambulance with paramedics, they were wonderful, supportive, caring and highly skilled in their care of a very scared patient.Into Victoria A/E again very supportive, immediate attention to my condition, although beds were full in CC Ward 37B eventually I was given a bed, during that couple of hours in Emergency I felt as safe as I could be and the staff and doctors very attentive, reassured all the way. My care on that ward for several days was exemplary, caring and supportive at all times, highly skilled in all their areas of care, I am here now because of that, forever grateful. Really only 1 observation within the ward regarding cleanliness of the toilet/shower. It could be better and this is not the cleaners fault I know , firstly they are required to complete too many areas in too short a time and without some really good cleaning materials, which it seems they are not allowed to use- this area really needs looking at. The drains smelled all the time and needed some other attention from maintenance staff, it was reported. The meals where fine and plenty of choices, after all we are in a hospital, not the Rizt. Plenty of tea or other choices throughout the day, if you missed the trolley the staff were always happy to bring an extra cup. Beds changed everyday day. Happy and helpful staff in all areas, even when pushed because of staff shortages. I am so very grateful to all concerned from the highly skilled medical staff to all others that give of their time to make it all work and it does. The only thing that is making it difficult for them all is not due to their commitment , but shortages in the financing of all areas, staff shortages included. Staff from many areas the world working alongside our own British professionals-where would we be without them all! THANK YOU!!
