The Whiteleaf Centre

Bierton Road, Aylesbury, England, HP20 1EG Also known as: Buckinghamshire Recovery College
2,107 reviews




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Review of Aylesbury Vale Community Mental Health Team
16th July 2024

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Review of Aylesbury Vale Day Hospital
12th July 2024

They listened to me

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Review of Ruby Ward
12th July 2024

i think the discharge plan was good but that is only because i have got a good community team involved otherwise it would be very dire

Suggested improvements
well for starters the hospital managed to let me overdose on medication whilst i was a patient on the ward. this was prescribed meds that they diddnt watch me take so i stored them up and it resulted in an ambulance being called and being addmitted to hopsital. the way staff use restraints is unhumane aswell, they just maul you around and inject even if our not that upset. i personally suffer with Self-Harm and have had comments from staff saying that the cuts are not that deep and get angry at me for hurting myself and making a mess thzt they have to clear up. For the most part staff are lazy and sit in the office all day and cannot be bothered to take patients out on leave or even open up the activitys room so we have something to occupy ourselves with. staff walk around the ward with earphones in and on their phones alot of the time and i have even had a nurse do my medication in just socks! because he had been sleeping an diddnt bother to wear appropriate footwear into the med room. i have been also given someone elses medication before and when i realised and brought it up staff denied it.

2024-07-16 08:35:26
Response from The Whiteleaf Centre

Thank you very much for taking some time to write this review for us. This is valuable as it helps us to develop and look at improvements for the ward. I am sorry to hear that your experience on Ruby ward was so difficult for you and that you did self harm while here. We will be feeding back this review in our staff meeting. We encourage all of our patients to work on safety planning with staff on the ward as there can be many opportunities to self harm in everyday life. I am also sorry that you did not get this opportunity as it can help enormously when people are feeling this way. Our activity staff and peer support do try to open the activity room regularly but I do understand that it can be frustrating when this cannot happen. It is great to hear that you have excellent community support and I am sure this will be valuable in your ongoing recovery. If you would like to discuss any of the other issues about specific situations please do get in touch with either the Manager or Matron and we can meet to discuss. Thanks again.

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FFT Experience
Review of Ruby Ward
10th July 2024

The food is good and you can walk around, and if you need things like towels or bedding there is always clean ones available. Its good to watch tv, and have the art room too and there is the patient kitchen where you get your own drinks and snacks.

Suggested improvements
Maybe have some more interesting snacks like mini chocolates.

2024-07-16 09:01:53
Response from The Whiteleaf Centre

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review for us. This is valuable for us to think about how we can improve our service. We will discuss your suggestion about mini chocolates in our team meeting Many Thanks,

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FFT Experience
Review of Aylesbury Vale Crisis and Home Treatment Team
10th July 2024

Advice on diet.

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Review of Aylesbury Vale Crisis and Home Treatment Team written by
10th July 2024

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Rating not given.
Review of Aylesbury Vale Crisis and Home Treatment Team
10th July 2024

Review of Ruby Ward
10th July 2024

Caring staff. Friendly patients. Tasty and nutritious food. Chances to go to the chapel, and out on leave (especially extended leave with family).

Suggested improvements
Sometimes you are left waiting at the nursing office door for a long time.

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FFT Experience
Review of Ruby Ward
10th July 2024

The activity room was great and all staff in it were amazing. Very kind, helpful and they really help to make the time spent here fun. The chicken mayonnaise sandwiches were delicious as was the chicken korma. Making friends with the other patients was also a great help. It's great how Shepherd seems to live here as he's on shift 24hrs! And again, All the activity room staff!

Suggested improvements
There should be more opportunities to speak with therapists or psychologists. Group therapy should happen at least 3 times a week. Agency staff don't seem to be very friendly or knowledgeable. Staff to be more approachable and willing to open laundry room etc when asked. Ensure request for leave is adhered to - often doesn't happen due to under-staffing.

2024-07-16 08:58:59
Response from The Whiteleaf Centre

Thank you so much for taking the time to review our ward. This is valuable information for us to think about how we can improve our service. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the new sandwiches (from a new supplier) that we provide and that you were able to make friends with the other patients on the ward. Unfortunately we do not have a clinical psychologist on the ward at present, however we are planning on recruiting into this position. I will feedback all of your suggestions for improvement in our staff meeting and discuss how to improve in this area.

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FFT Experience
Review of Ruby Ward
9th July 2024

The art room, and the other patients, seeing family and toastie group :)

Suggested improvements
Maybe talking/better communication with patients would be good.

2024-07-10 15:47:45
Response from The Whiteleaf Centre

Thank you so much for taking the time to offer feedback for our service. This is valuable to us and how we develop our service. Your comment about communication is really helpful. We are about to begin some work on improving how our staff could communicate better with others. If you would like to discuss these points further please do ask to speak with the ward manager.

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