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Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
19th November 2018

As soon as I was put in the care of Mr Rahul Dubey, I felt I had total confidence in him. He explained, in great detail, what the surgery would entail and actually made me feel more at ease about the whole situation. Mr Dubey was very easy to talk to and he was happy answering in detail the many questions we had. He was very reassuring and because I am an extremely anxious person, this is just what I needed to help put my mind at ease before my operation. Shortly after surgery, I recall seeing Mr Dubey by my bedside and I remember him telling me that the operation had gone well, which I was so very grateful for. He also visited me on the ward to see how I was feeling and once again, he put my mind at rest that I was doing well and answered the questions I felt I wanted to ask him. I have since seen Mr Rahul Dubey at my follow-up appointment and once again, he explained everything to me in a very clear, professional manner and answered the questions we raised in full. I feel very grateful to Mr Dubey for everything he did for me and I certainly would not hesitate to recommend him to other patients who are going to be placed in his care. Thank you very much.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
18th November 2018

I had an appointment with Dr Dubey at the Queens Hospital Romford to discuss the issues I have with my lower back. he showed me the results on his computer from the MRI scan I had on my back and thoroughly explained where potential issues could be and possibly arise. I currently have a problem with my knee and have been advised by another surgeon that a knee replacement is required, and on that basis Dr Dubey advised having the knee replacement first which would then give a truer picture regarding my spine etc once this knee alignment has been rectified. Dr Dubey reassured me that I could make further appointments with him once my knee has been sorted out and that there was nothing for me to worry about with regards to my back at this moment in time.

Written by a patient at King George Hospital
14th November 2018

He is a very caring doctor, he listens to what you say which is quite rare today I had my first appointment in April , I was in a lot of pain in my legs he explained that I had pressure on my spine in my lower back and he advised me that the best thing would be an operation.He explained everything to me about the procedure . I had my op inJune and it was a great success, I can now walk without leg pain I would recommend this doctor to anyone .I am still under his care and very grateful to him

16th November 2018
Response from Mr Rahul Dubey

Dear Patient, Many thanks for you kind words. Rahul Dubey

Written by a patient at Brentwood Community Hospital
12th November 2018

I met Dr Dubey at his Brentwood Surgery . I found him a very pleasant man to talk to . He showed me my spine on the computer , taken from previous scans . He explained to me the problem i had with my spine , as indicated on the scans . He then explained to me exactly what he could do , by surgery to stabilize the deterioration on the upper part of my spine .Dr Dubey also pointed out the possible draw backs of this type of operation. on his recommend i decided to go ahead with the operation. The operation went ahead . how Dr Dubey managed to operate on my upper part of spine by entering through the front , moving my throat and voice box to one side , so he could take 2 discs out and replace with metal cages ,i will never know. the operation thanks to the skill of Dr Dubey was a success. Dr Dubey is a surgeon i would highly recommend . Chris Byford

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
6th November 2018

Emergency spinal surgery following an accident. The care I received was superb. I was made fully aware of options open to me. Mr Dubey spent extra time examining scans and xrays to ensure the best long term outcome.


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