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Written by a patient at The John Radcliffe
19th January 2018

In October 2017, I was a 74 year old passenger in a car accident and broke my neck at the 5th and 6th vertebrae. When I arrived at Swindon hospital I was completely paralysed below the neck and they chose to move me to the John Radcliffe where Mr Robin Bhatia (who alternates between the two hospitals) was the on-call surgeon. He made it perfectly clear that surgery was necessary to relieve the pressure on my spinal chord and that there was a remote chance of recovery. He operated all night (6-7 hours), taking the opportunity to operate through the front and rear of my neck in a two phased operation which, I understand, might only have included the first phase had I not been strong enough. Following the operation my children were informed honestly that I should recover some movement in my arm but they should not hope for more. However the operation was such a success (in part I understand due to the immediate surgery) that over the coming days I recovered movement in all limbs and was removed from ventilation. Just two months later I can walk without assistance and have movement in both arms with some limitations. I am so grateful to Mr Bhatia who quite evidently performed excellent surgery and laid the foundation for me to work toward recovering my mobility through physio and hard work.

Written by a patient at The Great Western Hospital
21st November 2017

I was admitted to Great Western Hospital with a burst and retro-pulsed fracture to my spine (one of my vertebrae was completely shattered) after a fall from a ladder. Some of the bone fragments were pushing onto my spinal cord which carried an immediate risk of paralysis. Dr Bhatia was very clear about the risks of both having surgery and not having surgery. Although this was all very traumatic and quite scary Dr Bhatia openness and calm confidence made me feel I could trust his judgement and surgical skill to repair the damage. I am now writing this 8 months after surgery and I am almost back to my old self. My spine is healing nicely and despite the fixation attached to my spine (which is likely to be permanent) I already have nearly full mobility and strength. I walk, swim, and cycle regularly. I really appreciate the surgical skill of Dr Bhatia and also the support of the entire team at Great Western Hospital in quite literally getting me back on my feet.

Written by a patient at The Great Western Hospital
23rd September 2017

Prior to the operation he explained exactly what he was going to do to my spine and the risks involved together with pictures.

Written by a patient at The Great Western Hospital
21st June 2017

I am very thankful to the Great Western Hospital, Swindon and consultant Robin Bhatia for treating my back issues. I received excellent care throughout. Mr Bhatia was professional, understanding and his friendly manner put me at ease.... an excellent surgeon. A real credit to the NHS.

Written by a patient at The Great Western Hospital
8th May 2017

Initially Mr Bhatia listened! Mr Bhatia clearly explained his speciality and which course of medical options applicable to my condition that were open to me. Having decided to proceed with an operation to relieve the pressure on my lower spine he placed special emphasis, in view of my age and medical history, on the potential risks involved. It was because of the thoroughness of this that I was encouraged to proceed. Six weeks on from the operation I was seen by Mr Bhatia when I then had the opportunity to mention the pain I was experiencing to the front of my legs (shins) and the need to wear body brace because of back pain. The results of the operation, however, has great improved my health and well being and can only sincerely thank him for that.


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Robin Bhatia MA PhD FRCS(SN) is a Consultant Spinal Neurosurgeon practicing at The Great Western Hospital and the Ridgeway BMI Hospital, with an Honorary Consultant contract at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. His practice is devoted to the management of spinal problems.

Mr Bhatia read medicine at Exeter College in The University of Oxford, and then at Guys, Kings and St Thomas' Medical Schools in London. He qualified in medicine in 2000, sub-specialised in Neurosurgery and received a Doctorate in Clinical Neurosciences in 2010. He obtained the Neurosurgical Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2011.

He undertook the North London Complex Spinal Fellowship in The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore in 2011-2012.

His specialist interests include: lumbar and cervical spine degenerative disease causing chronic back and neck pain; spinal cord and nerve root decompression; spinal (nerve root/epidural and facet joint) injection therapy; intervertebral disc disease; inflammatory and infective spinal pathologies; spinal fractures/instability; spondylolisthesis; failed back syndrome and revision surgery; intradural pathology; adult scoliosis/kyphosis and spinal tumours.

Mr Bhatia is also the Clinical Governance Lead for Trauma and Orthopaedics at The Great Western Hospital; and Chair of the Spinal Multidisciplinary Team which convenes regularly to discuss complex cases. Mr Bhatia has a busy spinal practice, but is devoted to his work and helping his patients.

Outside of work, he enjoys playing sport and being with his family. When allowed, he likes watching the snooker and darts!