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Some of the staff were brilliant, particularly Kath a staff nurse, Naomi a staff nurse, Jan a staff nurse, Karen a health care assistant and I'm really sorry I can't remember their surnames and Sheila Strangeways health care assistant, they were so caring and considerate towards me even at my lowest point when others didn't seem bothered! I was very impressed with the wheelchair accessibility for a shower, I did however find a couple of the supposed disabled accessible toilets on the ward were very difficult to access with my wheelchair! I did feel the drug administration left a lot to be desired and I feel could actually be quite dangerous. I really do feel that when staff are so busy it would be so helpful to them and patients, who are capable, if they could self medicate, and with lockable cupboards I don't see the problem. Some staff own time management skills seem to be very lacking, unless there was something I was missing! I don't agree with staff making up my care plan without discussing it with me and putting incorrect information in that care plan. I don't like the fact that although staff did regular observations and asked the questions from the palm computers, my answers were never acted on! Some of the food is very poor. The doctors still see a condition not a whole person and their conditions which is not helpful at all. I was not at all well all night before my discharge, I did not feel at all well on the morning of my discharge, I did not feel safe to go home to be on my own as I live alone and I did tell all members of staff yet I was still discharged home and I am struggling. When things are promised from the doctors and nurse specialists it should happen.
Written by a patient, 13th October 2016