Average rating (211744 reviews)
As the patient from 2020 made their review, you were lucky.2023 was worse the patients an awful lot of elderly woman had cries for help ignored I feared for my life drugs protocols weren't followed, I had type 2 narcotics in my possession The NHS protocol says they should be locked on a safe place. Despite protestations they forced oramorph down my throat. Ignoring my pleas that I had a bad reaction to oramorph my own opiates were in plain site and I explained, That was what I was suppose to be given. Some of my opiates went "missing" I lost my wallet twice the first time two nice paramedics found it. The second time it was stolen my credit card numbers passed on to someone in Canterbury only some moron jumped the gun pretending to be fraud line saying £1400 had been stolen my wallet had other cards and a beaded crucifix with a sentiment on it, was one off and given by my late wife it meant a lot to me. She suffered of curable lung cancer, through prevarication laziness ignorance even MDT forms were altered. 30 and 62 day NHS charter pledges went without treatment. She died in my arms one week over one year after diagnosis. And the truth has no defence against liars. My phone was taken off me, it was tampered with so I could call friends The casing was broken. It took days to get it working but it's still not right. It says above my review please help others get great care by sharing your views. Here we go some doctors talk to you and treat you like something they stepped in, a nasty attitude would be an understatement to end all understatements and many doctors leave the door open so the rest of the waiting patients can hear the nastiness. Jaques should make surprise visits, I'm sure she would be impressed (not) I wouldn't talk to a dog the way some doctors to patients. Many UHND doctors I'd give five stars they actually show they care they talk to you. The others who rarely look you in they eye would not last five minutes if they worked for me
8th November 2023