
Mrs Karen Totty

65 reviews


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Written by a NHS patient at Stoma Services
23rd June 2021

If angels exist Karen is one ,i was in total pieces when she first visited me within half an hour she had built my confidence to where i could face the world ,she passed her knowledge of stoma care on to me in terms i could easily understand and put to use.After each visit my confidence and trust in Karen grew.I called her one evening with what i thought was a catastrophe she came and sorted the problem easily and never batted an eyelid.Anyone who gets Karen as there nurse will get the best possible care and attention ,she must be an asset to Fittleworth and there products.

23rd June 2021
Response from Mrs Karen Totty

Thank you for sharing this feedback. As Head of Clinical Services at Fittleworth, it is always so lovely to read this kind of testimony. Karen most definitely is an asset to our service. Thank you to you for taking the time to write this. Kindest Regards. Jane Brill

Written by a NHS patient at Stoma Services
11th June 2021

This lady/nurse deserves more than 5 stars. This experience was a first for myself. I could not have got through this if it wasn't for the dedication of Karen. She was there for me when the surgeon/hospital wasn't. Her kind, caring ability to get me through this is something that I will never forget. She has gone the extra mile to get me where I am today. Its only 5 months now but it has been a terrible 5 months and if she wasn't here to offer her support in every way, it would have been a different story. I'm awaiting more surgery and I'm hoping this time, Karen won't have to put as much time and energy into me after, as she has done with this one. Knowing she is at the end of a phone means a lot too. She has always returned my calls/messages when able too. I feel its not just been myself and my partner on this journey- its been Karen too. A lovely lady with a lovely attitude towards her job and her patients. I personally couldn't have done it without her.

Written by a NHS patient at Stoma Services
29th April 2021

Karan was very helpful and professional answering all my questions of which they were many! she reassured me and gave me the confidence to cope as for me it was a very difficult and life changing time. She also took care of ordering my products making sure they were the suitable for me using her vast experience and setting my account up with the supplier making it easy for me. She also gave me lots of advice about anything to do with my condition. Karan also told me to phone her if I had any problems which I find very reassuring and helpful.

Written by a NHS patient
29th April 2021

Karen's open & honest way of explaining the practicalities of dealing with a stoma helped enormously. What I first thought of as disgusting & degrading became normal, and no question was too trivial/embarrassing. Her sense of humour & infinite patience addressed not just the physical aspects of my situation but the mental ones as well. She has given me that most precious of things - hope for the future. "Thank you" seems inadequate, but there it is - thank you Karen.

Written by a NHS patient at Stoma Services
20th April 2021

Karen Totty in my opinion is an excellent Stoma Nurse in a matter of weeks she has guided me through one of the worst times of my life to a stage where I have grown in confidence and can face the future life with a stoma. After trying various appliances I have now found the best for me. Karen is always available to get in touch with and her support and understanding has been outstanding. This may seem OTT but if you saw where I was at the beginning of this journey you would realise why I can’t give enough praise. Thank you Karen


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Specialises in

  • Stoma Care


  • Adult Nurse, Level 1
  • General Nurse, Level 2
  • Nurse Independent/Supplementary Prescriber


Karen Totty is a Stoma Specialist Nurse who has worked in the NHS and private sector since qualifying as a State Enrolled nurse in 1986 and then a Registered General Nurse in 1989. During this time Karen has developed a vast wealth of knowledge and skills within the Colorectal Surgical Speciality.
Karen began her Stoma career in 2001 as a Colorectal/Stoma Specialist Nurse, at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. In 2007 she ventured out into the community as a Stoma Specialist Nurse working for Wilkinson Healthcare and then Fittleworth Medical. In November 2023, Karen moved over to the Nottingham Appliance Management Service (NAMS), as a Stoma Specialist Nurse and Prescriber. She works closely with NHS Specialist Stoma Nurses and other Health Professionals to provide individualised care and support to patients using the NAMS Service.
In her free time Karen is a keen gardener and enjoys spending time with her family, going for walks and travelling at home and abroad.

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