
Mrs Karen Totty

65 reviews


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Written by a patient at Stoma Services
30th September 2020

I would like to say i have had home visits from Karen to check that i am managing ok with the stoma and everything is healthy i can honestly say Karen as been fantastic with all the support she as given me and I don’t think I would have got through this last two months without her support. Thank you so much. Sharon

Written by a patient at Fittleworth
14th September 2020

I don't know where to start, I had gone through hell for two years and so to then find out I was going to have a stoma fitted it broke me and that's probably an understatement. I couldn't stop crying and having nearly died after surgery my life had completely changed and I couldn't believe it was happening to me. Karen made me feel so relaxed and comfortable, she reassured me and answered all questions I had and nothing was too much trouble. At the beginning I was having to see Karen a lot due to problems I was having and I was had no faith in myself or what I was doing at all. Karen put in so much time, support and care to me and really helped me come to terms with my new friend. Due to ongoing problems I ended up having a reversal and a colostomy fitted instead and thanks to Karen. She told me to speak to my Consultant regarding the problems I was having with my Ileostomy and that she felt a Colostomy would be better for me and my god she was right. Yes I took a massive step back when I started again but I was praised so so much and reassured at how well I was doing and it soon became second nature and I am doing so so much better now than I ever have before. I have never really seen me having it full term but I am now happy to live with this as I am so much better with it and I'm doing fine. I am looking forward to irrigation and hoping that will give me an even bigger lease of life. I could never have gotten to where I am today without Karen and she has been my rock through all of this and has made my experience a lot easier. She hasn't just done this for me but for my mum also who she has spent time explaining things to and what we need to do step by step. She is a diamond and is amazing at her job, anyone who has her as their nurse is extremely lucky and that's how I see myself, lucky to have had her. Thank you for everything Karen and for putting up with me, I couldn't have done it without you.

Written by a patient at Fittleworth
1st September 2020

Karen has been such an excellent support to me since having my stoma, no problem is too big or small and she always responds to my questions and enquiries quickly and sensitively. I booked a holiday very last minute, and contacted Karen in a panic having never been abroad with my stoma. Karen took the time to explain everything to me, gave ma a list of "must takes", explained to me what to expect, what to look out for, and even arranged for me to get a travel certificate and spare bags before i left. This care is appreciated more than i can ever say

3rd September 2020
Response from Mrs Karen Totty

Thank you for leaving this lovely feedback, I am pleased that Karen was so helpful and able to give you some practical advice for you and that you enjoyed your holiday. Tina- Nursing Services Manager, Fittleworth.

Written by a carer at Stoma Services
30th August 2020

I’d like to thank Karen for looking after my dad with fantastic care, he has instructed me to send this message, after his chemo and operation to take out his bladder and prostate, so on behalf of my father Geoffrey Crossley, thank you so much, he is doing really well and I have my dad back xxx Kind Regards Mark Crossley

Written by a patient at Fittleworth
15th August 2020

I had to change my bags aster 28 years Karen is a great nurse went through everything with me sending me samples looking to see if they fitted . Karen as been very helpful.


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Specialises in

  • Stoma Care


  • Adult Nurse, Level 1
  • General Nurse, Level 2
  • Nurse Independent/Supplementary Prescriber


Karen Totty is a Stoma Specialist Nurse who has worked in the NHS and private sector since qualifying as a State Enrolled nurse in 1986 and then a Registered General Nurse in 1989. During this time Karen has developed a vast wealth of knowledge and skills within the Colorectal Surgical Speciality.
Karen began her Stoma career in 2001 as a Colorectal/Stoma Specialist Nurse, at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. In 2007 she ventured out into the community as a Stoma Specialist Nurse working for Wilkinson Healthcare and then Fittleworth Medical. In November 2023, Karen moved over to the Nottingham Appliance Management Service (NAMS), as a Stoma Specialist Nurse and Prescriber. She works closely with NHS Specialist Stoma Nurses and other Health Professionals to provide individualised care and support to patients using the NAMS Service.
In her free time Karen is a keen gardener and enjoys spending time with her family, going for walks and travelling at home and abroad.

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