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Written by a patient
21st February 2019

I first me Nurse Hunnisett (Andrew) during my initial visit to the Rosemere cancer unit at the Royal Preston Hospital. After recently being diagnosed with Prostate cancer, this was my first visit to the "Rosemere" whereupon the treatment options would be discussed. At the time of my visit I was still deeply shocked by the fact I had been diagnosed with cancer, furthermore, after the appointment with the team there was so much to consider pertaining to the treatment options open to me and how / when this treatment would be administered, even though it had been discussed during the consultation I just didn't grasp all of it at the time. Typically, as the days went on and as I absorbed the information discussed during the consultation with the team, as well as reading the literature provided, I had many questions and concerns on treatment options, and of course which direction my life would be taking from now on. Further consideration had to be given to the fact I am still working and needed to have a good understanding of my situation so I could discuss this with my employer. During that initial visit to the "Rosemere" Andrew had given me his telephone and email address and suggested that I should contact if I had any questions. I was a little reluctant to contact Andrew as I can only imagine how busy he must be during the course of his day. Nevertheless, I did contact him, and received a very prompt and detailed response, which was very reassuring. I have indeed contacted Andrew on a number of occasions since regarding my treatment plan / schedule and always receive a prompt response, for which I am very grateful. Personally, I feel more comfortable (mentally) with my condition today because I have a much better understanding of the care plan that is in place. Furthermore, and very importantly, is the fact that I have the reassurance that Andrew, as part of a much bigger team, is there to support me along this journey I now find myself on. Without this level of support, I have no doubt this journey would be that much more difficult.
